So I learned something about Shaka...


Aug 5, 2008
OK maybe some of it is obvious, or should have been. But some of it surprised me.

I'm trying my first game on Prince because I want to try playing with espionage and that only works when the AI civs can tech a little better. Continents map and for a change Shaka was blocked in by me insted of vice versa (well I assumed this based on geographical markers and it turned out to be the case). Playing as Alex.

I knew he was going to attack me (he IS Shaka after all - even if he wasn't boxed in.) but the first time round I played it a little safe and I can't believe how many units he was able to crank out. It wasn't necessarily a losing proposition right off the bat, but I would have gimped myself so badly trying to hold him off that even with espionage it wouldn't have been worth it. I would have come out as backwards as Monty on a peaceful start - I couldn't keep up with his military production and develop my few cities at the same time.

Reload and attack a little earlier - send archers in to pillage his copper mine (which sadly wasn't on a hill so I lost a few before I could get some Phalanx out).

I managed to kill the one city that wasn't on a hill and then perched some units on the copper (which was essentially outside of his second city) and outside of his cap waiting for a stack to be able to take one or the other.

Now I know an aggressive civ is, well, aggressive. But he took 2 of his 3 axemen and 4 archers and tried the counter attack. Leaving 2 archers in his cap and an axe and an archer in his second city which made things cake frankly (well that and a lucky Iron in my cap's BFC)

I don't remember any civ really doing this, just going on the offense that recklessly. Is this a Prince thing or a Shaka thing or did I just get really lucky (clearly I did with the iron, I mean his behavior). Usually if I try a choke or an early (REALLY early) rush like that they hole up and build 30 archers in their cities. He kindly cleared them out for me!

On the upside, I'm now on a continent with Wang and Darius - should be some nice, juicy techs to steal if I can learn this strat and pull it off. Although Wang seems to like his spies, too - gotta watch that.
Hmmm... I've never seen that before. Normally they just hole up in their cities.

:( No Dresden

Spoiler :
It seems there's a mechanic where cornered AIs counterattack in desperation. Might be what you encountered.

It's fun if you can take the city, but heading for catapults is always an option also :p.
It seems there's a mechanic where cornered AIs counterattack in desperation. Might be what you encountered.

I think you're right on the counter attack. At that point he had 2 cities with pretty much no improvements besides fish/clam and I was camping on any hammer tiles I could at that point, so production couldn't have been too good. (yeah, that's a freaking lesson I'll take away from this, too)

It's fun if you can take the city, but heading for catapults is always an option also :p.

That's sort of what I'd planned on happening! I figured I'd get him to hole up with his 40 bajillion units and I'd tech to Construction. Was even teching Math!

The sad thing is that Darius sort of screwed up my city placement plan a bit by edging in too near a city spot I'd had the first go round. But not too bad. I'll give Darius a city if it means shaka is gone (and another cap city is nothing to sneeze at).
I recall this happening to me once before... sometimes its something as silly as a settling party though.
weel one time i was axe rushing Sumeria. He kept 5 archers in a city i wanted to take. His other city had less. So imoved my stack towards the other city. Than all off a sudden he moved the archers out of the city, probably to defend the other city. Since they where out of the city i killed the archers with my axe stack. Than i took the city and later destroyed them entirely.
I think there is a lot to be said for tactics that tempt or divert the AI to bring troops out in to the open from cities, away from woodlands and hills.
I concur your majesty ! (Does anybody remember this line ?:lol:)
It was "excellency" and I think a lot of the ancient-era advisors used it... at least the scientists and merchant. They were pretty fun. :p
Schtick, did he go against your units in his territory, or make for one of your cities? I've seen AIs come at my cities, but never with a garrison force--they use a spare wandering stack.

The general AI movement I see is phased withdrawal from doomed cities, they pull back to beef up the remaining cores. Better play than leaving them as fodder.
Yeah, that's Shaka for you. He cranks units out the wazoo. I had a game as Boudica where I was stuck on a peninsula, along with some islands. I held him off twice, but the third time was just freakin' ridiculous.
Mike - I thought at first he was reinforcing the better cities, but he ended up moving those extra troops out of those cities and went into my territory (I killed that stack easily as it moved to a plains tile next to my nearest city and right in front of where the reinforcement troops were heading to the front.)
Shaka is the only leader I have seen do an early rush. He rushed me some time between 2000-1000BC with 8 Impis and promptly razed my capital.
Since 3.17 the Nutters really are Crazy when you corner them?

I like Monty and Shaka being insaneo, you know where you stand with them - Caesar, Napoleon, Louis XIV, Augustus, Catherine - are all much harder work cos you never know when they'll turn on you, no matter how careful you are with them.

And more dangerous, they do that later, with Riflemen or Infantry!
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