SGOTM3 Rome - Team Sesn

Got it now. Now I have Mapstat and can notice minor things like uber cash.
IHT: Familiarising and stratagising. Going to work on our core, settling our backside, and taking some English Booty. (does that sound wrong?)
IBT: Aztecs want us to pay for peace. Going through the motions, I found out that only the English have horses and peter. Flawlessly RL an English Cav. Japs build Shakes, go industrial
Turn 1: Use the Senate to flatten Avignon. We get 3 gold. Germans and English are also industrial. Win half a dozen battles
IBT: Kill 2 English cavs, redline a german knight, redline a French LB, but lose a legion.
Turn 2: Whack 2 spears at brighton for 1 legion. An LB shows on top, but I wait, as next turn I have more thunder. Advance on Norwich
IBT: Aztecs and english start Newtons. Kill 1 english cav, see first German cav. I guess they got peter recently. Jerusalem looks like it will fall.
Turn 3: Raze Brighton, kill 2 slaves, and get a pult back after an elite legion dies to a reg LB. Raze Norwich, kill a slave. Get 11 gold. The Germans now have 6000+ gp while the English have 300. Cleanup a lot of English units around former Norwich. Found Nicodema Germany has rifles. Pop an MGL on an English Settler Pair.

Pause here as we find out what we want. FP in Syracuse? FP down by Athens? Army?
In quick hindsight, army and play on. We will get more of these guys.
IHT: Familiarising and stratagising. Going to work on our core, settling our backside, and taking some English Booty. (does that sound wrong?)
IBT: Aztecs want us to pay for peace. Going through the motions, I found out that only the English have horses and peter. Flawlessly RL an English Cav. Japs build Shakes, go industrial
Turn 1: Use the Senate to flatten Avignon. We get 3 gold. Germans and English are also industrial. Win half a dozen battles
IBT: Kill 2 English cavs, redline a german knight, redline a French LB, but lose a legion.
Turn 2: Whack 2 spears at brighton for 1 legion. An LB shows on top, but I wait, as next turn I have more thunder. Advance on Norwich
IBT: Aztecs and english start Newtons. Kill 1 english cav, see first German cav. I guess they got peter recently. Jerusalem looks like it will fall.
Turn 3: Raze Brighton, kill 2 slaves, and get a pult back after an elite legion dies to a reg LB. Raze Norwich, kill a slave. Get 11 gold. The Germans now have 6000+ gp while the English have 300. Cleanup a lot of English units around former Norwich. Found Nicodema Germany has rifles. Pop an MGL on an English Settler Pair.

Pause here as we find out what we want. FP in Syracuse? FP down by Athens? Army?
IBT: Kill 2 english cavs Rl a third and lose 1 legion to a fourth. Guess I angered them. Lose a legion to a german cav, kill an american knight RL 3 American knights.
Turn 4: Found Selucia in the Hills near England. Move our pults towards Jerusalem, which is the new hot spot.
IBT: English Build Newtons. Babs burn Tarentum. German cav kills 8 Hp army on a mountain. Doh India lands troops.
Turn 5: Dispatch 1 Indian warrior and 2 archers. Misclick. Reload. Kill off our glorious elite * horse. Athens is ready to be assualted, many moves are made.
IBT: Kill 2 American knights, and an English cav.
Turn 6: Build Artaxa, pults go 0-4 at Athens.
IBT: English cavs kill 3 legions, babs are running knights deep into our territory.
Turn 7: Lose 2 legions at Athens kill 3 hoplites and 1 archer, leaving 1 1hp Hoplite left. Rush Temple in Jerusalem.
IBT: Kill 2 American Knights 4 German cavs kill an army. arrgh. Kill some English cavs, lose a couple of legions.
Turn 8: Rush a rax in Jerusalem. Pray we can hold. 14 straight pult misses. We lose a legion but we raze Athens. We lose a legion but raze Coventry, denying the English spices. We are now in the English core. Build Aurelinem.
IBT: Kill 2 english cavs. Lose a legion to an english cav. Lose a legion to a bab knight. Germans are moving cavs towards/through Greece.
Turn 9: Cill misc units, trying to get a handoff force ready.
IBT: Lose an exposed 1 hp legion. lose a 4/4 legion defending across a river. Retreat a couple of things.
Turn 10: I have snuck in a Library at Rome. It is built. Trying to do some cleanup around here. England has the Gold again. Using Mapstat, we are the largest. Germany and Babylon are small but are really pestering us. England is the biggest enemy we see on a regular basis. I will hand off here with a small assualt force near Britain, a smattering of stuff around Neopolis and a kind of strung out army. Jerusalem has 2 armies in it. We get Invention in 1.
Things will be dicey for a few turns, as I might have over extended, but should quickly come back under control.

Firaxis Score 744
Jason Score 364
No Spoon yet.
Looks good Romeo. Maybe there's actually some hope for us yet.

Tal - UP?
Sesn - On deck

I'll give Tal a bit of time to see if he can get to it, or at least tell us otherwise.
I should have time at the weekend, so I suggest Sesn and I swap places in the roster for this rotation, if that's ok with everybody. That will give me a chance to have a more focussed read of the logs - looks like things are improving!
No problem Tal, I'd prefer to keep everyone involved rasther than starting a bunch of skips.

I'll try to get to this tonight, but I won't make any promises, as I have a date with Isabella in the old South.
My apologies team.

My date with Isabella went quite a bit later than expected (railroading :rolleyes: ), so I can't grab this until Sat (hopefully).

Tal, if you have time before I post a "got it", then just post and play.
IHT – Mostly set the units for an interturn attack. Lose a legion retreating a knight. Lose a legion attacking an archer on a mountain.

IT – Trade a legion for a cav. The legion we lost was elite though. Invention comes in. Start gumpowder at 30%, due in 19 at –2gpt.

1060 ad (1) – We lose a vet legion razing Rouen. Kill a vet knight with an army.

IT – Syracuse comes under heavy cav assult. We have an elite and a vet there. The elite dies pretty quickly. The vet kills two cavs, and retreats two more. :confused: The city holds, barely.

1070 ad (2) – Hippo Regius founded. Shuffling troops to try to get a decent garrison in the frontline cities. The action will all be at Brundisium this turn. Move some units out towards Paris.

IT – All our cities hold, but we lose three legions in various places.

1080 ad (3) – See an English rifle. :rolleyes: Kill the rifle and a couple random cavs.

IT – Lose three legions, two flawlessly, and an elite pike. England has almost 8k in gold. However, they found Exeter two tiles away from an army/cat stack. 6 German cavs appear next to Ravenna. Aztecs drop two swords next to Cumae.

1090 ad (4) – Whack a Greek settler pair. Lose a legion killing the Aztec swords, but also promote a legion in the process. I can’t get any more units to Ravenna or Lunacantorium, which is also threatened by the cavs. If we lose either city, our soft underbelly will be exposed.

IT – Two of the cavs are distracted by a legion sent to reinforce. We lose one of the defenders in Ravenna, but the other two inexplicably hold. Elsewhere, a legion retreats a vet knight flawlessly. Then we lose an elite legion in Syracuse.

1100 ad (5) – Whack an American settler pair. Cats go 0fer at Exeter. The only hit at Paris destroys the forum. Legion wins and promotes vs musket.

IT – Three valiant legions in Syracuse require 9 cavs to give up the city. 8 gold and 8 cats lost. Just call me the catapult killer. :(

1110 ad (6) – Cats again go a combined 0fer at Exeter and Paris. Will withdraw Paris units, attack Exeter anyhow. Army kills reg rifle, another one shows. Some random skirmished that go mostly our way.

IT – Germans actually attack (and win) with a rl cav. I really thought the 2/4 legion was safe…

1120 ad (7) – English just launched a settler pair from Exeter. Heading down our western coast. Mapstat say England’s gold has declined for the fourth consecutive turn. Not good, since no one else’s gold went up. I send all spare units to the front line cities of Aesonisium, Brundisium, Antium, and Neapolis.

IT – Neapolis somehow holds against a mix of knights and cavs. The poor fellows in Brundisium suffer a different fate, though they fight just as valiantly. :(

1130 ad (8) – I abandon Jerusalem, as I need the army back in the core. Unfortunately, the unit doesn’t warp home like I expected. I have to up luxury and drop science, as I am pulling our garrisons from non frontline cities. I also rush legions in many cities.

IT – We are getting swamped by cavs. They hit our cities, and they hit reinforcements en route. The cities still stand, though I’m not sure how. The two legions they hit on the roads are not so lucky. Aztecs begin US. :wow:

1140 ad (9) – in a telling sign, our stranded army does a whole 2 points of damage against a knight. It wasn’t going to be a whole lot of help up there anyhow.

IT – For the second straight turn, no cities are taken. [party]

1150 ad (10) – I don’t yet have any units that are in position for counterattacks. For reasons that I myself am not sure of, I found the town of Nicopolis to the SE. More shuffling and reinforcements.

And thus this set ends. Not much to point out for you, Tal. There is a stack of units at Syracuse that can attack next turn. The units I pulled from outer towns should buy you some time. There is a mini stack of units that were out on Greek patrol that are currently near Rome.

Roster (I think):

Tal - UP
Nem - On deck

Is anybody still here? I know things don't look good, but we still have to finish.

Since Tal has not posted, I'm gonna issue a skip for him.

Nem - UP!
Romeo - On Deck
Cool, I'm at work currently will play tonight. Tal if you can get to this before I post an actual 'got it', post and let me know and i'll wait.

Anything doing , Nem?
hey dude, I didn't get to this last night, worked back late. was going to be back late tonight but I'm leaving shortly to go to dinner. will play when I get home and post then.
things look scary

Lose 2 legions in Aeson, 1 to knight, 1 to cav
Lose 1 legion in Antium to cav
American knights heading for our iron, bab spear also heading for iron
Japan land cav behind Seleucia

1160AD (1)
lose 2 legions red lining 2 cavs at Neapolis, third legion finishes 1 of the cavs
and in the end I decided to finish the second cav with a 3/4 legion who remains 3/4 just outside now
kill one of the american knights heading for our iron and retreat the other
finish him with an e.legion from ravenna
fortify an e.legion on our iron to block bab spear
I think our road team just finished the road to our new incense
sci30%, lux10%, +7gpt, 184g, GP 13t
2 bombards fail on Japanese cav and I lose a legion trying to kill him, cav2/4

japanese cav2/4 kills our legion4/4 that was on it's way to seleucia to reinforce
english cav4/4 captures Seleucia and 2 of our cats
we lose another 2 legion over in our core but only after retreating a cav each
the legion outside of Aeson kills a knight and retreats a cav
Japanese drop off horse, samurai and 2 cavs (near seleucia)
English drop off cav at Cumae

1170AD (2)
rome legion->legion
Veii library->legion
neapolis legion->legion
e.legion out of lugdunum kills english cav
Londinium founded on hill (decided against coast as given our current situation we're not going to be able to reinforce it)
move a v.legion from aeson to gonzo

our pike at gonzo is killed by japanese cav
the legion fends off the samurai but is killed by the horse, we lose gonzo
a bab cav2/3 loses to a 3/4 legion in the field and promotes him
the legion then redlines a bab knight and then an english cav, now 3/5

1180AD (3)
Hispalis legion->legion
Pompeii legion->legion
the 3/5 legion of doom finishes the redlined cav
I can't get a second legion to neocal (probably next target for the japanese) so I buy one for 56g (I think the japanese cav's will heal first)

we lose a legion in veii to japanese cav3/4 (now 1/4)
we lose a legion flawlessly in the Antium to an english cav

1190AD (4)
Cumae legion->legion
Ravenna legion->legion
Lugdunum legion->legion
Byzantium legion->legion
Neocaledonium legion->legion
sci30%, lux20%, +0gpt, 168g, gunpowder stays 9t (was going to have to employ ent's in 4 cities this turn for some reason)

our solo legion at luna retreats 2 american knights
three bab cavs manage to burn Neapolis (all now 1/4)
3 or 4 english cav's retreat at Antium to our two legion (both have now promoted)
germans drop off a longbow at cumae

1200AD (5)
Rome legion->legion
veii legion->legion
antium legion->legion
luna legion->legion
kill a 2/4 japanese cav that wsa heading for our workers
kill an english cav1/4 on the way to antium
kill the german longbow with legion from byzan (build last turn, on his way to the front)
lux back to 10% as we were running at a loss after losing Neapolis, employ a few ent's

lose a legion at neocal
lots of bab cavs in the old neapolis area
more bab cavs at ravenna
units at luna (now 2 legions) kill 2 american knights and retreat a third
aztecs drop off longbow, sword and cav at cumae

1210AD (6)
lose 2 legions trying to kill the aztec units, now only a 1/4 sword left
hmm, antium could be in trouble this turn, the stranded army is nearly back there but I think those bab cavs will choose it as their next target
4 legions there, but 4 healthy cavs and 2 down only 1 hp in the area

grr, lose another legion on it's way to reinforce neocal
the boys in east rome once again prove they're made of tough stuff as we retreat 2 german cavs and lose a legion to the third
1 bab cav attacks antium and dies, the rest move out of our land to the north

1220AD (7)
rome legion->legion
pompeii legion->legion
legion out of pompeii retreats english cav (and will try make it to neo)
kill aztec sword
switch veii to settler

english 1/4 cav captures our workers se of pisae (I didn't notice he was in range)

1230AD (8)
Pisae legion->legion
veii settler->legion
legion kills 1/4cav
Hmm, I wanted to rebuild Neapolis but the english and bab cavs are back, i'll bombard them and wait

after the bombards there wasn't a bab cav left in range of rome with more than 2 hp, 2 of them attacked rome and killed a pike but failed to kill the remaining legion
Germans are building Universal Sufferage

1240AD (9)
rome legion->legion
lugdunum legion->legion

nothing much, a few injured cav retreat more replace them

1250AD (10)
Neocal legion->legion
None of the cat's have moved (except the 1 in veii, it just arrived)

Firaxis: 851
Jason: 416

well unfortunately I lost 3 cities, I have a settler in veii waiting to refound Neapolis.
how we managed to not lose a city in the east is beyond me, the ai got a pretty harsh deal from the rng over there.
we have gunpowder if 4t

>>> SAVE <<<
Sorry that took me so long, things have been crazy at work and i've been putting in some pretty long days. I've alse been up in three SG's at once. The others I got to first as my turn set's came up in a builder phase so they were quick and easy to play before going to bed. I actually got home at a reasonable time tonight so got stuck straight into this one. (2 1/2 hours later :) I'm done. I was preparing a gathering of troops in ant but a few of them got stripped away to reinforce our nw border. Next player can draw them back if they feel safe but I'd probably recomment replacing them as new units come in. (if those units aren't required elsewhere)
Turns look pretty good, all things considered. The armies seem to be our only effective defenders, but the ai got shafted several times on my turns too. The rng trying to even itself out?

Now the question is: Will we have a source of salt? If so, then we may be able to claw our way back into this thing. We are admittedly hanging by a thread right now.

Romeo - UP
M60 - On Deck
Tal - MIA
Can I swap with M60 again. I have wedding planning until sat, except for when I said I would pick up the Sid Napoleon game. That and I trust M60 to lead us to glory, while I just spawn MGL's.
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