Tell of your very first Civ game—before you learned how to play

I barely remember what I did on my first game because I gave up quickly. But my second game was memorable. I was England (chieftain of course), and had loads of AIs and didn't realized I'd picked them. I thought I was ony playing against one, but it turned out to be at least five other players. D'oh! I didn't have ANY military units at all. Germany, Iroqouis, and greece waltzed in and took each of my crappy three cities. I was defeated in the BC era! I had a histograph of 17. Ugh...

But I've learned better and I'm trying to move up in levels. My succession game is here for my move up.
You put up a SG? I could join... What level is it?

I can't remember my first Civ3 game, but my firts Civ 2 game was cool... I didn't know what to do with the lonely settler standing there...

It took a long time to learn how to move diagonally, as I was playing on a laptop (75 Mhz:D) I was moving only up, down, right and left, until I suddelnly found out that you can use the Home, PgDown etc. buttons on the left...:D
Originally posted by Wizard
You put up a SG? I could join... What level is it?

I can't remember my first Civ3 game, but my firts Civ 2 game was cool... I didn't know what to do with the lonely settler standing there...

It took a long time to learn how to move diagonally, as I was playing on a laptop (75 Mhz:D) I was moving only up, down, right and left, until I suddelnly found out that you can use the Home, PgDown etc. buttons on the left...:D

Well it's title EVIE1, and it's on the succession game board. mad-bax is running it and he has me thinking about strategy so much my head exploded. I was going to move up to warlord, but he shoved me into regent instead. Pushy... :) I'm not sure if more people can join, but you can lurk around if you want. I'm posting saves of my games so you can follow. :)
I started with Civ 1 at my grandparents' house after watching my cousins play a few times. I don't remeber my very first game but overall I did pretty well for an eight-year old. One thing I remeber fondly is that I used to fortify units AROUND my cities because I didn't know you could garrison them inside :)

I got Civ 2 when it came out for Christmas. I was disappointed - I wanted the original Civ that I knew from my grandparents' and my parents felt bad that they had gotten me the wrong game. I decided to give the game a shot anyway, and to my surprise, I went to bed at 1:30 AM that night (which was probably the latest I had ever stayed up at the time). I've probably spent more hours gaming Civ 2 than any game since - I have many, many good memories with that game.

Finally Civ 3 rolled around, and I've been playing it on and off - I'll be hooked for a few weeks then take a break for another month or so. Oh well.

ps: just realized that i've kinda drifted off topic... but anyways :) a good trip down memory lane
My first Civ game was long long ago in a galaxy far far away playing CIV I, I was addicted (or a word that sounds like that ;) )right from the start. When CIV II came out I couldnt believe how much of an improvement it was. I conquered vast unknown worlds by the truckload on Deity, just get to Fundamentalism and go crazy.

I was given CIV III as an Xmas present by my SO (bad mistake on her part and I bet she wishes she could do a reload). Being a Deity meglomaniac on CIV II I thought I would try an easy game on Emperor to get started. Like a bad car crash I dont remember many of the details but I still bear the scars, it was a disasterours humiliation. After eating my pride and going back to Warlord I have worked my way back up the the long path to wining most games on Emperor, and losing most times on Diety.:D
Originally posted by Odoacer
I started with Civ 1 at my grandparents' house after watching my cousins play a few times. I don't remeber my very first game but overall I did pretty well for an eight-year old. One thing I remeber fondly is that I used to fortify units AROUND my cities because I didn't know you could garrison them inside :)

I got Civ 2 when it came out for Christmas. I was disappointed - I wanted the original Civ that I knew from my grandparents' and my parents felt bad that they had gotten me the wrong game. I decided to give the game a shot anyway, and to my surprise, I went to bed at 1:30 AM that night (which was probably the latest I had ever stayed up at the time). I've probably spent more hours gaming Civ 2 than any game since - I have many, many good memories with that game.

Finally Civ 3 rolled around, and I've been playing it on and off - I'll be hooked for a few weeks then take a break for another month or so. Oh well.

ps: just realized that i've kinda drifted off topic... but anyways :) a good trip down memory lane

Also not trying to drift off topic, but the same thing happens to me with Civ 3, i'm totally addicted to it for about a week, and then just stop playing for 2 weeks.
My first game was on tutorial in Civ III as Babylon but it was only 20 turns in and the Egyptians had built everywhere. Then they said give us iron or else.

I quit. My first proper game was on Cheiften as the Germans. I started on a large round island of grassland with mountains in the middle. The map was not very large. Anyway I never went to war once and by the end of the game I was fully industrialised. The Russians in the middle on a huge continent were still in the middle ages. I also recall wanting to use a nuclear sub to launch nukes but didnt know you had to buy the nuke seperatly!

I think I won culture, having most of the wonders.
You really shoudn't have started on Regent, hoplite505! Have you ever played CivII or something before?

(Oh yes, and you appear to be spamming a bit. You might want to slow down on that or there could be moderator-initiated consequences. Just a heads up!)
My first game was on chieftain with the germans. I dominated my continet, by crushing the russians and french. i tried playing on monarch and my civ2 strategy sucked. luckly i read the manuel!!
i remember my first game fondly...i was the americans, on chieftain of course. :) continents/4 billion/normal.
I was quietly building and culturally dominating, though at the time i wasn't quite sure why, when suddenly, my friends and neighbors to the north, the persians, decided to backstab me. I vividly remember how pissed i was, lol, so i burned every one of their cities to the ground. after that, the zulu decided to get in on the fun, and i had to build a bunch of transports and sail over to their continent to get to them. i remember i invaded them with riflemen, for some reason, but it worked. i think eventually i also went to war with the aztecs, who were on my continent, and the babylonians, but i actually won by spaceship vic.
ahhh, that was such a fun game.
Myy first game was a disaster tacticly. I already had a passable amount of knowledge from seeing my brother play. I picked a boring combo, 1 opponent on huge map, with contenents. I was stuck on a relativly small isand which I colonized. Then I got Great Lighthouse. this was before I got the patch so I was able to find the other civ, the Zulus, rather quickly. I built cities in the plains and grassland to the north of them. Then I discovered wall building.(units not the improvement) It cured me of any northern Zulu expansion. After that I colonized the South and part of the West of the Zulu contenent. The game crashed when I was at war with the Zulu and I started a new game.

The new game was perfect. I was Persia on a small grassland Island with 4 other civs, Japan, China, Babylon, and Zulu. I killed them all quickly in the ancient age, except I kept China alive until the Middle ages to have diplomacy fun. (give me Hangchow, give me Hangchow, give me Hangchow) My contenent was a great contenent and I was the only one to ever get a great wonder. Suicide Galleys discovered Germany and France. Light House built and I discovered all civs. Killing spree:Aztecs, India, America, I got another contenent. Then I killed the French and Iroquis. Entered Middle ages. Captured England. Won culturaly. Score of 2100 on second game.

Notes: I liked this game so much that I stayed with it until I killed everyone.
I saved the first turn of the game so I can replay it when ever I want to.(saved before I even moved the settler)
Instituted 3/4 of the principles I would use in later games.
First game I ever say in the modern age. (brother always stopped playing when he won)
Everything I posted about the second game was from memory, I remember more about it then all of my other games except the current one.
I received the Game of the Year additon for Father's Day from my daughter(wife really :D) I had been playing Age of Empires/Age of Kings and they thought this was an ad-on. :lol:

I started playing the tutorial that afternoon. Romans-Chieftain.

I was on an island by myself and had fun moving my warriors around and built about three or four cities. I was expecting an invasion soon like in AOE/AOK but nothing happened. After about two hours of moving around my little island killing barbs, I decided to try a different start. Then the fun began. Up to that point I was ready to write it off.
my first civ game was with civ II. My housemate had a 166mhz PC (which was top of the range at the time lol) and showed me the game. I played as the Greeks on <cough>chieften<cough> and aimed to build a 'learned' society by researching all the knowledge type techs first. I think I only built 5 cities and I am not 100% sure I bothered with roads until I could get railway hahaha. I was at war with everyone I met, I fondly remember my tanks pushing the americans back to one city, then making peace with them. A few turns later the americans were under attack from the native american civ (cant remember name) so i gave the americans 20 tanks :) The game was pretty much over whne I had nukes and levelled a couple of other civs 'for a laugh' :D
My first ever Civ1 game was about 8 or 9 years ago. I played as Russians on a world map and I started building cities right next to each other (Civ1 allowed that) so I ended up with a column of cities starting from Moscow up to the sea in the north! I also built fortresses around this column of cities and fortified Phalanxes (now known as Spearmen) in them. I didn't know that Civ spans right into the modern age, I thought it's only a game about ancient empires so I was extremely surprised when I got attacked by Musketeers. I also realised that building cities next to each other isn't such a good idea, so I built a few cities outside this column and was very satisfied that they were growing very fast. I don't remember how this game ended, but I did survive for quite a long time - I remember having Ironclads then.

When I played my first Civ3 game, I was already a hardened veteran of Civ1 and Civ2 and so I easily won by domination on Chieftain on a 160x160 map. After that I moved up to Monarch and have been playing on Monarch ever since.
Civ1 - I forget! It was so long ago! ;) (probably played as the Romans or French). I *think* I might have conquered an undefended France with an early knight from a goody hut. It was also France that once gave me a tank after I conquered a city (random archipelago map) - in early antiquity! Definately a bug. (went on to win that game with only that tank - on a trireme.

Civ2 - Romans probably. Pretty much did ok on Chieftain (usually wound up turning everything to grassland, irragating and railing it).

Civ3 - I had a civ to my north, and was used to the Civ2 mentality of Civ2's ZOC (There was a 3 tile choke point) and building archers/swords. Declared war on Egypt to my north, thinking units couldn't go past my warrior. I was sure in for a surprise when Egypt headed for my newly founded city to my south, just as I was building up archers. I think it was a jungle start, too.
Don't remember my first games on II or III, but I'll never forget my first CivI game. The map wound up being just me and the Mongols, and it required an ungodly number of ICBM's to support my amphibious assault of his capitol to stop his spaceship from reaching Alpha Centauri. I built the spaceship three times myself before I defended my capitol well enough long enough to get it there...pesky are those ICBMs!

Ten years, three games and thousands of hours later, I still whip Genghis around, just for that cold welcome...
I played as the Greeks and met the Americans. Abe declared war on me and started pouring warriors and spearmen over my border. I quit and that was the LAST time I played against an expansionistic civ!!!

My earliest CivI memory is playing as the Babs against the Russians. It was on CHieftain, but having no Freakin' clue what I was doing; it was AD 500, I met Stalin who was near me in tech because I had No clue how to build an infrastructure. I restarted, but not before I got a message about Moscow being lost to Ramses and Russia splitting apart.
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