Technology impossibly boosted


Oct 10, 2016
Version (221715)

In a game I have running now, somehow Archery has been boosted by the "kill a unit with a Slinger" quest.

I've never produced or controller a Slinger in this game.
You can receive the boosts in other ways... villages will often give you an unearned boost, as can Great scientists.

This is at the very beginning of a game, and it specifically says I boosted the tech because I "killed a unit with a Slinger".

I understand that villages can boost tech, but it shouldn't tell me that I boosted it by doing something I did not do.
But that's what the tribal village boosts do. Even if you didn't found a city on a coast, if a tribal village gives you the Fishing boost, the game shows you having satisfied the requirement for the boost (even though the phrasing might imply that the game thinks you founded a city on the coast, even though you did not).
The problem is in the phrasing, then, or the fact that the village "takes over" the function of the quest. I have, in fact, not done what it claims I have done.

I can't imagine this is intentional behaviour?

Is there any reason village boosts shouldn't just produce X science (reflected by the bar filling up), and the boost "quest" still be available to perform? Or the text be altered to "boosted by goodie hut"? That's what the hut does in praxis, right?
The idea is that one of the bonuses you can get from tribal villages is random eurekas and inspirations. Just giving you a burst of science or culture would accomplish a different goal.
I also experienced this (same version: / 221715). I noticed that for some reason I have Iron Working boosted, although I don't have Iron anywhere in my territory and I didn't receive any Great Scientist before. Also I don't recall clearing any village.

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