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[R&F] Strategy School — By-Topic Tutorial Series for Beginners


Jun 6, 2016
Hi all,

Last week, I dove back into a Tutorial project I started earlier this year and wanted to share now that we're a few entries deep in the playlist.

Strategy School is a beginner-friendly tutorial series — "series" in that it's a campaign playthrough with tutorial-level commentary and an emphasis on comprehensive explanations — with new entries releasing every two days @ 10 am ET (GMT -5).

Full playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLFcBsX3CFECOJZztkJdHpg-ta0CUjgekg

Some highlights ...
  • Episodes cover 2-3 topics apiece and focus on tutorial / game overview in the first entries.
  • Playing as Gilgamesh, but not to his/Sumer's bonuses, so not a Gilgamesh tutorial.
  • Point being to play an average Civ VI game w/ lessons that apply across all Civilizations.
  • Neither is it a "Master Class" Tutorial - Playing on Prince Difficulty so beginners feel comfortable.
Questions are encouraged, and alternative approaches / strategies from experienced players are a vital part of the comments. One of my goals with a tutorial series is to make sure viewer interactions and participations are synergistic with, or at least similarly meaningful to, watching the video.

Looking forward to your thoughts on this thread (feel free to ask questions here, as I'll consider this an extension of the video comments for those who know of it), and I hope to see you over there as well.

Thanks in advance for giving it a look! Also, I'd like to acknowledge the helpfulness of the CivFanatics staff in directing my post to this board.


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I am not new to the series or Civ VI but I already learned something I didn't know. It looks like a very good beginners' tutorial. I will continue to follow what you are doing.
Me too, I'm a seasoned player but I find your videos really interesting, the flow is good, info is relevant and helpful. Well done!
I am waiting for some more advanced videos for Deity on all Standard Settings for Pang/Cont Maps. So far the 3 videos I have watched are a lot of talking and not for optimal play or even better play. It is some theory and some role play/sandbox type of teaching. However making these videos is a lot of work recording and decompressing and uploading and you usually don't get many views or praise for the work you have done. I respect the work and attempt but I think it doesn't really teach a player how to play or think better or more optimum.

I found it interesting that you are using Gilgamesh and telling us that you want to teach general concepts so ignore all this stuff Gilgamesh can do. Why didn't you use a Lower Tier Civ?
@AmazonQueen @Forster @BarbarianHunter @Kataklysm

Thanks!! Really hoping that some of the nitty-gritty helps the more seasoned players. Optimal Civ play really is knowing about the small stuff that you overlook once you feel like you "get it," so I'm so glad you've found some use from the series.

@Fluphen Azine

I'm afraid you're going to be waiting a long time. From your feedback, it's as though you're holding the Tutorial to a different standard than the one I've expressly set for it.

On the other hand, everyone's skill level and learning style is different, so I would not expect the feedback to be all positive. Maybe my style of explaining the game is just not one that appeals to you or helps you individually. Sorry I can't be more helpful, and thank you as well for your respect and appreciation for the effort.

@AmazonQueen @Forster @BarbarianHunter @Kataklysm

Thanks!! Really hoping that some of the nitty-gritty helps the more seasoned players. Optimal Civ play really is knowing about the small stuff that you overlook once you feel like you "get it," so I'm so glad you've found some use from the series.

@Fluphen Azine

I'm afraid you're going to be waiting a long time. From your feedback, it's as though you're holding the Tutorial to a different standard than the one I've expressly set for it.

On the other hand, everyone's skill level and learning style is different, so I would not expect the feedback to be all positive. Maybe my style of explaining the game is just not one that appeals to you or helps you individually. Sorry I can't be more helpful, and thank you as well for your respect and appreciation for the effort.


I get it. I don't really have any problem with what you are doing and or teaching. I think what you are doing is helping players and I think it makes things fun for you because it doesn't take long for Civ to get Boring and I can see this making it more fun all around for you. I used to put together Civ IV and V videos and it is a lot of work that doesn't get much appreciation.

I notice many LPs or Instructional Videos on Youtube will give some really bad early game advice like building Monuments First or things like getting up Religion which is basically useless and makes the game longer. Not a bad thing if you want Role Play but the more you read and search around you see these top players just always rolling the Deity AI very Fast and they breeze through the Tech Tree. They chop out a Monster Army because they just do everything right. They also get all Golden Ages and finish the game under 150 turns... every time.

Anyways, whatever... I apologize if my criticism seemed harsh... I just found it hard to watch you talk about things for so long and after all the information you decide to rush Faith Districts which the AI builds plenty of... I dunno... I am a jaded a-hole.

My main beef is that your making videos that are titled strategy school for beginners but so far it just seems like your strategy isn't for optimum play or finishing fast. I watch Potato Mcwhiskey on Youtube and you see how many people love it and say they are finally learning how to play this game but I watched him get rolled 3+ times on Deity on one of his Streams and on his LPs he is doing all kinds of bad moves. When you are only generating 65 SPT on turn 165 and you haven't rolled half of the AI on the map... something seems wrong. Honestly the Top Players seem to have already finished the game by that turn time.
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This idea of "optimum" play is so fascinating to me, honestly, as a normative thing. A lot of skilled players seem to look for this in a Tutorial Series. I really don't know what to make of it. I'm not saying this is what you're suggesting, but looking at it from an outsider's perspective, and looking at the consensus of people who share this approach... it's as though a large proportion of the player base genuinely feels that you either learn to play perfectly or not at all.

It's as if, to a lot of folks, the game isn't even worth playing (let alone teaching) if you're not doing everything optimally.

To me, that's patently absurd. I'd like to be a positive influence on everyone, beginner or not, and encourage people to approach learning the game from a position of playing the game in order to enjoy it, not merely to win. The series is a Beginner's Tutorial and I've said that from the beginning. A big part of the reason I do that is because it's important that I not present myself or the series as teaching something that I won't be teaching / it doesn't teach.

So when people come in and call me down for playing the Tutorial on Prince, for instance, or for not talking about the "optimum" level of play, it's hard to put together a reply. It's like that person wants me to provide something I've already told him or her I won't be providing. Ultimately, when I do finally respond, my biggest motivation is that I want to be sure he or she understands what I'm actually doing and why. You owe me no apology at all; we're cool. You just provided criticism that doesn't apply to what I'm trying to accomplish, so I just couldn't do much with what you said, and that's a shame. My response was meant candidly and helpfully.

My take on it is simple. When you're just learning the game, playing optimally doesn't matter. You can have fun (and win) without doing it. What does matter is playing and having fun, and that involves knowing the mechanics on a fundamental level so that you can continue to improve on your own after that point, to whatever end you desire. That's where I want to help people.

For me, that's where it's most fun to be a teacher.

HadianLP is producing a beginners tutorial. Advance concepts and optimal play do not fall under a beginners' level, those are for later tutorials or lets play vids. I think what he is doing is very beneficial for the game to help new players learn it.
HadianLP is producing a beginners tutorial. Advance concepts and optimal play do not fall under a beginners' level, those are for later tutorials or lets play vids. I think what he is doing is very beneficial for the game to help new players learn it.

I suppose if in the sense you are saying it is a great tutorial to learn how to use the buttons and what things mean but why teach players how to play poorly with bad tech and build orders? Not that they can't win playing that way but after you get the gist of everything now you have to go back and relearn why going for Faith Districts is a bad idea most generally and you have to understand that if you don't build Army First your game will end in about 30 turns or so. Whatever... you guys think its great and great information that is fine but I tend to see it as misinformation and down the road you have to relearn all over again and try to get rid of builder mode habits. I watch these guys playing on some Deity LP going for an Early Campus and building Monuments and Builders and they wonder why the F did they just get killed before the Ancient Era ended??
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I suppose if in the sense you are saying it is a great tutorial to learn how to use the buttons and what things mean but why teach players how to play poorly with bad tech and build orders? Not that they can't win playing that way but after you get the gist of everything now you have to go back and relearn why going for Faith Districts is a bad idea most generally and you have to understand that if you don't build Army First your game will end in about 30 turns or so. Whatever... you guys think its great and great information that is fine but I tend to see it as misinformation and down the road you have to relearn all over again and try to get rid of builder mode habits. I watch these guys playing on some Deity LP going for an Early Campus and building Monuments and Builders and they wonder why the F did they just get killed before the Ancient Era ended??
Again... not everyone plays the same way. Not everyone aspires to playing Deity and achieving domination wins in 100 turns. I haven't watched these videos yet but it sounds like they are explicitly NOT attempting to be a how-to for fast Deity wins, just an explanation for the "hows" of game mechanics. The "why" (or "why not") is a different topic.
Again... not everyone plays the same way. Not everyone aspires to playing Deity and achieving domination wins in 100 turns. I haven't watched these videos yet but it sounds like they are explicitly NOT attempting to be a how-to for fast Deity wins, just an explanation for the "hows" of game mechanics. The "why" (or "why not") is a different topic.

I can accept that. I guess I just think the title is misleading and after that I come in here and read how all these long time players watched the videos and learned something new and they were praising them. So I watched 3 of them which almost took an hour and I was very disappointed and I made some comments about what I thought. Perhaps I am wrong in my assessment. I can accept that. I just think they should be re-titled because I see no strategy being discussed yet.

You have a point that not everyone plays the same way but it is clear that on Deity and on Standard Settings and on Pang/Cont Maps that you clearly do things a certain way after reading what the map gives you and that is basically one dimensional. Now if you want to Sandbox Up or Role Play than by all means just do whatever and win because that is what this game has become... do whatever and win.
Let's not argue, gents. Any and all endeavors to provide feedback have my gratitude. I won't be changing the series title. I think it fits just fine.

But, I do thank you for the critique and for your civility. Cheers.

This series has been great for me so far, and is exactly what I am looking for. The way that Hadrian presents the information in his "School" video series, not only for this game tittle but others that I have learned from, is more about facilitating a better understanding of how game mechanics work, and is not a follow this recipe to victory type of guide. I very much appreciate the time and detail that he puts into these series.

I am totally new to not only CIV games, but this is also the first turn base game I have ever played with the exception of a little Command and Conquer years ago. I like that I can take the information that he provides to get a good understanding of how things work, then apply that basic understanding to develop my own playstyle and not try to immolate a more advanced players recipe for success at all costs.

The School series' that he facilitated for The Long Dark and Frost Punk tittles were fundamental in my understanding and enjoyment of those games, and I hope he continues to deliver moving forward.
Would you include a link to each video in your first message. I am having to start the 2nd vid, then click at the end to bring up the next vids. Thanks.
@Forster I'll do you one better. The link to the playlist on YouTube is now in the original post. You can click on that and either watch the whole thing or click on the episode you want. Titles should be clearly visible as well, for topic browsing.

@FzCruzer This is one of the nicest things anyone's ever taken the time to write about my little corner of YouTube. Thank you so, so much. All the best to you.

Hey CivFanatics,

Strategy School is back to its normal schedule! After a week-long trip out of town put the series on ice for a little while, I thought some of you might like to know.

Here are the latest two episodes, one from before the break and one from today.


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