Start Up Question


Dec 22, 2003
Hey everyone-

I remember when playing Civ II that you could go into the editor and adjuxt the number (and type) of starting units you have. Can I do the same in Civ III? I couldn't seem to find it when I looked, and didn't want to screw something up on accident that I couldn't fix.

hi, welcome to CFC. can't remember that in Civ 2, but everything could be modded there. I guess the easiest thing is to make a little mod yourself. the settings for the AI are under the difficulties tab.
Huh? Thanks for the reply, but I don't have ANY idea what you're talking about. "Create a little mod for yourself?" Sorry - WAY over my head. Could you explain it to me like I'm a 5-year old? I AM that lame.

sorry, I just meant to make a random map with the editor and place some units if you want to, save and play. In Civ 3 there is no such thing as "rules.txt", you gotta use the editor which should be much easier than the cryptic language in Civ 2.
Ok - NOW we're getting some where. I've been in the editor, and I know how to select different starting locations for civs, but I've never heard of placing units. Can you tell me how to place, let's say, just for the fun of it, 100 settlers on the island that I'll be starting MY civ on?

1. Open the editor
2. On the toolbar go to the icon that looks like a shield (the tooltip should read: Set Active Player) and press it
3. in the window that now appears you should set the civilization that you want to play as and click on ok
4. now go to the select unit button on the tool bar, it should be the 6th button left of the set active player toolbar, and click it
5. select the unit you want
6. left click on the map wherever you want your unit
7. repeat as needed

You might want to set your playing starting location near those extra units as well, if you don't your starting settler/worker pair and the extra units might end up on different islands. To place your starting location:

8. go to the select overlay button on the toolbar (it should be the 3rd left of the select unit button) and click on it
9. in the window that appears select playing starting location and click ok
10. left click on the map where you want it
11. right click on the new starting location and choose properties
12. click on the button change next to the owner box and change it to the civilization you want to play
13. save your mod and play it
open the editor, open the biq file which contains all information, make sure you made a copy before or save it under a new name, just in case. generate random map (map menu), set active player (the blue shield icon), then select unit (the helmet icon) and you can place them by clicking on the map.

(if you saved under another name you must load it as scenario in the main game screen)
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