Steam Group for SM Games - Similar to the old ladder


Mar 21, 2020

I figured that a lot of people in here may not know, but there's a Steam Group - called Civ Peeps - with about 200 members that still play CivV on a daily basis.

In my mind, this group is very similar than the old ladder (CivPlayers): Very competitive, most players are very good at playing these games and lots of picky rules :)

Most common game by far is a Teamer: 3v3 Skirmish Classic Start, with no Barbarian/Huts/City State and a few other bans like Great Wall, GL, etc... And those games last from one to two hours top - which for me is a big plus vs. the regular FFA 6 hour game.

If anyone want to give it a try + feel like can play those competitive games, just send me steam msg - Rodrigo8787 and I can add you to that group.

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