Suggestions to enhance automatic trade system


Dec 11, 2015
I REALLY like the automatic trade system, it DEFINITELY makes things quite a bit simpler, but thought there are a couple of things that might make it even better ...


When automatically trading with Europe, how about enhancing the auto-buy system? As I saw it, it allows you to specify how much of a certain good to automatically purchase (like Trade Goods), but it seems a bit clunky and difficult to manage this particularly when you set up a lot of Native trade routes. It would be awesome if we could have similar controls on this as we do the settlement-to-settlement trade routes -- i.e., keep the settlement trading with Europe stocked to a certain level on that good, or prevent that settlement from having more than a certain amount of that good.

Presently, you gotta estimate how much of that good you will be trading away with Native villages and taking that into account, and remembering when that native village will stop trading, and take into account they may not want an automatic trade route after that ... you also gotta remember when your max import amount from Europe for that good will exhaust.

Being able to simply specify keeping my port city stocked to a certain level, and automatically buy trade goods to keep it at that level I think would make this a lot easier to manage.


In general when trading between settlements (and/or with Europe, as per above), how about an option to maintain stock of a certain trade good to the point of (but not exceeding) that settlement's storage capacity, thus letting it automatically keep pace with storage capacity increases you build in that settlement as an alternative to specifying a fixed, exact minimum or maximum amount to stock that settlement to?

Do you mean something kike this?

It is already in the 5.00 version. ;)
When I have read your message, I was wondering "But this is already the case!", and then I've realized that I have implemented this version after the 4.00 release.

So be patient, I will do my best to release the version in January.

You know, when I see motivated players like you, it motivates myself to develop.
So I will continue right now. :p
I feel silly when I ask for a feature you've already implemented. XD Looking forward to the release! I know its an aging game but I'm an addict. :p
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