Ranged targeting bug (version 1.4.7 iOS but has been going on much of the last year)


Mar 10, 2024
Has anyone run into the bug that randomly appears at times when you’ve been running the game on ios for a while and you try to target an enemy with a ranged unit - portions of the map go all weirdly colorfully pixelated and completely locks up the app, I have to close the app (not minimize) and restart. Then it’s fine for a while again. It’s not really predictable but usually when I’m hitting a lot of enemies in one turn, or when the app’s been running a while. This has been occurring for quite a while but my current Version 1.4.7 iOS still does it. I have all the DLC enabled, currently, but it already did it before I bought Leader Pass and New Frontier Pass. It seems to have at least something to do with how long the app has been open on the device because if I reopen I can continue without problem even with the same targeting unit and same target, and then days or hours later it will happen again. Edited to add screen shot. Notice I had just hit the enemy privateer with my privateer and was going on to target it with the field cannon corps when it locked up. Only seems to happen when the game has been running a while.


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It is now worse since the ios update. Happened on my very first turn that included targeting after updating, then restarting app i got to second turn that included targeting. The third time i got about five turns in and then it locked up when targeting. And it’s usually if you have two ranged units, target and hit with one, and the second ranged unit locks it up.
I did figure out that it seems to be connected to the targeting button, rather than dragging from the ranged unit to the one you want to target. Also this applies to city attacks - where you can’t do anything but tap the targeting reticle. As far as I’ve noticed I’ve never had it lock up except on the targeting button or city targeting button.
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