Some thoughts for Civ VII after the reveal..


Aug 21, 2024
Hi, I'd just like to share some initial thoughts/ideas after yesterday's partial reveal..

Egypt was and is at their current location, for thousands of years..They didn't change civilization or name!..only leaders come and go..this should be the change..

I liked the nation's flag on some buildings, and the graphics look nicer than VI, although still a bit cartoonish.
Hope the PC requirements will not be too high!..
The diplomacy screen and leader graphics however look it's 2000..ok, I know there is still work in progress..
Bring back the High Council, and leaders should change clothes by era..not wear armor in 2300!..
Add natural Gas as strategic resource, improve espionage, diplomacy, add satellite warfare, cyberattacks.
Also some districts should be a bit smaller, some district buildings were as large as a big city!..
Exchanging maps and tech should be added again, since it's realistic.

These would be some nice changes..
Egypt was and is at their current location, for thousands of years..They didn't change civilization or name!..only leaders come and go..this should be the change..
I mean I hate to do this but as far as I’m aware the name used to be Kemet and then after Alexander Greeks ruled in their place. Things change, even in Egypt.
I mean I hate to do this but as far as I’m aware the name used to be Kemet and then after Alexander Greeks ruled in their place. Things change, even in Egypt.
Also, Arabs, Mamluks, Ottomans, an Albanian dynasty. And that is only the last millennium.

Before that, Romans, Byzantines, briefly Persians IIRC, Byzantines again.

Before that, among others Assyrians, Babylonians(or was it Persians?), Sea People, Nubians....
I mean I hate to do this but as far as I’m aware the name used to be Kemet and then after Alexander Greeks ruled in their place. Things change, even in Egypt.
Yes, You are partially right..but..
So many thousands of years have passed.. and Egypt is now again called Egypt and the cilivilation described as Egyptian.
Greece is Greece and the civilization is called Greek.
China remains China and the civilization Chinese.
Some things might change during the course of history, like religion, language evolves.., but the core civilization remains the same..
which is the rule.., not the exception..

Civilization VI is more realistic..You might change religion, lose or gain some cities, cities might be renamed, lose or gain influence in areas,
but you don't have to change your entire civilization!..this means you have been conquested and you have over..
It's like starting a new game with the new civilization that overtook you and defeated you..and according to the new mechanics this MUST happen!!..not might happen..
At least from what I understood from this initial presentation..
Also, Arabs, Mamluks, Ottomans, an Albanian dynasty. And that is only the last millennium.

Before that, Romans, Byzantines, briefly Persians IIRC, Byzantines again.

Before that, among others Assyrians, Babylonians(or was it Persians?), Sea People, Nubians....
These were conquests or rebellions. The Egyptian people didn't wake up one morning, declare it the beginning of a new era, and suddenly start calling themselves Romans.
These were conquests or rebellions. The Egyptian people didn't wake up one morning, declare it the beginning of a new era, and suddenly start calling themselves Romans.
No, but the current Egyptians have little to do with the ancient Egyptians, exactly due to foreign reign. The Copts, which litterally means Egyptian, the Christian minority in Egypt, are closer. Their language are Egyptian, and they are to a lesser degree Arabized.
So many thousands of years have passed.. and Egypt is now again called Egypt and the cilivilation described as Egyptian.
Greece is Greece and the civilization is called Greek.
China remains China and the civilization Chinese.

Egypt is what it's called in English. Egyptians refer to their country as Misr. Full name: "Jumhurit Misr Alearabyti" - The Arab republic of Egypt. It's not quite the same as ancient Egypt even if the name we use is the same. Like moystumfurmer said, they themselves called it Kemet.

Important: I'm not trying to be wise-ass and call you out on being wrong 🤝 I see your point that civilizations have certain core aspects that remained throughout history. They didn't randomly change in a way that Civ 7 seems to facilitate. But the idea of nations/civilizations drastically changing and influencing each other heavily over time is imo absolutely a thing and it's not a bad idea to have that incorporated in the game.
I mean I hate to do this but as far as I’m aware the name used to be Kemet and then after Alexander Greeks ruled in their place. Things change, even in Egypt.
Yes, but all that happened because someone invaded and conquered Egypt. In Civ we guide our civilization, we make it powerful, influential and prosperous. So why it suddenly has to transform into something completely else?

It's fine if it would be optional, for people who like it.
But it's not fine that we are all forced to play with such option globally turned on.
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