SGOTM3 Rome - Team Ivan

Ivans turnlog:
0 950 AD
Pre-turn. Tech changed to Magnetism (40%, 60%, 0%)(5 turns).
Trade Japan Ebur+3gpt for Suff+Saltpeter+Coudi+Fur.
Trade India 26 gpt for our Lux without Gems+6 gold.
Change MA to Smith.
Barbarians come, Babylon riots. Automove was not disabled therefore caravels sailed in an unknown direction.
1 960 AD
Capture Warvic, attempted to capture London,
Declare war and land on Aztec territory
Barbarians attack Norwich, are destroyed.
2 970 AD
English Destroyed
Captured Tula, Tzintzunten, Tlaxcala. Got GL and used to build Army.
Declared war on Greece and captured Rhodes.
Aztec loses a swordman.
3 980 AD
Calixtlahuaca captured.
Herakleia captured.
Lost two cavalry near Aztec capital, Tlaxcala culture flips.
Aztec loses a swordman. Magnetism discovered
4 990 AD
Captured Eretria, recaptured Tlaxcala, . Saltpeter pillaged
Aztec lose 4 swordmen, we lose 1 cavalry.
5 1000 AD
Tenchtitlan and Thessalonica captured.
We lose two cavalry, Aztec lose three swordmen.
6 1010 AD
Tlateloco captured
Nothing happens
7 1020 AD
Greek Destroyed, Tlacopan captured.
Barbarians attack Legeoner and die. Workers hide in Grand River.
8 1030 AD
Capture Grand River, Saltpeter pillaged. Move troops to Xochicalco.
Kaiser_Berger said:
1) I think a good strategy would be kill, kill, an kill some more. :evil:

2) Just keep pressing forth against the Aztecs I think.

3) And we can probably go for min science again to get some cash.

4)Not sure why Ivan researched so far. I understand getting galleons, but I'm not sure what going industrial will do. Oh well.

5)At least we'll be able to dominate the world to the cool Industrial Age piano music :lol:
1) I think we have to Capture, not kill. May be domination will work.
2) I think without saltpeter (now) and Iron (soon) Aztecs are doomed (3-4 turns max). Iroquois are next.
3) question is shall we go to domination or conquest. If conquest better to have RR, and Rep. Parts. (30 turns approx). If Domination, we need money to rush Libs and tempels and settlers. (20 turns probably more).
4) But I like RR anyway.
5) To be honest, I'd like to test my new computer at industrial age. It crashed, as I thought, bu my son managed to fix it.

Hurry Bibliotheca in Athens, and change some libraries(we didn’t lost many shields) to settlers for the barb island, hurry settler in Nuremberg, Herakleia and Mycenae.

Press Enter…

We learn ToG: I choose Steam Power as our next tech.

We get a palace expansion.

1040AD (1)
We found Hispalis on the barb island.

We kill a pike in Ixtapaluca.

Siege of Xochicalco:
Eite cav kills a pike.
We lose an Elite cav to a reg pike.
Eite cav kills another pike.
Eilte cav kills the last pike and we capture the city. :clap:

Hurry Bibliotheca in Cologne, San Francisco, and Hannover. Hurry templum in Troy.

War Weariness is BIG, and MicroManaging requires a lot of time.

I’ll shut down the research for a while(I’ll make a single scientist), because we need the money to rush libraries and temples.

I won’t begin Newton’s, as we don’t need it.

The Aztecs re-capture Teotichuacan with a cav(0 gold stolen).
Tlacopan flips back to the Aztecs(we didn’t lost a single cav as before, as I won’t let them fortified inside the Aztecs cities).

We complete Smith’s Trading Company in Mabellonica. :goodjob:

1050AD (2)
We re-capture Tlacopan and Teotichuan.

I kill a spear in Ixtapaluca.

We capture Malinalco, Tlalmanalco, Teayo, and Texcoco(Aztec capital). :clap:

I rush a temple in Lyons and London, and Bibliotheca in Coventry.

3 Japan galley’s are near York: I hope that they won’t unload units the next turn. Maybe they’re going to the barb island.
Montezuma wants peace; I show him the door.

1060AD (3)
We find Viroconium, Lugdunum, and Lutetia on the barb island.

We kill a musket and 3 spears in Chalco and lose 1 Elite cav, but 1 longbow remains in the city.

We capture Ixtapaluca and Cattaraugus. :bounce: I pillage another 2 Iron resources(I had pillaged 1 more the previous turn).

I rush settlers in Sparta, Athens, Ephesus. I rush Bibliotheca in Delphi and Oxford.

1070AD (4)
We capture Chalco.

I rush templum in Knossos, Argos and Hastings.

1080AD (5)
I rush templum in Sparta, Ephesus and Mycenae.

Chalco flips back to the Aztecs.

1090AD (6)
We re-capture Chalco.

I rush temple in Norwich, Eretria and Lugdunum.

We get another palace expansion.

1100AD (7)
We capture Tepexpan, and Cempoala. :devil2:

I rush templum in Hispalis, Syracuse and Viroconium.

Texcoco flips back.

1110AD (8)
Cempoala(former Aztec): in this city I have problems managing it, because it’s on the EDGE of the map and I CAN’T see where the citizens work, and I don’t know how to prevent the riots. So, I let the governor control this city.

We re-capture Texcoco.

We capture Huexotla, and I let the governor control it(same as Cempoala as I mentioned above).

I rush templum in Brundisium, Byzantium and Rhodes, and Portus in Hannover.

1120AD (9)
We capture Tepetlaoxtoc.

I rush templum in Thessalonica(my city), Lutetia

1130AD (10)
We capture Chiconautla, and THE AZTECS ARE HISTORY. :band:

I rush templum in Grand River, Tula, Tzintzuntzen and Tlatelolco.

1) I have 3 settlers in 2 Caravels near Cologne(barb island). I haven’t moved them, because I’m waiting for 2 Galleons(loaded with units) to arrive there. Please escort the settlers slowly with our units, because there are barb camps between Cologne and Norwich(that is the only gap that remains on the barb island).
In Rhodes and Hispalis I have some troops waiting to be picked by our galleons; move them to front along with our new cities on the barb island.
Note that I have 3 more settlers under production in Delhpi, Athens and Sparta(if we want to settle EVERYTHING on the barb island).

2) We could build Newton’s if we want.

3) We could build 5 banks and build the Wall Street: I know that the game reaches towards it’s end, but money are always welcome(we could rush sooner temples, libraries and aquedects).

4) We’re researching Steam Power with a single scientist in Babylon.

5) I have fortified a few cavs inside some of the former Aztec cities, so we get rid of the resistors sooner; after the resistance ends, rush temples and libraries in our borders with the Iroquis first.

6) I think that we should send 1 unit for each of each city on OUR continent that still has resistance; it’s a pitty not to be able to rush there, and we need EVERY available tile. These cities are in the same condition from my last turns!

7) Don’t bother to build workers in the cities on the barb island that are far away and are surrounded by mountains and jungles; just rush harbors and only try to connect those that aren’t by the coast.

8) I didn’t made a trade on my turns; India, Japan and Iroquis are still down to Physics. Nor did I trade for luxes.

9) From 38.8% we went to 49.9% for domination. We already have the required population; we only need more land. We’re ranked 5: all we need now, is to rush temples, markets(in big cities), or to raise our lux a bit, so we get more happy citizens(more points). I wound’t recommend another war. Just make our citizens happy and rush improvements.

Good luck.
I wanted to add something:
1) A galleon near Athens that I forgot fortified, should go to unload the 3 cavs in the barb island for our new cities. If you want, wait for the musket nearby, and sail the next turn.
2) I have a settler near Viroconium: he should settle AFTER that mountain with gold and rush a temple(so we get the maximum available tiles).
3) mabellino: I have a few cavs on the barb island, each on a mountain. Leave them there, as they can "see" enough land and the barb camps cannot re-appear that way.

Maybe Ivan or K-B will make a dot map, with where mabellino should settle.
We should not stop warring. The Iroquois have pikes defending right now, so slicing them up will be easy. If we capture as much territory as we can, combined witht the territory we gain from cultural expansion and settlement, this will be done in 15-20 turns.

We should move the slow units that we have around into cities with resistance, so cavs can be used for further offensives. As far as settling on the Barb land, just space the cities apart a bit, so each one of their expansions will be claiming as much territory as possible.

BTW, good job taking out the Aztecs :goodjob:
K-B: I thought that if we end the resistance in our continent and in the former Aztec cities, we could rush temples and we'll get domination, because the tiles(with the border expansion) are enough for domination, and, also, if we would have our citizens more happy, we would get more points(?).

Anyway, you are more experienced, so I have no problem with your suggestion on continue the war.
btw: some of our troops need to heal for 1-2 turns.

In my turns, I could only send 4-5 cavs and a cav Army on the other continent. I played it offensively but without taking stupid risks, so we didn't lost more than 3-4 cavs during the war.
There are 2-3 cavs fortified in our continent, near the former English cities, as I feared those 3 Japan galleys and the 1 caravel of theirs; as it turned out, they're going back to Japan(?), I hope(you can still see some of them). So, wake them, load them into our galleons and of to the other continent.

Please check to see if I left the former Aztec cities into starvation diet.
I think we must declare war with Iroquois next turn and destroy them ASAP. Best to properly calculate where we will need temples and where libraries. In this case we will finish the game within 10 turns. If mabellino doesn't show and skips again I believe K-B can do it.
Regards, Ivan.
PS I hope i won't have to play any more.
Really nice war.

I believe that we should make a combination of war and rush building temples and such. Set the lux slider as high as possible, kill all research, and switch to happiness producing stuff.

And take out the Iriquois.

EDIT: We should enjoy peace for about 4 turns though to regroup and silence the war weariness.
Ok then, let's take the Iroquis out while we rush improvements!

P.S.: I have 2 cav Armies on the other continent; 1 with 3 cavs, and 1 with 2 cavs, so, load 1 more cav into the later.
Kaiser_Berger said:
Well, since it has been over day since K-A posted the save, I'll pick it up now.

Nooo missed out by 2 hours!

Last time I logged on KA was going to play today or yesterday!

KB you were on line when I posted this, if you guys can't give me a tiny bit of leeway then you obviously don't see me as part of the team. I accept there have been times where I've gone M.I.A. but I honestly don't feel this skip was justified. Let me know if you want my input. If not, then it's no loss to me.
You know, I knew as soon as I posted something, you would pop in :lol:

I haven't even really started yet, so go right ahead and take it. I certainly don't mind at all. I guess I was just jumping at another chance to play whack-a-civ with cavalry. If all goes well, I may not even get another set of turns ;)
I like the whack a civ part!
I'll play tonight then if no one has any objections... any tips?
I'd say a good guidline would be to expand our territory at all costs. Warfare, settling the barb land, and rushing temples are all things that should be done.
Kaiser_Berger said:
I'd say a good guidline would be to expand our territory at all costs. Warfare, settling the barb land, and rushing temples are all things that should be done.

So are we rushing temples because they're cheaper than libs? I suppose it only makes a turn or 2 of difference anyway.

As regards warfare, how many cavs do we need to guarantee victory at each city? A general rule of thumb would be ok... eg 2cav per pike etc?
Hope, you sort things out and Mabellino play now and K-B next. For fast win we need temples everywhere and Libs somewhere. Land now much larger than in SGOTM2, so If mabellino count tiles by hand it will be a hard job. But you may enjoy and play as you like.
Regards, Ivan.
Aside from capitals, five cav is usually enough to do in any city, provided the rng isn't out to get you. Also it depends if the city is on a hill, if its size 7+, stuff like that. A good guidline is you can never bring too many cavalry.
mabellino said:
Nooo missed out by 2 hours!

Last time I logged on KA was going to play today or yesterday!
I guess mabellino has a point. She made her plans according to when I said I was going to play. In the weekends, the 24h "got it" limit, should be 48h. There's also a real life besides Civ.

mabellino said:
if you guys can't give me a tiny bit of leeway then you obviously don't see me as part of the team.
Now mabellino, that's not true. We're honored to have you by our team! :D

mabellino said:
... any tips?
Just read what I posted, so you know what is going on(where I have the settlers, the galleons, troops-in-waiting, ect.. You may take some time to spot everything, and make your plans). Read what Ivan and K-B suggested after my turns.

It's better to concentrate your attack on 1 target at a time(or 2 if you want, and you have a good plan). Do not wait to defend with cavs; just kill everything in site!(there's enough cavs, IMHO, to whack the Iroquis and also leave 1-2 cavs/ behind for every 2 cities you take, so if they flip back, you could re-capture them).

Make sure not to leave any cavs fortified inside the cities, except the first turn you capture them.

Cavs have 3 movement; use it to your advantage.

Some units need to heal, and others need to go to the front. I think, you need 1-2 turns before you gather all the cavs to the front and also for healing the injured ones. Move the muskets/longbowmen to the front.
Guys sorry about the tone of that post earlier... life has been a bit stressful lately and I was looking forward to taking some anger out on the AI!
I didn't get chance to play much last night but I will finish it tonight and post a turn log before bed.
@KB: thanks for the rough guide, I think operation overkill is about to begin.
@Alex: also very good hints.... you've come a long way since the start of SGOTM2
@Ivan: Aaagh! hand counting all these tiles! I really hope that won't be necessary this time. If it is then we could divide the task out amongst ourselves.
@Zab: Quick hello cos I didn't want to leave you out!
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