Spaceship Screen Problemo


Proud to be Awesome
Apr 11, 2008
In The Cold November Rain
I'm creating a space race victory in my mod, where to win you have to be the first to colonize mars. On the space race screen, it all works fine, but when I scroll over one of the tickboxes (I use tickboxes because I figured it'd be easier than creating an empty space background), the whole screen turns pinker. I've attached the SpaceShip files in this post.



First off, that's beautiful! :goodjob: I hope you intend to share that with the rest of us once you have this issue cleaned up.

Secondly, regarding your problem, I notice that your SHIPbackground.pcx doesn't have any transparency colors (Magenta [RGB; 255,0,255] or Green [0,255,0]). That could be your issue.

Notice in the original spaceship screen how the associated part shows up semi-transparent when you mouse over its name. Without looking at the files, it seems you replaced the part images with blank screens, and those are not indexed correctly. Last 2 colors for transparency, just like in pedia icons, you know the drill.
I've already changed the last 2 colours in every palette to #ff00ff and it hasn't made any difference! And the blank part screens I just copied from the playground mods spaceship files and they work fine!
Interesting, they do seem to be correct. I noticed that the background pink color is actually second to last in the palette, where in the originals it is the last. Perhaps since these screens use partial transparency only the last color actually becomes transparent. Try switching the last 2 indices and see if that does it.
casing_all.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
casing_back_topB.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
cockpit.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
dockingbay.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
engine.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
fuelcells_top.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
lifesupport.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
partylounge.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
Stasis.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
storage.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
thruster_top.pcx = Background color is set to #254 instead of #255
SHIPbackground.pcx = the #254/#255 entries are black

Really NO wonder that you have a pinkish screen in-game !:lol:

How to fix the first eleven issues :
- Set #254 to black (0;0;0)
- Save the palette
- Import that palette to your image again
- set #254 to lime green (0;255;0)
- save image

How to fix the last issue:
- set #254 to lime green (0;255;0)
- set #255 to magenta (255;0;255)

Then everthing should work.
georgestow... The Spaceship Background and other files are ok.
The eleven files that Generall666 stated needed to have the transparent color indexed to the correct end slot.
All eleven files only use 240 colors other than the Transparent Magenta Background color. I made a new palette and applied it to all eleven files so this should correct your problem.

These are only the eleven corrected files:


Thanks guys! :goodjob:
It works. Thanks again. =]
Good... just so you know, the background for the SHIPbackground.pcx is not suppose to be transparent and Black used for the transparent palette slot as you have it is ok and also the way that was handled on that Original Civ File.

As for the Magenta and Green colors that are generally used for the transparent palette slots, the colors do not matter other than not using colors that are in your image. We can also use any of the colors that are also used in the image but this must be done correctly so the colors that are in the Transparent palette slots are indexed as different colors to the computer. In Other words, the same colors used for the image and the transparent color slots can be indexed to be used as if they are two different colors. It is just easier to use the Magenta and Green.
Weasel Op... I only mentioned that because I made a new palette for those files and I did not remove or change any color. Just wanted georgestow to know that although the palatte looks different, all original colors that the files use remain the same.
Good... just so you know, the background for the SHIPbackground.pcx is not suppose to be transparent and Black used for the transparent palette slot as you have it is ok and also the way that was handled on that Original Civ File.

Never knew that. I have thought it has the famous and beloved green/magenta couple.:)

Nice work ,George !
Weasel Op... I only mentioned that because I made a new palette for those files and I did not remove or change any color. Just wanted georgestow to know that although the palatte looks different, all original colors that the files use remain the same.
Ah, I see. I thought you meant they only had 240-color palettes. So was my theory correct, that only the last index becomes transparent in these files?
General 666... The Transparency depends on what is wanted to be transparent. Game Button Backgrounds and Diplomacy Screen Backgrounds are set as Transparent for example so only the Buttons and Diplomacy screens are visible but the Spaceship background is not intended to be transparent. If it was, we would be able to see the game through it. The Black that is in the Spaceship background is Not the same Black that is set for Transparency on the palette.
Knowing this about transparency offers a creator the ability to set what they want as transparent on a screen. We could set parts of a screen as transparent if desired for some cool look.

Weasel Op... yes, the last slot on the palette is what is set for total transparency on those files.
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