Starting Production

Darth Meanie

Mar 30, 2007
Fresno, CA
I have to ask... when you make your first city, how do you best decide what to produce: Worker, Warrior, Settler... and in what order. What is the most efficient way to start?
I have to ask... when you make your first city, how do you best decide what to produce: Worker, Warrior, Settler... and in what order. What is the most efficient way to start?

There is a thread asking essentially the same question here
There's a War Academy article here.

It advocates worker/worker/settler, which if I start with a scout I modify to worker/worker/warrior/settler/warrior. The first warrior goes with the settler and the second one stays at home. Ofttimes my second warrior is an archer instead.

I may delay the second worker if I don't have enough worker techs to keep them both busy. In that case I build a warrior early. But generally I have Bronze Working pretty early and either that or building roads to the second city keeps them plenty busy. In the case of really good sea resources, my second worker might be a work boat (or the first one, if there are no land-based food bonus tiles in the capital's fat cross).
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