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SGOTM3 Rome - Team Sesn

No sweat, we have a minimum of six weeks from now to finish. ;)
I should be good By Wed

I'm inclined to say that we'll just skip you for the round, but it will depend on Tal's availability. If he can't get to it by then, we'll wait for you.

Details on reasoning shortly.

Normally I don't question a skip/swap request, but since you offered, now I'm curious....
Here's a partial, I need to call it a night @ 12:30AM local time.

Pre-turn: Count 19 cities and towns in our empire, so we need one more to make it 20 and therefore 5-army eligible. Enemy is all over the east, but it’s time to settle this one way or another. I’m going to get to Lyons or all but end this for us. Form the army with Octavian, that gives us 4 now. One will hold the west, the other 3 are going on the offensive. Cat a 3 unit English stack by Gonzo to kick things off. Elite legion kills red musket. Vet legion kills reg longbow, promotes. Vet horse promotes, killing reg Fr longbow by Antium. Fill reg spear with army.

IBT- American vet knight skewers himself on an Antium pike. Iroquois want to talk. They want 80 gold for peace. How about you just die? English kill an elite legion I forted on a hill with a vet knight, he redlines. 2 russian knights redlined at Brundesium. Rome riots as I pulled the garrison. English land a knight at Cumae.

Turn 1 (860AD) Kill the Cumae knight with a couple legions. Kill the redlined Eng knight at Gonzo with elite legion. Kill another reg English knight at Gonzo with the army after redlining with cats. Vet legion promotes, kill both red Russian knight at Brundesium. Cat 2 Bab knights red at Syracuse. Kill both.

IBT- Pike fends off vet American knight @ Neapolis. Elite legion does the same against a Bab knight near Syracuse. Russian red knight moves off to heal. Two English cavalry coming in at Norwich.

Turn 2 (870AD) Kill the Bab knight with vet legion. Kill the red Russian one. And the American one. And an English elite knight at Gonzo. And an American reg pike. Get the urge to press our luck and try elite* legion vs reg Eng cav, only takes 1 hp off him and we die.

IBT- Lose another legion to a cav who promotes to elite, he loses a reg cav and LB attacking Gonzo. Lugdunum riots. Sorry, I’m getting sloppy. The autobahn has been reopened in the east.

Turn 3 (880AD) Cat/Redline the Eng elite cav, and kill him with an elite legion. Lose an elite legion, and another is redlined killing Bab vet pike on the hill at Gonzo. He has a cav nearby, so I move a healthy vet pike to cover. Army kills a red Bab knight at Syracuse. Elite legion kills reg Greek archer at Sparta.

IBT- American knight kills legion by Syracuse, we seem to just be trading tit for tat.

Turn 4 (890AD) Kill that pokey Greek settler pair. Cats redline reg English cav at Norwich, kill it with a vet legion. Shell Norwich to no effect. Cat another one at Gonzo and kill it with elite legion. Kill a reg LB with vet legion. Trade a vet legion for vet German pike @ Aeson. Kill reg French LB between Lyons and Avignon. Redline 3 American knights with cats west of Syracuse. As good a kill zone as there is at the moment. Antium and Brundesium are now single defender as we’re fully committed to this offensive.

IBT- Lose two legions at Norwich, but our replacements more than make up for it.

Turn 5 (900AD) Lose a vet legion as cats go 0/3 against reg spear in Munich, south of Athens. 4/5 legion kills him, town gone, +5 gold. Jerusalem founded, 2 tiles s/w of Lyons. Lose a reg legion vs red French musket, he promotes. Elite legion kills reg longbow at Norwich. Take a gamble and 11hp army @ Norwich ve 3hp vet pike, kill him, but spear now shows. Kill reg Eng LB at Reading.

IBT- Lose a legion to Eng cav @ Norwich, then forts in the town. He loses a cav attacking Brundesium.

Turn 6 (910 AD) Caesarea founded. Kill spear @ Norwich, cav w/2hp left. Troop movements.

IBT- IBT- Aztec finish Smith’s. Ouch. Lose a pike.

Turn 7 (920AD) Attack Lyons with army and elite legion, kill 2 reg spears, town goes and 6 workers crucified. :goodjob: On order of the emperor, our 6hp army attacks forted cav at Norwich. Kills it, but we’re down to 1hp. Vet legion kills vet Bab knight.
Nice turns. I like your style. Aggressive all the way. Our economy should be doing better.
The reason for the swap. My Brother and Dad came out to visit. My Girlfriend and my family spent a lot of time hanging out, just doing fun things. The Sturgis Motorcycle rally just started and ensures that nobody goes anywhere quickly. I got cast on Thursday in a play that opens on Monday, where I am going to propose during the curtain call. I play the male lead and my gal plays the female lead. These have all stacked to make it until Wed as my playtime decreases. Plus the Bulgars MA Mod and Scoutsouts training game took any semblance of free time.
Whee. Plus my mind isn't focused on civ, as my last 2 turn sets in SG's have been adequate but not the level we need right now.
Hmm. I like your style. Romantic proposal, having fun with the fam, and preferring a skip to below standard gameplay.

Hope everything goes well tomorrow!
dude, what if she cries before you go on stage. (Not cause she's sad but happy at the proposal)

and good luck.
I hope the rng gods smile upon her decision. :joke:
The proposal is right after the play. I think M60 is having an awesome turnset here, and I will lurk and post at work all day.
2 towns founded, many enemies razed, and an assualt towards the English.

Turn 7 (920AD) continued. Elite legion kills vet Greek Archer. Vet legion kills Bab settler pair. 2 workers disbanded. Cat and kill an American reg pike. Kill red Russian knight. Lose a vet legion to red English cav. Vet legion kills reg American knight.

IBT- We lose a 2hp vet pike to reg Bab knight, he’s redlined. Another Bab knight kills a vet legion.

Turn 8 (930AD) Kill the red Bab knight. Attack 2 reg spears with 2 legions at Reading. Win both, raze Reading and collect 228 gold. Call up Liz to get her bank account info. 6167 in the treasury. :eek: :eek: :eek: Check everyone elses balance: Jap:134 Grc: 83 Azt:61 Amr:27 Frn: 20 Rus:19 Iro:12 Ger:0 Ind:0 Bab:0.

So, tonight we should beat ourselves with a wooden spoon. How could we NOT HAVE CHECKED THIS??? :aargh: We don’t need to money to research, England will provide all the cash we need if we raze her cities!! Any bets on that was the Barbarian secret? OK, M.B. how much was in the Goody Huts, 2000…3000?

General Order #1 is now issued to the army. Do NOT kill English settler pairs! LET them settle, THEN raze. Brighton is still in the south, so there’s opportunity for another bank heist. Hurry legion in Pisae for 32g, in Gonzo for 72, in Aeson for 32g, in Brundesium for 40, in Byzantium for 56.

IBT- Not a single AI attack.

Turn 9 (940AD) Our 1hp army makes it back alive to Gonzo. Kill French reg spear by Rome.

IBT- Defending legion & pike vs 2 Eng cav, trade cav for pike. Japan finishes Magellan. Germans found Nurenburg.

Turn 10 (950AD) We found Tarentum. The southern portion of the AI continent is now cut off from the north. Army kills reg pike at Avignon. Besancon in the south has 2 reg spears, killed by 2 legions, destroyed for 2 gold. Cat and kill a vet French LB, red another one. Score: 694

Post turn: We have a 1/18 army in Gonzo that needs time to heal before rolling out for Norwich again. This time there is a little extra support there, 9 legions and 8 cats. In the south, we’re gradually converging on Brighton. There are 6 workers just outside of town that can accelerate road building to quickly help us settle the remaining area. Started some temples to start pushing out our borders a tad so the enemy can’t heal quite so close to us. Remember for the rest of the game, Razed English cities = $$$$$$$$$ :D
Nice set M60.

You're right, we should have checked the treasury info. Interesting that she has so much. I can only figure she was the one to discover MT, and sold it all around.

I doubt MB would have made that the puzzle. It would have made things for the non-variant teams that much easier compared to variant.

Edit: so how many units do you have available for the English? Is she in a cash rush govt?
In looking over the saves, that likely is the case. Here is her gold count:

750AD- 741
850AD- 3800
910AD- 5755
920AD- 5947
930AD- 6395

So apparently this started during Romeo's set, or just before.

Well, the cash is there, we should get it before she wastes it all on stuff like more cavalry ;)
Tal - UP
Sesn - On deck
M60 - Found the pot of gold :)

Note - If Tal can not get to this tomorrow for whatever reason, then we'll slip Romeo back in if he wants it. Otherwise, the roster will stand.

BTW - Don't expect to hear from Romeo tonight, I imagine he'll be .... busy ;) , but I'm interested to know how things went.
Hey guys. She said Yes. I am happy. I will be able to play tomorrow as the fiancee and her friends have a gals night to plan the wedding. I have to be availible, but across town for 5 hours. If that isn't a call to play some civ, I don't know what is.
Brilliant job on the play M60. It looks like your plan came through anyway. I concur that all troops throw themselves at the English full tilt. How is the research going??
Since England is the only one with cavs, should we really try to lay the hammer? Is England the only cavs people? I know russia's UU is Cav based, England and America's UU don't matter, the Greeks is annoying, and the Babylonian is outdated. This looks really good now. We should honestly carry the battle to them, and I forsee victory.
[party] Congratulations! [party]

OK Romeo, if you can play tomorrow, then do your worst. :)


Romeo - UP
Tal - On deck
M60 - Still found the pot of gold

I don't think Liz is the only one with cavs, I think she researched it first and then sold it around.
lurker's comment: Congratulations from the lurkers as well, Romeo!

I must say you're doing pretty good to overcome your troubles here.. Cavs on the home continent? Ouch!
Congrats, Romeo!! Excellent stuff!

By the way, guys, my life/time is imploding at the moment with several no-notice trips all strung together and without even forum access, so I've already had to temporarily quit one SG. (@Sesn, M60 - please play my current set of Confederate turns, and I'll try to fit a set in towards the end of the week - I'll try to keep that one going too.)

As for this game, I'll try my damnedest to get to it after Romeo is done. We're doing a remarkable job, considering!
Yes, congratulations indeed, Romeo. :clap:

England is the only one I've seen with cav so far. The fact that no one attacked on IBT 8/9 has me wondering if the AI has not started warring among itself. Maybe just wishful thinking on my part. This certainly was the first set of turns I had fun with this game. :)
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