fallador said:
I've been working on a mod lately and theres a few things i've been trying to work out.
1. Can you make units that give a resource when you have them (preferably one per unit)
ok I dont quite understand what you mean here...
can you be a little more specific?
or give an example on what your are trying to accomplish with a unit?
fallador said:
2. How do you have units appear when you build an improvement.
again can you be a little more specific...?
fallador said:
3. How do you allow animals to go past borders.
well the
defines what animals (and other units could do)
I am not sure but...
you might want to switch the AI_TAGs
of the animals from
but be careful.... animals may be able to capture and raze cities!
(Humans (not ships or gunships) have the UNITAI_ATTACK)
there is a tag that states:
which means Unit can not capture Cities
("1" = Yes "0" = No)
For Example Gunships cannot capture cities so they have a value of "1"
to see a better explanation of this file go here:
but like I said before... I never tried any of this before... so be warned!
fallador said:
4. Is it possible in any way to have buildings that affect the output of the city square there in
do you mean like how factories give you hammer (production) bonuses?
just check out the factory stats in the
CIV4BuildingInfos.xml file
to see how to add it...
you can also have buildings give bonus gold/science(research)/culture/commerce/food/health (and of course production)
and they can give negative bonuses (penalties) like -1 health (just use negative numbers)
if that's not what you mean.. please specify!
for many (if not all
) your XML tag explanations... go here
or here (its not as complete but sometimes has info that other link (above) doesnt have...so cross-reference!
What I usually do is find a building/unit that has the bonuses/penalties that I want to incorporate and copy and paste the format
REMEMBER to backup all your FILES before you start editing them!