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the best game on the web

Good game! Very difficult to get to grips with though!
My best (lowest) was 34.
Ever played "Action Supercross" or "Elastomania"? They were similar, had a level editor too.
Not with all the Force I could understand how to play this game. Oh well, back to NWN.
It took me half an hour but I finally figured out the controls. The instructions weren't very good.

Accelerate/Brake: Use your right hand to press 8 (accelerate) and 2 (brake) on the number pad.

Lean Forwards/Backwards: Use your left hand to tap the left arrow key (+20 degrees back) and right arrow key (+20 degrees forward).

I suppose you could play with one hand on a single arrow pad but it's much easier this way.

I got a perfect score on the first 2 levels but I don't see any more.
Game? All I found was a link to some kind of Swedish news page or something like that... :(
Originally posted by Sultan Bhargash
Game? All I found was a link to some kind of Swedish news page or something like that... :(






Saying the page is no longer available :(
mita kuluu, ystava? Sorry I didn't look closely enough!
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