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Swazi king buys himself 500,000-dollar luxury sedan while his people die from aids

Fine, he bought a car, but must he buy a crappy chrysler? I mean, of all the crappy American Brands of vehicles, Chrysler is the worst!

Their vehicles suck, and there is no 2 ways about it. My family has owned chrysler minivans a total of 3, all have sucked. Then we get a friggen kia, and it works fine.

Conclusion: This Swazi guy bought a crappy car. Luxuriously crappy.
This is the guy who, supposedly out of sympathy with the plight of the HIV-infected, imposed a month of abstinence on himself, went on to sleep with a farmer's daughter, and when the story leaked, he fined himself one cow. I'm somehow not surprised at senseless behaviour from him. His comment about public debate being "un-African" was pretty good too.

I'm most amused to read he's bulding ten palaces for his eleven wives. Did one have a headache recently?
Yom said:
What about Chile under Pinochet and the Chicago Boys?

It was liberal capitalism, but not 100% laissez-faire. Things such as tariffs and the minimum wage were never abolished, they simply were lower then in most places.
Dancing with Godwin by posting this one, but here goes:

At the end of World War II, with Berlin getting bombed into the Ancient Age, Hitler and his Inner Circle were having a PARTY. Right up to the minute he stepped into that other room with his wife and did the Big Goodbye.

Do you s'pose King Mswati III, having to rule over such a desolate country, just plain lost his marbles....?
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