TGA's Python Tutorial

Anyone know if there's a tutorial anywhere regarding making a CvEventManager (like from someone else's modcomp) into a CustomEventManager? That would help tons with mod-merging

Edit: Hmm, see, I was mainly interested in getting tsentom's legendary work into my mod, but my mod uses BUG and so my limited skill needs his stuff to be in a CustomEventManager in order for it to work with BUG. But according to tsentom, his stuff won't really translate to a :p Unless anyone knows a way that he didn't, nm I guess
HidePythonExceptions = 0
[COLOR="Red"]ShowPythonDebugMsgs = 1[/COLOR]
LoggingEnabled = 1
OverwriteLogs = 1
SynchLog = 1
RandLog = 1
MessageLog = 1
The ShowPythonDebugMsgs setting doesn't appear in my CivilizationIV.ini - is this an obsolete feature?:confused:

I am still very beginner. I wanted to write an onBeginEndTurn event where it would say Hello World! message.
The event handler does not seem to be running.

Can you help? Maybe I need to configure something in the ini file.
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