[SOLVED]Any way to get Civ5-like "First X cities" effects?


Feb 4, 2017
Just wondering if anyone's been able to figure out how to achieve an effect similar or comparable to the mechanic Firaxis used in Civ 5 to make going tall viable. There doesn't seem to be anything really like it as far as I can tell.

Anyone know?

Alternatively, does anyone have any ideas on how it would be possible to incentivise a tall playstyle aside from that?
Oh wow, that's awesome! So you could attach a modifier to the GameModifiers table that imposes global gold/science/amenity penalties on COLLECTION_PLAYER_CITIES when your COLLECTION_PLAYER_CITIES exceeds a certain value, and potentially worsening the more you build.

Would it be possible to attach a modifier to a specific city, as well? For example, how would you set up a modifier that acted on only the first four cities you build? I imagine it would have to use COLLECTION_OWNER rather than COLLECTION_PLAYER_CITIES and some kind of EFFECT_ATTACH_MODIFIER would probably have to be involved but then what? I can't quite get my head around the whole thing. Have you ever done anything like that?
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Just as I wrote in the thread about collection counting, I managed to use counting for Districts. @Xeribulos posted an example in which Player Cities are counted.
So, the first approach i.e. imposing some modifiers when the number of cities reaches a specific level - it's done.
As for the second part, like excluding/including only first N cities - there's a flag in Requirements definition that acts as the NOT operator (Inverse). So, if you use COLLECTION_COUNT_ATLEAST with that flag, you will get LESS_THAN... and then you know what to do :)

Edit. Ok, it may not work if you just attach such modifier to all cities, because after you go above N cities, all of them will stop working. You probably need to use modifier that has RunOnce = 1 and Permanent = 1. So, once attached to a city - it will stay even if number of cities will go above N.
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