taltho's Globe World

Hey, no prob. 3-D visualization is a tricky thing. I'm glad you see the geometry now. I was trying to figure out how to explain it all by email this morning.
taltho, it's absolutely no problem. I've also been proven wrong before. Plus, you did it yourself, and was honourable to admit it.

OT, I see you give your location as Alaska. What kind of summer weather do you have there now? 20 degrees centigrade? (this should be 68 F) Sun and gnats (I think this is the word, small stinging, flying things) around the clock?
First to address your question about the poler region, (Tundra) I put it there for two reason's, one to keep polution down, two to fill the empty space between globes.

This map was only meant to be a ruffdraft, I wanted somthing quick I could build to further understand x and y wrapping (doughnut's lol ).

Yah we have nats too, but mostly mosquito's samething as vampire's they suck blood. the temp 65 F to 80 F with a magnificant out door reality. It will leave one awe-struck and mystafide. The winter .......Ohhh dread as low as -35 F.
How about stockholm, Anchorage is also sea port
We have the Gulf Stream, so we have less differentiation of temperatures than you have. Last week was very nice, sunny and 25-30 degrees Celsius (the equation is F=1.8C+32, if you didn't know). Now it's a bit colder and thunderstorms.
Ok every one now that that's cleared up, I would really like to know if U people are enjoying this map, I do hope so.
I'm thinking of cleaning it up a bit, changing tundra adding eight more civs ext. But befor I take the time I need to know if anyone cares, it's been 46 downloads and little feedback on wether or not it's enjoyable, I imagin it is............... but still I don't know.
I must confess that after all this discussion that I haven't played this map yet. Very sorry.

In fairness I will play through it and give you some feedback. I'm taking the family up to Cracow for a long weekend, so can I get feedback to you next Tuesday?

Could you return the favor and take a look at a map I posted about two weeks ago (Abilard's Europe)? I'm also looking for some feedback before posting an improved map. Don't worry about playing a full game, just feedback on accuracy and playability would be great. Thanks!
Yah I'll try your map you'v got to give me a week or so.

Can't help tonight abiliard my computer is down I should have it going by the end of the month.
I have the same file on other computer's, I'll see what I can do to upload the file again, as for downloading yours I do'nt know if I'll beabl to till I get my computer back on line sorry.

HEY! Have a good weekend.
And..... where the hay is Cracow???
Cracow... aka Krakow... it's in southern Poland. It was the center of Polish politics and religion for a couple of centuries. The inner town is apparently a world heritage site.

Good luck with your computer!
Still not able to download your map... my computer isn't recognizing the file as a zip file. Is the link right?

The problem could be at my end, but I just tried downloading a couple of other maps and it worked fine.

Guess I'll have to try out your map when I get back from Poland. Thanks for checking out Abilard's Europe!
I just completed a x and y wrapping map myself (larry niven's ringowrld) and would love to help out with a true x/y wrapped earth map. I think that would be so awesome. I've been trying to figure out how to do it myself, and i never thought of a fuller projection map! I've got a small jpg of one aorund here somewhere I'll have to look for it.

Tom aka Chizzy
Here's the map I found, it would make oceans unrealistically huge, but the land values would be perfectly correct.

Is this what your thinking of? I would love to be a part of helping with this.

Chizzy aka Tom


  • xyearth.jpg
    88.1 KB · Views: 229

Just made one! (using the same image)

There are some "issues" though.

1) Those big void spaces... to solve this I made them all ocean and assigned a move value of 0. This way ships can "warp" across the map folds. In other words, a ship sailing from the west coast of Africa to the Northeast coast of S America would move normally through the sea spaces around Africa and S. America while "warping" through the ocean spaces.

2) It needs to have x-wrapping but not y-wrapping. Consider the same ship sailing from the west coast of Africa. With y-wrapping on this boat would be able to sail to Japan and completely bypass the Western hemisphere. Gotta have y-wrapping off.

I'll post the map I've made right now. The coastlines are accurate but the placement of terrain features and (especially) goods is probably very off.:goodjob:
Just posted the Fuller Projection map! Let me know what you think.

Taltho- still not able to down load your file here... would love to try it out.
Well chizzy- Thats a verry good map.
Allthough, my map is quite differant in it's placment, alowing greater fuctonality. I sketched it on to a pice of papper,{ this took about three day's}, then copied the papper four times, placed them ontop of side by side eachother, found the sides that where to be connected in the tours, thus making a fuctional earth map.

Anyway The part of my map I will need help on is the propper placment of terrain/recources/rivers ext. These things I do not know and will need help on.

Oh by the way abiliard my computer should be up by tomarow to fix the down-load problem.
ballance ecanllab
:rolleyes: :cool: taltho's Globe World will be differant, I'v changed the tundra around added eight more civs, rivers, mountain's, spred out the terain typs a little more.:D

I'm only trying these pics for the firs time so don't laugh!:lol:
Ok abiliard, this should work for a download. :D If you have any more probs' let me know.

I have included one upload here also so one of them should work I am using standard rules in this down load.

:yeah: chizzy I would love to have some help with my earth map you'v just got to give me a little more time, too get things together. I'v just now finaly, got my computer back up and running.;) have paitance please
try it again I just try'd uploading it again, I'm not sure what's wrong .
How do you upload your map's?
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