SGOTM3 Rome - Team Tao

Building those cities in the north didn't affect the number of military units we could produce at all. Except for 1 worker in each of the cav cities, they produced nothing but military. So, it does nothing but increase our score right?

We now have empty space on the odd continent. Won't they now go for that?
Apologies in advance for an abbreviated writeup. I do not have access to my home computer for the weekend due to travel and left my notes behind. In order to keep the game going, I have uploaded the save (from usb disk), and will update this post with date specific details on Monday. Here are the general outcomes of this session:

Concentrate on setting up a rail network so that the entire home continent can be defended by a single stack of units. Most temples are switched to more workers to speed the process, and the leader is used to rush the Pentagon in Ft. Azteca. We build another explorer and disconnect the Aztec saltpeter again.

Militarily, we mainly advance with existing cavalry on the strange continent, razing 1 English, 1 German, and 2 Greek cities. The secondary continent sees continued influx of enemy cavalry which are destroyed with minimal losses. I setup for an attempt to invade India from the north, and eventually position the cavalry army to cover an attack on the Aztec capital city Tenochticlan.

We continue to work on the rail network and ship some workers to the other two continents to improve movement there. After Electricity, Replacable Parts is set as the research goal at a gpt loss (some of which is recovered from city razings).

On the narrow continent, we raze another English and Greek city eliminating Greece from the game (Greece eliminated in 1340 AD).

On the enemy continent, we assault Tenochticlan in 1325 AD losing 8 cavalry (including 3 in an army) to destroy 7 riflemen, but razing it along with the Pyramids, Sistene Chapel, and 8 workers. The northern invasion is repelled by India who had more cavalry in the north than expected (I incorrectly assumed that all their cavalry would be in the south attacking around Fort Azteca). We lose 3 musketmen and 1 cavalry and are surrounded by enemy cavalry before returning the remaining troops to our continent to wait for Replacable Parts.

All cities on our continent are connected by railroads, and we are therefore secure from invasion. Most cavalry and cannon are diverted toward the Fort Azteca front in preparation for a second push coinciding with Replacable Parts.

We raze 1 more German city on the narrow continient, but later fail to take a second as reinforcements are slowed by mountains.

We suffer some musketman losses following the destruction of the Aztec capital since enemy cavalry will attack the front line cities when the armies are removed. However, they will not attack an army in the field, which allows us to cover injured cavalry as they withdraw back to Fort Azteca. On the last turn we learn Replacable Parts but don't have any gold for upgrades yet due to researching at a loss. We raze an Aztec city in the south, during the last movement turn, destroying 3 riflemen, 1 cavalry, and 3 workers at a cost of 2 cavalry (an unexpected 8 cavalry retreat!)

Despite numerous elite victories, I did not get a single leader during this session (fortunately, great leaders are less important at this point in the game). Many enemy cavalry show up near Fort Azteca each turn, but once we upgrade to infantry we won't have to worry about defense. I have left some of the cannon unmoved so that they can be upgraded in between turns (by using the city arrow buttons and upgading the units in the city management screen). We can use the settlers in Fort Azteca to push back the extensive Aztec cultural borders and give our artillery easier access to Aztec cities.

I did not skim workers from our size 12 cities during this session in order to save population for drafting infantry, but forgot that we would need Nationalism to draft. It is probably not worth researching any more tech at this point since the AI civs do not have Electricity yet (and should not reach Replacable Parts). We should be able to conquer the rest of the world with cavalry, infantry, and artillery. Now that our workers are working at double speed, we can optimize the mines and irrigation in core cities to get 27 shields per turn (a cavalry or artillery every 3 turns).

Great leaders: 16 (0 this turn)
Workers disbanded: 228 (16 this turn)
Cities razed: 83 (8 this turn)

tao (next)
Zwingli (just played)

Edit: Updated with accurate dates and totals
Got it. But today I will try to finsh gotm33 and thus I will play tomorrow.
Fighting gave us 6 Great Leaders which all built armies. I optimized most of our cities and merged workers where appropriate.
The Aztecs are significantly weakened, but recently Indian cavalries appeared. But artillery aides greatly in killing them.
We founded Fort Ebur in the north and hope it to give us ebur soon (after we raze Edo), which we need for happiness in non-forum cities.
We have 400gpt for hurrying what we need.

1355AD (1)
Upgrade 7 artillery, 6 infantry; some killing; lots of worker actions; some mp re-distribution to prevent riots or trigger wltkd; musket army protects railroading between Fort Azteca and New Cyrene.

IBT Iroquois land 2 settlers on SC (Strange Continent)

1360AD (2)
upgrades again
Fort Aztecs: artillery redlines, elite cav produces Trajan, builds army; elite cav "knight" produces both its and this turns 2nd Great Leader Hadrian: next army; we need lots of cavs to fill them all
strengthen musket army with infantry and it protects rr westward
kill 2 escorts, disband 4 Iroquois slaves on SC

IBT 10 cavs move towards Fort Azteca

1365AD (3)
Fort Azteca West founded; lots of killings;
start northern expedition again

IBT again lots of cavs at FA

1370AD (4)
attend to Iroquois and Indian cavs first, since they are still democracy and we want to kick them out of it
we see first Iroquois ironclad; we need naval escorts!

1375AD (5)
we need 10% lux to keep some cities without fora from rioting
northern landing on hill near ivory
killing another Aztec cav produces Maximus who builds our next cav army
the move towards Teotihuacan starts
barb camp appears on SC; our worker flees

1380AD (6)
northern corps razes Hyderabad (2 slaves) loosinfg 1 cav but fails to create cultural gap for settling
we fail to capture Nuremberg loosing 2 cavs on the SC
our 4 cav armies approach Teotihuacan

elite cav on SC is attacked by longbow and produces Great Leader Germanicus (in the mountains far from any city)
samurai appears near undefended New Seleucia on SC

1385AD (7)
SC fighting: cav army attacks German capital Cologne, kills 2 rifles, 1 spear, but longbow survives, redlined by frigate; send cav + 3 legions as barb control units
our cannons redline samurai, our cavs kills
we attack Teotihuaca: bombardement kills 2 citizens (now pop 4; Aztecs must have used a lot of pop rushing and drafting) and yellowline 1 rifle
army 1 kills vet rifle (10 hp left); army 2 kills reg rifle (11hp left); army 3 kills draftee (15hp) and 2hp vet (promotes, 8hp); army 4 kills vet cavalry and captures Teotihuacan (2g, 1 slave); victorious armies return to FA to heal
ironclad sinks Aztec caravel
move towards TzinTzunTzen

IBT barb horse dies attacking New Seleucia on SC

1390AD (8)
SC: army attacks Cologne, kills rifle, longbow, razes city
we raze TzinTzunTzen killing rifle, pike, cav
now we can found Fort Ebur in the north (???) and hurry a temple

1395AD (9)
Germanicus finally reaches New Seleucia and build army
we raze Tula (5 slaves)
fighting at Fort Azteca produces Claudius: next army
we hurry armamentarium in Fort Ebur
we raze Nabur (3 slaves)

1400AD (10)
frigate sinks American galley
we fail to conquer Neayo, but produce Great Leader Neayo building another army in Fort Azteca
we attack Tlatelolco: army 1 kills rifle (1hp left), army 2 kills rifle (17hp left), army 3 kills rifle (14 hp left) and razes Tlatelolo (5 slaves).

There is an unfilled army in Fort Azteca and 2 settlers for founding new cities are next to it.
There is an empty army on its way to Fort Ebur, protected by an empty elite galleon; we need ironclads here!
There are 3(?) Iroquois ships southwest of the SC.
I started merging workers into productive cities.
The units on the main continent are needed as military police in cities without markets.
Threre are at least 2 barb camps on the SC
The 5 workers in the north are chopping forests to speed temples.
There is artillery with the armies to attack Tyndenaga.

Great Leaders: 22 (6 this session)
Slaves disbanded: 207 (27 this session)
Cities razed: 67 (6 this session)

Furiey (up now)
tao (just played)
Nice to see us finally making some headway on the second continent. :goodjob: Looks like its just a matter of time until we can finish everyone off.
I'm progressing well on all fronts, unfortunately things have cropped up and I will not be able to finish tonight and I will definitely not be able to play tomorrow. I will definitely be able to finish (with the possible exception of fire/flood/military uprising etc) on Friday afternoon. If that is not OK let me know and I will upload where I have got to so far. Sorry.

Now done - will upload everything tomorrow morning

(Should have added power cut to the above list....)
I will be abroad till Tuesday evening, but that does not seem to create a problem ....
3 Great Leaders
58 Workers disbanded
21 cities founded
16 cities razed
Score: 3032

1400 AD(Turn 0): I know our people said they wanted to build the Iron Works, but I still can’t see where, am I missing something or did some coal or iron expire just after we got Steam Power?
Set New Pisae to grow faster; Leave Settlers for now, they’ll need defending and everything seems pretty much occupied at the moment; decide to let Cavs heal before filling Army next turn; press button.

IBT: Abe wants peace – No Way! Cavs of all nations move into cities on 2nd continent, but none actually attack us, they are getting a long way into our territory by using the unclaimed areas, need more Settlers to slow them; Iroquois Ironclad heads for SC, Iroquois Galleons head away from it; Barbs attack our cav on the SC promoting him to Elite.

1405 AD(Turn 1): Attack Tyendenage with Cav Army, killing one Rifle but redlining Army, THEN remember Arty :blush:; bombard city redlining everything; second Cav Army kills the remaining 2 Rifles and 1 Cav, razing city and disbanding 3 slaves; fail to take Teayo; settle Ironbridge on Iron S of FA West to slow the movement of invading Cavs to New Cyrene; get Great Leader Octavian stuck far from a city by killing German Longbows S of Bremen on SC; Cav promoted in the IBT kills another Barb horseman; not sure what the plans were for the Settlers on heading for the SC, move one S the other N; rush a few Settlers; hurry Port in Fort Ebur; unload troops in Fort Ebur and fill Army with Cavs, move towards Satsuma.

IBT: Cav retreats from more German Longbow near Bremen; far more Aztec Cavs than you would think they could have left move in, Ironbridge slows their approach successfully in the S.

1410 AD(Turn 2): kill Japanese Settler and Escort on SC disbanding 2 slaves; destroy barb camp on SW tip of SC; found Salconfloare Azteca near Aztec saltpetre; kill many Indian, Iroquois and Aztec Cavs; raze Teayo and 1 Aztec Worker; move Cav Armies to next Aztec city (name obscured) and remaining Cavs from Teayo operation to other Aztec city there; bombard then attack Satsuma destroying it and 7 Aztec workers; rush Templum in Ironbridge; sink one of the Aztec Galleons; take more Cavs, Arty, Infantry and Settlers across to New Gonzo, found Southbridge and New Corfinium; hurry a couple of Settlers.

IBT: Germans want a Peace Treaty – No way! Southbridge attacked by Iroquois and Aztec Cavs, Aztec Jaguar Warrior spotted on SC; Aztecs land single Cav by undefended; lose 1 wounded Cav in N

1415 AD(Turn 3): Bombard Aztec city (Malinalco) before attacking with Armies, razing it along with 5 foreign workers; build Army with Octavian as he reaches a city on SC, found New Treveri and New Sirmium (taking Aztec carbonis); raze Berlin (no workers) with Cav Army on SC; found New Augustadorium on SC; sink Iroquois Galleon by SC; Lugdunim riots in the IBT, Longbow moved there to stop it; found New Medialanium on SC and New Trapezus in N, kill more Cavs – the numbers seem to be reducing now.

IBT: Grrrr: miscalculated movement distances and lost 2 workers I thought were safe by Fort Azteca, more Cavs attack, lose Ironclad to Iroquois Ironclad; Jaguar Warrior dies on our Legionary in New Medialanium.

1420 AD(Turn 4): kill invading Cavs, bombard and kill all rifles in Edo, one Cav left unfortunately; prepare for attack on Calix… next turn; fail to take the remaining Aztec city at the bottom of the map S of Ironbridge.

IBT: Cavs attack (we lose one Cav); more troops move in to Edo.

1425 AD(Turn 5): Attack Edo, bombarding all troops down to redline, get Great Leader Titus; raze Edo and 4 foreign workers, getting Ebur; build Army – we need more Cavalry!; bombard and attack with Armies Calixtluaca (about 10 rifles defended) raze it and 7 foreign workers; lose Ironclad to redlined Iroquois one; Destroy Texcoco and 4 Aztec Workers; rush a few temples and settlers; sink Aztec Galleon; found New Bagacum.

IBT: More Cav attack (including several Aztec ones); Indians land a soon to be dead settler in the space we created in the N.

1430 AD(Turn 6): found New Lauriacum; as predicted kill Indian Settler/Escort disbanding the resulting Workers; found New Turnia; finally raze the city on the very bottom of the map and find it is (was) called Chalco; found New Curia; raze Cempoala disbanding 3 Workers; found Rome 2 in the N; sink redlined Iroquois Ironclad; found Veii 2; prepare Arty for Tlacopan.

IBT: still more Cavs move in – I don’t know where the Aztecs are getting them from now, Japanese land soon to be dead Settler in the N

1435 AD(Turn 7): raze Tlacopan and 3 Workers; killing Iroquois Cavalry get Great Leader Trajan – build Army; found Antium 2, kill Japanese Settler/Samurai (very tough Samurai); found Cumae 2; move in to Bangalore; rush a few settlers.

IBT: Cavalry and Samurai attack, we lose 2 Cavalry but kill more.

1440 AD(Turn 8): kill Aztec Settler/Rifle near New Augustorium on SC; raze Bangalore and 4 Workers; found Neapolis 2; move towards Tonawanda;

IBT: More Cavalry attack – even Aztec ones, no losses; Liz want a Peace Treaty (our Cavalry approaches her Capitol – No Way!

1445 AD(Turn 9): destroy Tonawanda and 6 Workers; found Pompeii 2; destroy Oxford, the fledgling English are no more; found Pisae 2; sink a Babylonian Galley (just); raze Huexaolta and 2 Workers; found Ravenna 2; capture and disband 3 workers in the N.

IBT: lots of Samurai movements N & S; Indians want Peace – No Way!; more Cavs move in, only one Aztec one this time though…

1450 AD(Turn 10): Bombard Grand River, but only knock 1 hit point off 1 rifle, so do not attack; raze what I thought was the final Aztec city in the N (losing an army to an Elite Pike :(, but spot another on the W coast; destroy another barb camp on SC – there is one in the unexplored peninsula near the gems;

Treasury: 797 gold + 441 gpt, Nationalism in 24 (0%)

Post-turn: It’s been a long 10 turns. 2 Settlers on SC to settle coast near Bremen. Bremen is well fortified with Rifles, hence the Army in New Augustadorium, one hit point from fully healed and unused this turn; there is another unused healed Army in New Tuernia which was to attack Grand River before the pathetic attempts from the Arty to prepare. Most of the other Armies are in Fort Azteca healing. The pace of attack from Cavalry has dramatically decreased over the last couple of turns, although the Aztecs are still finding some. We need to move on the Iroquois – we could sell them replaceable parts if we were not at war and Xenopobic.

Great Leaders: 25 (3 this session)
Slaves disbanded: 265 (58 this session)
Cities razed: 83 (16 this session)

Demiurge (up next)
Furiey (just played)

The Save


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Furiey said:
I know our people said they wanted to build the Iron Works, but I still can’t see where, am I missing something or did some coal or iron expire just after we got Steam Power?
I looked during my turns and couldn't find it either.

It’s been a long 10 turns.
Just imagine how much longer they would have been if we had to move the other 265 workers we've disbanded. :eek:

Got the save. I'll try to play late tonight.
1450 ad (pre-turn): Germany and Iroquois are close to getting replaceable parts, so I'll go at them hard; shuffle troops; kill one red-lined Iroquois spear; we are 642 tiles to limit, have to keep an eye on that; rush aqueducts in Palmyra, Gonzomonium and Saleucia, they are productive enough to produce cavs and can afford to grow past size 6

IBT: Iroquois beg for peace, no way; Iroquois cav attacks an elite cav, GL Hadrian

1455 ad (turn 1): artillery redlines all rifles in Grand River, burn it down (disband 4 workers); rush settler in Fort Azteca to settle the other choke on the second continent (SC) allowing our ironclads to pass through between the SC and odd continent (OC); cav on SC destroys two Japanese settler pairs (disband 4 workers); join a few workers to some productive cities to get them up to pop 12; Hadrian creates cav army; destroy American settler pair on OC, (disband 2 workers); we seem to have plenty o' cash so up lux slider to 30%, still at +343gpt

1460 ad (turn 2): SC — artillery in the S redline a bunch of incoming troops; Indian front, destroy Kogachuri in the N (disband 1 worker), destroy Indian settler pair (disband 2 workers), disband another stray Indian worker; Iroquois front, destroy Akwesasne (disband 4 workers); Japanese front, destroy stray troops; rush a couple aqueducts, join a few workers

1465 ad (turn 3): SC — Indian front, destroy Karachi (disband 5 workers), advance troops on Delphi; Iroquois front, destroy Iroquois ironclad, destroy St. Regis (disband 3 workers), destroy incoming troops, reposition troops; OC — destroy Uruk (disband 2 workers), destroy Bremen (disband 1 worker), join a few workers, rush a couple aqueducts

1470 ad (turn 4): SC — Indian front, destroy Indian settler pair (disband 2 workers), elite cav gets victory, GL Maximus creates cav army, attack Delhi, leave 1 3hp rifle; Iroquois front, destoy Kanawachi (disband 2 workers), build Lugdunum 2 allowing our ironclads to move to water area between OC and SC, build Lutetia 2, destroy Matsuyama (disband 4 workers)

1475 ad (turn 5): SC — Indian front, position more troops to attack Dephi, destroy several Japanese units; Iroquois front, destroy Kanawagha (disband 3 workers), pre-turn 10 Aztec cavs showed up near Lugdunum 2, where do they keep coming from?, bombed them to submission and cleaned them up, GL Germanicus produced, builds cav army; OC — destroy American caravel; drop 4 cavs on small island in the N; rush 1 aqueduct, join a few workers; we are now 562 tiles to limit

1480 ad (turn 6): SC — Indian front, destroy Delphi (disband 4 workers); Iroquois front, position troops to take Salamanaca; OC — move stack of cavs N continue roading continent; Small island — destroy Babylon (disband 2 workers), Babylonians are done for

1485 ad (turn 7): SC — Indian front, shuffle cavs for healing, softening cities with artillery while I wait; Iroquois front, destroy Salamanaca, reposition troops and artillery; OC — destroy Kyoto (disband 4 workers), destroy barb camp; Small island, destroy Indus (disband 2 workers) GL Claudius, ship him back to home continent

1490 ad (turn 8): SC — Indian front, destroy Madras (disband 2 workers), clean up some Japanese troops; Iroquois front, destroy Mauch Chunk, destroy Tlalmanlanco (disband 2 workers)

1495 ad (turn 9): SC — Indian front, destroy Tenochtitlan :OC — destroy 2 barb camps, destroy Texepen (disband 1 worker),

1500 ad (turn 10): SC — Indian front, destroy Indian caravel, reposition troops; Iroquois front, reposition troops; OC — destroy barb camp, reposition troops

Our world at 1500 ad:

Most of the healing troops on the second continent are in Rome 2 (in the N) and in New Teurnia in the S. The ai has given up on going on the offensive and I have a feeling the end is near. We are now 546 tiles to domination limit.

Great Leaders: 29 (4 this turn)
Workers disbanded: 322 (57 this turn)
Cities destroyed: 102 (19 this turn)

Zwingli (next)
Demiurge (just played)
Got it and will probably complete the turns tomorrow. It looks rather straightforward from this point, and might be able to finish them off during the next ten.
Demiurge said:
1455 ad (turn 1): artillery redlines all rifles in Grand River, burn it down (disband 4 workers)
Glad to hear the Arty did a better job on Grand River after the pathetic attempts last time

Demiurge said:
1475 ad (turn 5): pre-turn 10 Aztec cavs showed up near Lugdunum 2, where do they keep coming from?
I wondered this myself many times, they seemed to be producing far more than they had cities to produce them with - they must have had a huge stock somewhere. With those sort of numbers they could have crushed our invasion if they'd counterattacked in force rather than in dribs and drabs.
1500 (0)
I rush a bunch of settlers in larger cities on the other continent, and spend down the rest of our cash rushing additional galleons. Lux tax it turned off to earn maximum income for continued cash rushing (the governor is employed at this point as micromanaged production is less important than transport capacity). The settlers will be “combat settlers” to impinge on enemy culture borders and give our artillery easy access to enemy cities. I set up a good amount of workers on the main continent to be transported to the second continent.

1505 (1)
Raze Allegheny after a massive shelling
Raze Cattaragus -4 slaves
Raze Bombay -1 slave
Raze Okoa? (Japanese)
Raze Tenotichlan

Near the end of the combat phase, Civ3 crashes and I have to reload. Results are similar, but we get a leader who simply rushes another artillery.

The combat settlers move into position and workers are chained over to complete the second continent rail network.

1510 (2)
Found Byzantium 2
Found Brundisium 2
Found Syracuse 2
Found Gobzonmium 2
Found Lunacantorium 2

These settler form pockets of Roman culture which expose the entire Indian and Iroquois front line position to artillery fire and cavalry advance. I continue to use all cash to rush artillery in low production cities with build up shields (ie cities almost done with temples).

Raze Centralia -2 slave
Raze Ixtapulaca
Raze Lahore -4 slave
Raze Calcutta -1 slave
Raze Hanover (middle continent)
Raze Oil Springs -5 slave
Raze another Indian city -1 slave
Raze Chittagong -1 slave
Raze Tokyo -3 slaves (Aztecs Destroyed)

Capture workers in the open -5 slaves

IBT- We lose 3 cavalry and 3 workers to counterattacks, but it doesn’t matter since another shipment will arrive and our armies have healed.

1515 (3)
Raze Niagra Falls -4 slaves (Iroquois destroyed)
Raze Houston (America destroyed)
Raze Izumo -3 slaves
Raze Osaka -4 slaves
Raze Bengal -1 slave
Capture workers in the open -2 slaves

After extending our rail network to the new front lines, I found Aesonium 2 and advance the artillery toward the remnant of India. I ship over a settler and some troops behind Indian lines from a newly build city on the west of the second continent (galleon was rushed).

1520 (4)
Get a leader attacking Dacca behind Indian lines but we let the city stand as the settler moves into position for the final blow (all other civs will be extinct by next turn).

Raze Yokohama -2 slaves
Raze Nagoya -1 slave
Raze Shimoseki -1 slave

The game hangs again, and I begin saving every 5 minutes from this point on (no noticeable change in combat outcome). Found Leasugouta? 2 on the new Japanese front lines and move a last combat settler into position. Cavalry advance for the final assault on Germany, India, and Japan.

1525 (5)
Found Palmyra 2 inside Japanese territory.
Found Jerusalem 2 to access the mountainous Indian interior.

Raze Dacca
Raze Kolhapur
Raze Punjab (India destroyed)
Raze Sapporo -2 slave
Raze Hakodate -2 slave (Japan destroyed)
Raze Hamburg -2 slave (Germany destroyed)

At this point I just hit next turn since there are no civs left.

IBT- We win by conquest. :)

I have attached the save just before victory (just press next turn).

Final Stats (Adjusted Totals)
Great Leaders: 31 (2 this turn)
Workers disbanded: 421 (51 this turn)
Cities destroyed: 152 (28 this turn)
Impressive Zwingli. While I thought you'd finish it off, I didn't think you could do it in 5 turns. :eek:

It was fun to play with everyone. While it would have been nice to get a pre-1300 win, I think we played a pretty solid game overall. Well, off to wash all this blood off my hands. ;)

ps: Thanks for the pre-victory save. Nice to be able to see the replay. Although for some reason, maybe related to the crashes you had, The summary replay wouldn't work for me. Anyone else have that problem? I push play and it would act like its going to replay but never did. I was still able however to move through the other menus without incident.
Yes - thanks for the save Zwingli - the replay worked for me although there was a long pause before it started (but then I always get impatient and press play multiple times). I meant to post the one for the last game, but forgot - I still have it if anyone is interested.

A thoroughly enjoyable game albeit somewhat bloody, I wonder what the next one will be?
Furiey said:
I always get impatient and press play multiple times
It appears that impatience was the only problem after all. I tried again, waited it out this time and it worked fine.

I wonder what the next one will be?
I think I remember a post by MB stating that the next would hit his target of the variant only being winnable by 50% of the teams. :crazyeye:
Congratulations to team Tao with winning this game!!! :band:
Good job and hope to see your team in SGOTM4
I too thought this was an enjoyable game and varient :thumbsup:
Looking at some of the other team threads, it seems like most underestimated (or are in the process of underestimating) the strength of the other continent. It will be interesting to see how the other teams tackle the second continent, and what approaches work best. Our early shoestring invasion with 13 units plus cannon resulted in a mass slaughter of AI knights/cavalry with minimal losses to our own forces. On the other hand, the mass cavalry invasions of some other teams resulted in earlier gains, but much greater troops losses. The fortress city approach is a personal favorite, and I am pleased that we did not resort to resource disconnection to spam cavalry, but relied on old fashioned city production ;).

Team Peanut's game should be an interesting read, if for no other reason than to see how long they stay in despotism :lol:. They must really enjoy :whipped: their people!
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