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Speedy Science


Dec 18, 2001
I've tried everything, but i cant seem to speed up scientific research on new things to faster than six, but at that rate im losing 30 gold a turn. Is there anyway to get the speed down to four or five, or even faster?:confused:
There is no easy answer to this. You cannot get your tech rate down below four at any rate. Six is actually pretty damn good. Try trading a tech to all the civs on the same turn for gold/turn. That should allow you to put your science rate at max for awhile.
I like the massive tech trading strat myself. Keeping gold income high and buy my way to the top. I keep my tax rate pretty high most of the time..sometimes later in the idustrial/modern I turn around and go after researching techs myself...but this is usually because I have the biggest civ..and I can turn and trade the science with others.
just a thought on tech trading (esp for gold per turn). You can't trade them if you dont have em. "speedy Science" is crucial early on. I, unfortunately, cannot figure it out. Does anyone have any early-on tips on how to get advances faster than every 32 turns? (and dont tell me to expand, i know how and it doesnt work very well, for me)
Originally posted by Exsanguination
just a thought on tech trading (esp for gold per turn). You can't trade them if you dont have em. "speedy Science" is crucial early on. I, unfortunately, cannot figure it out. Does anyone have any early-on tips on how to get advances faster than every 32 turns? (and dont tell me to expand, i know how and it doesnt work very well, for me)

These strategies work for me:


I expand rapidly of course, pop-rushing settlers. I usually don't even build soaks at first, except to quell unhappiness. A few works are essential. I set science on 10%, trade for techs, keep my neighbors happy, and make a beeline for marketplace and construction. Then I make a beeline for The Republic.

Meanwhile, at some point you had better build some soaks or your neighbors will think you are weak. Once you achieve The Republic, then I set Science at 40-50%.


Go straight for a military advantage, forget the other techs and take out your nearest neighbor as soon as possible; preferably with a just a couple of bowmen and a couple of lucky breaks, before they even know what's happening. Then hope you aren't too far behind to compete with the rest of the world.
Well you get 2 techs based on your civs qualities, so hopefully you'll meet another civ that has different techs. Also I usualy pick Expansionist civs so I go get goody huts and usualy I can get 5 or 6 techs, which works for me. That's just me however
If you're playing on at least a standard map and with continents build three warriors first and press 'e' on all three so they explore automatically. They will chase down the tribes, get you 3 or 4 techs. As far as what to research, map making is important b/c it will open the way to talking to the rest of the world. I find that very frequently you can buy five or six techs for a map a tech and 200-400 gold.
this has been really helpful. :) I have always been scientifically ahead in chiefttan and warlord, so the trading techs away is good. When you advance, should you ignore optional advances? (free artistry, chivelry, amphib. warfare being ones that i normally leave) with those, i normally either leave them to darwin or buy them off another civ. I am generally nervous about selling off techs because i dont want them getting too advanced. for teching, a democracy is best, right? Thanks.
Gordono2, look at it this way. They are gonna research the tech themselves or buy it off someone anyway. That someone may as well be you. If you do this early and often you can have them at 100% tax paying for your 0% tax.

Because their research is so poor, you can then pick and choose what to sell them later in the game - denying units and wonders to them until its too late.
Some optional techs are worth getting, some aren't. Those that definitely aren't: Amphibious Warfare, Free Artistry, Espionage, Advanced Flight, and Stealth. Let an AI get that junk later and then tech broker it at a profit.

Other optional techs, though, are definitely worth it: Chivalry, Nationalism, Sanitation, Military Tradition. Go for it. The rest kind of just depend. Like Democracy: if you're Republic already, might as well wait for someone else to get it. Navigation: if you're Pangaea, screw it. Music Theory: on Emperor & Deity, forget it. Communism: nice, but is there a hurry to get it?
This works at lower levels of difficulty (ie, not emperor or deity):

First, pick a civ that is scientific. Get the goody huts by exploring. Set your science rate until you lose money and then back off one notch. Early on, you can set it pretty high with no deficit, but it does little to reduce the number of turns.

You want to get libraries and universities ASAP. Establish contact with as many civs as soon as possible. Sell or swap techs with them. Remember to offer, do not try to setup a deal--they will reject it. Funny, they will reject something that they will offer themselves. I guess this is a exploit, but what the heck? I once got 380 gold/turn for sanitation. England and France seem to be the most generous in this regard. Use the funds to build a little mil and the rest to crank up science. Make a beeline to republic and then to democracy.

If possible, build copernicus's observatory. This wonder has no expiration, and doubles science in the city in which it's built. Once you've gotten libraries and universities in all your major cities, changing science spending will affect the turns per tech considerably.

Once the income runs out from the sales, make your rounds again and sell them the new techs you have researched. You can keep this up until nearly the end of the game. If the other civs are warring, the income from brokering techs will drop considerably. Adjust your tactics accordingly.

Make a beeline to computers and build research labs in all your major cities. It will take you forever to research a tech like superconductor without them. Research labs are dirt cheap with a science civ.

Some pointers:

Dont sell a tech that enables a wonder until yours is nearly built. This is evil, and i laugh all the time. :D Of course, if they are able to switch construction to another wonder and have accumulated sufficient shields with the prior construction, you may get burned.

Avoid war if at all possible. This kills science research AND culture. Avoid war mobilization unless things are dire.

BTW, what is a "soak"?
In my currect Bablyonian game, i was at 50% science, and getting at around 4 or 5 turns per tech...I had a lot of cities, as i was playing on a large map, many cities means more money, more money can be turned into science...Its also good to trade a lot with the other civs
Originally posted by Talamane
BTW, what is a "soak"?

A soak refers to the grunts. They absorb the brunt of the enemy attack in order to protect the more valuable units, such as artillery.
Sometimes, you need to get almost bankrupt to get the goods within 4 turns. Set science to 100. Yup.
Who cares, soon I'm gonna attack and set my science to 10 anyway :lol: . These are the times I get loads of gold.
The rules are: if behind, attack and don't research. Same level? Attack and research a bit. If you're ahead, then it's time to rest and set science to max.
Here's one cheat, set science to 100%, even in the early stages. There is no penalty for running a deficit,(except the annoying pop-up window from your advisor telling you your treasury is low after every turn). I can be at 0 gold, and lose 53 gold per turn, and I'll still be at zero, not -53. What good is money anyways, if your self-sufficient? Expand, so you have many cities (just far enough so they can later become large cities), then have them all build money and science improvements. After awhile I'm usually so far ahead in science I can then set the science much lower than 100%, to start making a profit while still taking only four turns to advance to the next tech.
I'm gonna try that one. Now, how about you trying the 0 or 10% tactic? It's sure fun as hell. You get so much money, you can do anything you want.
Besides, resources are as important as tech. I've seen enough times a high tech AI lose to my puny knights and cavalry, as they had no saltpeter or rubber. If they have, sneak in and cut the road. Yum. :D .
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