Term V Designated Pool Thread


Member of the Opposition
Feb 1, 2002
Gateway to the West
Link to Term I thread
Link to Term II thread
Link to Term III thread
Link to Term IV thread

DP's - if you switch around, please post it here so everyone will know.

Citizens - if you've got a comment or question for the DP's - post it!

Current Game Session sequence:
UP: CivGeneral

The DP pool and order:
  • DaveShack
  • Ravensfire
  • CivGeneral
  • Furiey
Article L. Game Sessions
All irreversible game actions must be made by a Designated Player during a game session using instructions posted in a game session instruction thread.

A special session to accomplish a specific, short goal may be held by the President if there is significant public support. These special sessions do not count as a regular game session.

Article M. Playing the Save
Commission of any game action, by any person other than the Designated Player while carrying out their duties, which is not instantly reversible without reloading the save, is strictly forbidden.

Code of Laws:
Section L.1 Game Sessions
All irreversible game actions must progress during a game session, while reversible game actions (i.e. build queues) that adhere to legal instructions can be prepared offline. During each session, the designated player must provide a log of their actions in sufficient detail to replicate their actions.

A Game Session Instruction Thread must be created at least 2 days before the chat by the Designated Player for that session. Should a thread not be created in a timely manner, the President may create one. Game Sessions must be at least 3 days apart, no more than 7 days apart. The initial post should contain the date and time of the game session, a link to the save to be used for that session, and if the game session will be on-line or off-line. If the game session is off-line, a citizen may post a confirmation poll for that session. If the confirmation poll fails, the DP must reschedule the game session as an on-line session.

All official instructions must be posted in the current game session instruction thread. Instructions must be clear and defined. Officials must post their instructions at least one hour before the scheduled start of the game session. However, officials may make changes to their instructions up to an hour before the chat, so long as those changes are clearly noted. Officials that do not post instructions for a game session are considered to have given the DP complete control over their area for that game session.

The game session may last for as long as there are relevant instructions, until a posted instruction says to hold the session or when the DP decides to end the session. Once a game session is over, the DP must post a summary of that session, a detailed log of their actions, and a save in the instruction thread and in the summary thread.

If the DP for a session does not show up, or is unable to continue, a substitute DP can be chosen for that session. This substitute is chosen from the President, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Trade and Technology, in that order.]
Helpful tips for new DP's!

Scheduling your Game Session
  • Make it convienient for you, but try to find a time to allow others to participate
  • No earlier than 3 days after the previous session, no later than 7 days
  • If you can't make it, please pass or switch
  • To schedule the session, post an Instruction thread in the main forum
Instruction Thread
  • First and foremost - this is how leaders tell you what they want done. Challenge any vague or undecipherable instruction
  • Include in the intial post the date and time (preferrable in both local time and GMT time), a link to the save, a link to the previous game session and the format (on-line vs off-line)
  • Remember - these are the instructions you must follow. Agree with them, disagree with them, you must follow the instructions posted by a leader for their area.
Playing the save
  • Be on time! Other people will be there, respect them by being on time
  • You can start a bit early with some "pre-turn" actions - anything that can be reversed (build queues, slider settings, unit movement along rails, etc)
  • (BOTH) Once you complete all actions for that first turn, save the game and post it in the instruction thread prior to pressing the button
  • (ON-LINE)Allow interested parties to go through the save and make sure you didn't miss anything.
  • (BOTH) While playing each turn, take detailed notes about what you did and the state of the game. Include unit movement, sightings of opposing forces, builds that complete, etc Be detailed enough that someone else could use your notes and generally recreate your actions.
  • (ON-LINE)For an on-line session, those notes should be typed in the IRC channel as the game progresses
  • (ON-LINE)At the end of each turn, post a summary of the game-state. Include the turn number, the year, treasury, slider settings, tech being researched and the time to get that tech. Give a 5 second count-down before pressing the button.
  • (BOTH)Every 5 turns, save the game before pressing enter and post the save in the instruction thread
  • (ON-LINE)Each time you post a save, allow citizens attending the chat to peruse the save before continuing
Ending the Game Session
  • (BOTH)The game session is ended when an instruction says so, there are no relevant instructions or when you decide to end the session
  • (BOTH)If you run into an unusual situation, or one where a discussion is warranted, consider ending the session
  • (BOTH)At the end of the session, save the game and post it in the instruction thread
  • (BOTH)Also, post your game notes in the instruction thread. For an on-line session, this should be the chat log. If you do not have one, ask someone there to post theirs
  • (BOTH)Post a summary of the game session, noting all major events, in the instruction thread
  • (BOTH)Be prepated for some critisicm of your actions - there are a number of highly skilled players here! Learn from their comments, and be a better Civ player!
Saving the Game
  • You'll be saving the game at various points throughout the game session. The list of points is copied from above, and the format explained here.
    • First, save the game before pressing enter on the first turn. This is called the zero-turn save.
    • Second, save the game every 5 turns.
    • Finally, save the game at the conclusion of the turn.
  • The Save Game name should be in a specific format - DG7_<YEAR>_<TURN>
    • Year should be the full year - BC3500, not 3500
    • Turn is the turn count you've played - TURN5
  • Do not use spaces in the file name, use underscores (_)
Additions, deletions and comments? Let me know!
Term 4, Game Session ## Session NUMBER ## ## GAME DATE ##

This will be an ## FORMAT ## session.
The Designated Player is: ## DP NAME ##

Start Date/Time: ## GAME SESSION DATE ##

Relevant Links:
Current Save
Previous Turnchat Thread

Please use the "title" part of your instruction post to state your office title.

Instruction Checklist:
President - No instructions posted
Minister of Defense - No instructions posted
Minister of Foreign Affairs - No instructions posted
Minister of Trade and Technology - No instructions posted

Governor of Olympus - No instructions posted
Governor of Civatonia - No instructions posted
Governor of Styx - No instructions posted
Governor of Augean Stables - No instructions posted
Governor of Priapos - No instructions posted
Expatriate Governor - No instructions posted

Only elected officials may post in this thread!
Heads Up sent to DaveShack and Ravensfire.

-- Ravensfire
uhhh, when is the next TC? aren't you next in line, ravensfire? if so, then please make a TCIT ASAP. :)
That's me! I'm waiting on my weekend schedule to solidify - I'll know soon.

-- Ravensfire
Reminder note sent to CG and Furiey.

-- Ravensfire
Reminder notes sent to DS and RF, courtesy message to President greekguy.

-- Ravensfire
Excellent work, Furiey. Thanks for staying on top of the game and thanks for the Chat Log and Screenies, too! :goodjob:
Final instruction thread for the term is up!

We held 6 game session this term, not too bad for a holiday month.

-- Ravensfire
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