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Tech Web Discussion


Sister Lady
Oct 27, 2014
Why don't we talk about the tech web and how it could be improved?

Personally, I believe:
  • That the web could benefit from a system where researching a main tech requires either Tech X, or Y Discovery Points of type Z where a number of DPs of a specific type are given whenever you discover a tech of that same type.
  • That the web seems too small for something so futuristic. The future is supposed to be vast with an unimaginable scale, our current web seems smaller than the Civ V tree. Maybe turning minor techs into major techs or transferring some discoveries to new techs would work

Let the discussion begin!
New techs should be created by combining prerequisite techs and every tech should be re-researchable/improvable (with significant increase in science needed) to increase their effects meaning there are levels to each techs.
New techs should be created by combining prerequisite techs and every tech should be re-researchable/improvable (with significant increase in science needed) to increase their effects meaning there are levels to each techs.

Maybe said upgrades could instead be those mini-techs. As you can probably tell, I don't really like the whole micro tech thing outside of improving pre-existing techs and adding small changes. Adding major discoveries to them just makes everything you get from said tech underwhelming for me.
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