Term 1 - City of Olympus


Retired Moderator
Feb 2, 2003
Arizona, USA (it's a dry heat)
Welcome to the city of Olympus, capitol of Fanatikos. Our wandering band of nomads is settling down to found a village which, if the gods smile upon us, will grow to a huge metropolis and become the envy of the world.

The government of our fair town-to-be is organized as follows:

Governor: DaveShack
Deputy Governor: vacant
Mayor: vacant

As you can see there are two vacant positions which any interested citizen may apply for, within restrictions of the laws of our fledgling nation. The position of Deputy Governor follows the same term of office as the Governor. The Mayor position is one which I hope will last throughout the future in much the same way as it is reported happened during previous wordly incarnations. The Mayor will be responsible for the well-being of our citizens, for example by organizing cultural events and entertainment.
Other City Information

[out of character]

A special contest is being conducted in this city thread and in all threads sponsored by Olympus. To encourage use of roleplay, all dealings with this city should be conducted in the spirit that the RL person is representing real Fanatiks, from the "in-game" point of view. To this end, it would be greatly appreciated if all non-essential references to the game itself, game mechanics, user interface, etc. be stated in more in-game terms. As an incentive to the citizens, I will be reviewing and scoring posts in the city thread and its sponsored discussions and polls, with positive points being given to posts which have rich in-game cultural content or role play, and negative points given to posts which are blatantly and unnecessarily focused on the out of game / technical / number crunching aspect of the game.

It is undecided whether the prize for the highest score will be virtual in the form of kudos or something more substantial. I need to have a discussion with Thunderfall first. ;) Also points may or may not carry forward into future terms depending on whether I stick with the governorship and/or future governors keep it up.

[/out of character]
Out of Character

The following instructions have been posted in the TCIT for Wednesday, and are made available for your comments up to 1PM PDT/Arizona, 1800 GMT on Wednesday. After that point I can't promise your comments will be seen and acted upon prior to the TCIT update deadline.

Worker Actions:

Complete mine (4 turns)
Road current location (3 turns)
Move E to wines (1 turn)
Road wines (3 turns)
Irrigate wines (4 turns)

Warrior (2 turns), Settler (15 but will be less), Warrior, Settler. If this weren't 5CC then after the 1st settler would be a granary and we would have a 4-turn settler pump. :(

Adjust MM as needed to minimize overruns. Preference for controlling hapieness is wines :D, MP, lux slider, taxmen, entertainers.
It is in my opinion, the commander-in-chief of the Fanatikos armed forces that we must train more men in the way of the axe, prior to sending out families to create new tribes for the glory of Fanatikos. So I ask you, honorable chieftain of Olympus, DaveShack, to turn one of our brothers into a mighty warrior before a party of people venture out into the wilderness to begin another village.
My Lord Governor,

While it hopefully will not happen, should Olympus find itself in internal turmoil, how should the DP resolve the matter? I would suggest working with the President to determine if specialists or alterations in the slider would be most appropriate. In addition, perhaps a military garrison would help - consultations with the Minister of Defense could be helpful.

-- Ravensfire
Hmm, as the Military Deputy, might I recomend building a defensive unit such as a hoplite to use as garrison duty?
The thought of of a unit such as a hoplite for garrison means has indeed crossed my mind. The only problem is that the next Turnchat will most likely be around 15 turns. Our current unit, warrior, will be completed in 2 turns. The next unit, hopefully a warrior will be, will take 5 turns. The city will grow in 4, 2 turns when we start the warriors construction leaving 3 turns left after it grows. Production will increase a possibility of 1 if the citizens works on the forest and another 1 when the worker finishes mining. This gives Olympus a 4 shield production. Since 6 shields will already be accumulated in the shield box, 1 more turn with 4 shields per turn will finish the warrior. The settler will take a further 9 turns already factoring in growth. The hoplite will then take 20 turns, 1 spt, 20 shields for a hoplite= 20 turns. Therefore, I didn't see the relevance of mentioning the building of a hoplite when it will take so long. Therefore I suggest building one more warrior, fortify it, build perhaps barracks, let Olympus grow to a size 1 or 2 and then build the hoplite.
-vikingruler, Minister of Defense
The point of an early settler is that until the wines are connected we have to waste gold and/or hire a specialist in order to keep civil order. After the wines are connected, we'll have the time to create 2 or more warriors before the next settler.
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