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Dec 30, 2001
Tanasi, USA
Originally posted by grshaner
Just curios, is this a patch that updates SMAC to OSX?

Yes, it allows one to play SMAC/SMACX in OS X.
Sweet! I look forward to downloading it when I get home! This site is even more helpful than I had hoped! Thanks for the great work!
It tends to crash unexpectidly - especially after the movies or when saving. Be nice if Brad had some spare time to work on it, but at least we have what we have.
Yeah, disable the movies by holding down the option key at start-up. Also, be careful with Air Interceptors. Any time that a Shift-L automatic air defence occurs the game will crash -- that's my experience.
Trade laws are not a porblem, but shipping costs ARE.
On Aspyr's site, I can buy SMAX for 5$, but I then have to pay 20$ for shipping :mad: , and that's plain too much.
Amazon has reasonable shipping charges - it's often cheaper to by a CD in the US and ship it than buying it in France - but Aspyr's are way too high. Grrrr.
Hey, at least you don't have a PC! Alien Crossfire is sold out and I saw it on eBay the other day for nearly $50 all by its lonesome (with several bids!). Now THAT would hurt the pocketbook!
Having problems getting the game to start. I hold down the option key and turn off movies. Then click "ok" and my screen goes dark for a few sec--then my OSX screen fades back in. Nothing happens. Any help?
you must have the data from SM alpha centauri...
Thank you Brad for writing this and dojoboy for distributing this! I just bought both Alpha Centauri and Alien Crossfire today (I own the PC versions, and I've misplaced the Alien Crossfire CD). This is really great. Alpha Centauri was only $10 and Alien Crossfire was only $5 from Aspyr's website (shipping was $7.50). Thanks!

I just purchased both online at aspyr's website as well. 22.50 is not a bad price for 2 games!
Originally posted by senecasax
I just purchased both online at aspyr's website as well. 22.50 is not a bad price for 2 games!

Here's a web site that is very informative.


Also, if you can get your hands on a copy of "Vel's SMAX Guide, version 4.0" by Chris Hartpence, do it. It is by far the best strategy guide ever published. You may be able to find out where to order it at the Apolyton website (www.apolyton.net). Vel (Chris Hartpence) even has a thread over there for a game he's working on.

Man, I'm going to reinstall SMACX tomorrow.
Originally posted by Sid
Yeah, disable the movies by holding down the option key at start-up. Also, be careful with Air Interceptors. Any time that a Shift-L automatic air defence occurs the game will crash -- that's my experience.

I keep getting crashes when I try to save a game. Anybody else?
David, above, is spot-on. I often play Iron Man (saves restricted to Exit) and find I get less "Unexpectedly Quit"'s. I have not been able to continue a game with Interceptors set to 'Auto'. Now, I play with no orders set on hostile borders and spacebar through the units.

BTW: check out 'The Network Node' from the Links page of the site that dojoboy has posted above. It's run by a Mac person, has a very funny CNN-satire, and has some great Custom Factions.
This Game Rules. Just got it today. I'd say the best part is building my own units! And i get to name them cool things :)
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