casing_all.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
casing_back_topB.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
cockpit.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
dockingbay.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
engine.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
fuelcells_top.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
lifesupport.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
partylounge.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
Stasis.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
storage.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
thruster_top.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
SHIPbackground.pcx = the #254/#255 entries are black
Really NO
wonder that you have a pinkish screen in-game !
How to fix the first eleven issues :
- Set #254 to black (0;0;0)
- Save the palette
- Import that palette to your image again
- set #254 to lime green (0;255;0)
- save image
How to fix the last issue:
- set #254 to lime green (0;255;0)
- set #255 to magenta (255;0;255)
Then everthing should work.