The City of Zojoji

Furiey was surprised, and very happily relieved. Cyc had obviously been building up to say something ever since he had been here, and she had worried that he had heard about the troubles she had had with the art classes and had decided she wasn’t suited for the task. She was so relieved that that wasn’t it, but more than that, was thrilled at the prospect of Cyc’s company to see Stuck as a Mac’s (and his Interns) performance of Macbeth, which was renowned across Japanatica.

“I would be honoured Cyc” she answered with a grin “to accept your invitation”. Cyc grinned back. “SaaM’s performances are famous and I would be delighted to accompany you. As to which performance, well I suppose that’ll depend on when we can get tickets, but I don’t have specific plans apart from the University business during the day this week. Perhaps afterwards we could have a meal and maybe, just maybe, some wine?”
Cyc sat in his office, looking out the window. His visit to see Furiey had been a success. They had a date this Friday and it should be a good one, conidering the new developments -

Knock, knock! "Mayor Cyc, this message has just come for you."

Dear Mayor Cyc,
I am expected to stop by for a visit to Zojoji to visit you and Furiey. 
I have been busy with courting this girl I've met and operating a railroad 
company. Ill be expecting to arive in Zojoji soon in my company's train 
"The Big Boy". 

Hope to see you soon,
Governer General CivGeneral
"Well good. Another new and welcome development. CG got his long-awaited rail line up and running. I must go down to the station to greet him." The Mayor finished up what little work he had on his desk and instructed his secretary to clear his afternoon schedule (it was empty anyway, he just liked to say that ;) ).

He arrived at the train station just as the "Big Boy" was pulling in. Cyc went to what looked like the Executive Car towards the end of the train. There he saw the new Governor of Edo disembark. "Welcome CG. Good to see you. How have you been?"

"Good Cyc. The elections kind of wore me down, so I decided to take a quick break and come see some old friends" said Governor CivGeneral, hand extended.

Cyc engaged the handshake with an animated "suprised" look. "Hey, who you callin' old, geezer?" This was a good start to the reunion, both men laughing and remembering days gone by. "What an amazing machine you have here, CG. This "Big Boy" is a fine example of modern technology. Have you made any plans? Are you by yourself? Either way, I insist that you come to watch Macbeth tomorrow night. Furiey and I are going and I can reserve a balcony booth for you and a guest. Come, we can talk more on the way to the Mayor's Mansion." Cyc instructed his drive to load the Governor's luggage on the carriage and off they went.
After the comment Cyc had made about the horse during the last Press Conference, he was approached by a foreign gentleman who proceded to tell the Mayor about a wonderful new advance in the transportation world. The Internal Combustion Engine had been developed and was now replacing steam-powered automobiles and electric cars. In fact, for his employer - The Ford Motor Company, the Model T had just replaced the Model N as the front runner in sales. Anyway, to make a long story short, this salesman was authorized to front the city of Zojoji a gasoline-powered Model T, as Zojoji stood out as a World Class City. It was felt this would be good advertising. "Normally," claimed the salesman "this four-cylinder, twenty-horsepower, hand-cranked vehicle would run you about 825 gold."

Cyc, or rather Zojoji, was now the proud owner of Japanatica's first automobile. While taking a few test-drives around the city compound, the Mayor noticed that the vehicle belched and backfired occaisionally, but at low speeds it was quite fun. In fact, it would make for great transportation for Furiey and himself when they attended Macbeth later that week.

~~~ Later That Week ~~~​

It was the day of days. Cyc tooled through the streets of Zojoji on his way up to Furiey's place. Having practiced his driving for a couple of days, he had become quite good (at least in his opinion :eek: ). He noticed how much more delightful it was climbing the hill to Furiey's in a car rather than on a horse. "These things could catch on," he thought. Arriving at Furiey's he once again placed his hand on one of her beautiful knockers to announce his presence.Opening the door, Furiey found Cyc in leather driving accessories and goggles to boot.

"Cyc, hello. What on earth do you have in mind for this evening,"she said looking past him at the Model T. "I thought we were going to the Theatre."

"And we are," was the reply. "But we'll be taking this new mode of transportation to the Kabuki-Za. It's really quite fun. I promise I'll keep it at relatively low speeds." He went on to assure Furiey it was safe and told her of all the practicing he had done. "Why yesterday I had the jalopy up to 30 miles per hour. Talk about exciting, I nearly crapped my britches. The car has a large emblem on the front grille with an FMC on it. I think they should change it to JFC. :D Come, it will be fun"

With more assurances and a little coaxing, Furiey agreed and Cyc helped her into the vehicle. Off they went, driving towards the theatre safely through Zojoji streets. Arriving, they parked right out front, where the Mayor's Office had a constable stand guard over it until they were to return.
Inside the theatre, Furiey and Cyc met up with CivGeneral. "Glad you could make it, CG. It should be an excellent performance." CivGeneral greeted Furiey and they fell into a flurry of small talk. Cyc noticed the time, "CG, I'll have an usher show you to your balcony, which is located next to ours."

"When shall we three meet again?" asked CG.

"Well there's no thunder, lightning or rain forecast" Furiey grinned, "so we'll have to think of something else"

"We shall speak further, perhaps in between acts," Cyc said as the Governor was leaving. Turning to Furiey he smiled, "He is our Chief Guest. CivGeneral could be the life of the party tonight after the show."

Furiey had finally regained her legs after the harrowing ride into town. It had been her first time in an automobile and she really wasn't sure that that was how they were meant to be driven. But Cyc had certainly enjoyed himself - at least that's what she guessed the manic grin that spread across his face throughout the journey meant. And now they were here, her first visit to the Theatre. Coming back to the present she grinned at Cyc - "What is't you say? The life?" Caught up in the glamour of the Kabuki-Za Theatre, Furiey was trying to take in as much as possible. The richness of the costumes and scenery had suprised her.

Cyc was thrilled to have her on his arm and hoped the night would be fruitful. If it find heaven, must find it out tonight. ;) "Let us find our way up, shall we?"

Seated in the luxury of the Mayor's Balcony (of all the side balconies, it was the best in the house, never given out to anyone but the Mayor), their every need was satisfied by the ushers. Food, wine, whatever. The play began, and as expected, was marvelous.

Yet do I fear thy nature.
It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness
To catch the nearest way. Thou wouldst be great;
Art not without ambition, but without
The illness should attend it.
"Stuck plays this part so well. His interns are doing a fine job as well," Cyc spoke to Furiey softly. "Can I refill your goblet? The wine of life is drawn and the mere lees is left this vault to brag of. It's sweetness compares not to you, nor does it quench my thirst as well."

Furiey shifted in her seat and blushed (good job it was dark in the audience), "Had I three ears, I'd hear thee. Let's watch the play" she said holding out her goblet for that refill.

The language of the play was initailly strange, but quickly became enthralling. The rhythmn of the words as they were spoken drew the audience in, and all too soon, with the line
False face must hide what the false heart doth know.
Act One drew to a close.
Meanwhile, backstage
SaaM was furious. One of the damn interns dropped character when a bit of blocking went awry. Having tracked down the wayward interns, SaaM grabbed him by the stockings and had started shouting at him
"But.. but.. the blocking" the poor little intern replied
"I DON'T GIVE A CRAP!" bellowed a furious SaaM. "Now look at what youve done. My makeup is all blotched up! Get a make up artist in here stat!"
As if they were expecting his.. or her.. no, his call, the make up artists came and reapplyed the make up, the wig and removed the dandruff from SaaMs dress.
"I'm Lady Macbeth, you scélérats! Not some Queen on the Boardwalk." yelled SaaM as extra collogen was applied to his lips.
"WHERE IS X?" screamed SaaM in a hissy fit. "That shmuck is the only one will all the lighting cues written down because SOME PEOPLE dont pay attention during rehersal!"
But, X was no where to be found. No one had the spine to tell SaaM that X had fled to Yatta for some unknown reasons (Curious about the saga of X? Head over to the City of Yatta thread for more details)
But there was no time for that. The warning light was flashing.
"Second half!" called SaaM. How do you split a 5 act play in half? Ehh... leave that to the author of this version of the book "SHOWTIME!"

an: dedicated to my director and certain actresses who will remain nameless, who i have had the misfortune of working with. well, theres some of me in there too... like the caps yelling and the swearing in other languages (though my prefered is German)
Furiey loved it, witches, prophesies, assassination… Stuck_As_a_Mac had played his part well, Lady Macbeth had all the best lines and she couldn’t wait to see how it continued. But wait she must, for the moment at least. Furiey and Cyc met CivGeneral out in the hall and began discussing the play. On the wall opposite the Mayor's balcony was a huge observation window that gave not only a great view of Downtown Zojoji, but the night sky. They lowered the lights to enable a better view, and were treated to a secondary show as they continued their discussion during the brief intermission between Acts. The lights in the audience began to dim again, and as they made their way back to their seats, a new figure appeared in the hallway interrupting the end of their conversation. It was Guido, son of a legendary local hero, Captain of the Guard and head of Security for Zojoji in its entirety. He was accompanied by Governor CivGeneral's head of Security.

Furiey returned to the balcony, leaving Guido to inform the Mayor of trouble lurking in the wings. "I don't want to alarm you, but during the First Act, some of my men spotted the infamous Bozo Brothers chatting in the lobby. Unfortunately, they were able to slip away."

The Bozo Brothers were a newly established pair of thugs from a distant community. Cyc had beaten them in a game of chance on one of his probably ill advised (but very profitable) visits to the Kagemusha Casino and they lost a mountain of opportunity from only a pittance of investment. In retaliation, their threats had gone from wild to bizarre, and the local guard felt they were up to acts of terror and revenge. Guido continued, "As I said, I don't want to alarm you, but I feel there's murder in the air."

"Assassination is a bit much, don't you think Guido? Well, our primary concerns are Lady Furiey and Governor CivGeneral. Bring in extra details to cover the rest of the evening and our journey back to the Mansion", said Cyc as he saw the Governor's Head of Security emerge from CG's balcony. Good, CG was also now informed of the situation.

Cyc returned to his seat and informed Furiey of the trouble. She insisted on the details and made a few suggestions to tighten security. The play restarted, and continued through the second, third and into the fourth Act. All seemed well, although the plot with its tale of murder and treason heightened the tension caused by Guido's news, but as on stage Macduff was informed of the savage murder of his wife and children, a commotion broke out below. It was quickly quelled and the Act concluded without further interruption

Foul whisperings are abroad indeed thought Furiey as during the brief intermission following, Guido approached the Mayor.

"Saw you the weird brothers?" asked Cyc.

"No, Mayor" Guido replied.

"Come they not by you?" Cyc probed again.

"No indeed, Mayor Cyc. But there was an incident in the lobby you should be aware of. It seems my men watched the Brothers leave, yet detected an accomplice. Yes Mayor, there were three murderers. But as the Brothers left, the third tried to charge his way upstairs and in the struggle, his pistol went off muffled by his heavy coat. I'm afraid he was close to death as they took him away."

Furiey listened carefully. Three murderers! Just like murdered Banquo in the play she thought. Good job these had not succeeded and one of them was now dead and not their intended victim. She glanced at the Mayor. Or was she just getting caught up in the play and reading too much into all of this.

"Good work, Guido. Startling news.” Cyc commended his head of Security. “Concentrate on catching the Brothers and let the accomplice heal himself." He paused, thought for a moment, then added "Please send a message to Stuck_As_a_Mac requesting his presence in my balcony as soon as convenient."
SaaM was, as he is normally after a show, a wee bit tipsy. This time, though, he was tipsy and in a dress when Cyc's messenger arrived.
"Whaaaat is it?" he gurgled as he danced in place, his wig askew.
"The mayor requests your presence immediatly. Three people have been murdered." replied the messenger.
"But IIiiiim not a dephlective" said SaaM "I'm just an actor/dancer/singer/evil mastermind..." With this, he laughed to himself, murmuring "silly robots... tricks are for kids..."
Realizing that he would not get anywhere SaaM to agree to anything in this state, the messenger just grabbed him by his dress and pulled him up to the Mayors box. "C'mon now, laddie." the messenger reasoned in a fake Scottish brouge. "We're goin' to see the magic rabbi."
"Whee! I love the Magic Rabbi: said SaaM

an: no sense whatsoever. Just furthering the plot. Now, you all go further my plot in the Yatta thread.
I said go!

Stuck_As_a_Mac made a less than dramatic entrance as he smacked his shoulder against the doorframe on entering the Mayor’s balcony. “Sayor Mike… I mean, Mike Sayor. I mean…

“Welcome Stuck, that was an excellent performance out there. You should be proud of your entourage; we all thoroughly enjoyed the show. Nice dress” Cyc said as he lit a cigar.

“Really nice dress.” Added CivGeneral. “The wig’s not bad either…”

Stuck’s eyes wandered for a moment, “Hrmf, my make up must be a mess,” he said as he tried to adjust his wig. “Did you have to bring me in by way of this brown shirt? Tell him to let me go.”

Cyc had not intended Stuck to be dragged here, but looking at the state he was in it was probably the only way he would have made it. Cyc nodded at the messenger, who released his clutch of the back of Stuck’s dress. Stuck immediately fell to the floor, but just as quickly found his way to his feet, brushing off his dress. Seeing Furiey, he was all smiles, “Furiey! I didn’t nogus you siggin’ there…”

Furiey waved, revealing a snigger beneath her smiling eyes. Her grin spread as she took in Stuck’s appearance; the costume and make up that had seemed so appropriate on the stage, at close range seem over the top, add that to the smudged lipstick to give what could only be described as a pantomime dame effect. She turned to Cyc, “Yes it was a marvellous show. I’m so glad we came.”

The Mayor grimly returned Furiey’s look and her smile faded. “Yes, change of plans, I think.” he said, “Time to punt again.” Then to Stuck, “My good friend Stuck, I have a favour to ask of you. I’m putting together a project called the Artists Rehabilitation and Therapy Centre. An ARTS Centre if you will. It’s just a little place to help empower individuals with new coping skills. I was wondering if I could count on your help bringing this ARTS Centre about.”

“By all means, Mayor. I’m there for ya. Jez lemme know whatcha need, and you got it,” came the heartfelt reply.

“Fine, then. I’ll send a car around for you.”

“A car? I’ve never had a car before.” Stuck immediately broke into a dance routine playing an air guitar.

Baby you can drive my car
Yes I'm gonna be a star
Baby you can drive my car
And baby I love you

He held out his hand to Furiey, who accepted and started to dance a little jig of her own. Trying to keep a straight face (dancing was not one of Furiey’s best skills), Cyc went back to discussing security issues with CG. But it didn’t work; the seriousness of the moment was gone.

Stuck had switched to the air piano and a scruffy voice,

I told a girl that my prospects were good
And she said baby, it's understood
Working for peanuts is all very fine
But I can show you a better time

Furiey raised her hands above her head and with a shake joined in –

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah!

She reached out and grabbed CG as she twirled past, and pulled him laughing into the dance.

Cyc was feelin’ no pain, and couldn’t stop chuckling under his breath, “ Ok, I think we can wrap this evening up. Can someone please make sure Stuck gets home safely?” Too late the call for sanity, as he too got pulled into the dance, and everyone was be-bopin’ to Stuck, groovin’ with his movin’ and lettin’ the good times roll.

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah!
That evening, Stuck crashed into two lamp poles, a tree and the Squirrel

Just kidding. But now he had a car, and he could go seek out X. Or is that a story for the Yatta thread. Which really does need a bump.

And now he could wreak havoc on a university. Cool

Beep beep'm beep beep yeah!
Ladies and Gentlemen of Zojoji, I am proud to announce that our great city has moved up to the number 2 position on the World's Greatest Cities List!

The Great City of Zojoji is proud to sponsor the revival of the Top Ten List. Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Demogame Top Ten List is back. The cities on this list are the ones that score the highest in each of the five catagories chosen to represent worthy cities. The Catagories are pretty standard and are the ones normally used to determine winners.

Listed below are the Top Ten (or there abouts) cities in each Catagory. Catagories are: Shield Production, Commerce, Science, Population, and Culture. Check below to see how your city did this time around.

The Standings:

1. Shorin-Ryu - 54 - 10 points (pts)
2. Zojoji - 45 - 9 pts
2. Fanatikku - 45 - 9 pts
3. Corrino - 40 - 8 pts
4. En'Gha - 39 - 7 pts
5. Regent Town - 37 - 6 pts
5. Odawara - 37 - 6 pts
6. Immo - 36 - 5 pts
7. Doomsville - 33 - 4 pts
8. Osgiliath - 30 - 3 pts
9. Epolenep - 24 - 2 pts
9. Salamanca - 24 - 2 pts

1. Zojoji - 95 - 10 pts
2. Odawara - 93 - 9 pts
2. Fanatikku - 93 - 9 pts
3. Corrino - 86 - 8 pts
4. Immo - 81 - 7 pts
5. Shorin-Ryu - 72 - 6 pts
6. En'Gha - 68 - 5 pts
7. Doomsville - 66 - 4 pts
8. Sto'vo'kor - 60 - 3 pts
8. Osgiliath - 60 - 3 pts
9. Windhurst - 58 - 2 pts
10. Roma - 54 - 1 pt

1. Corrino - 86 - 10 pts
2. Odawara - 84 - 9 pts
2. Zojoji - 84 - 9 pts
3. Fanatikku - 82 - 8 pts
4. Shorin-Ryu - 72 - 7 pts
4. Immo - 72 - 7 pts
5. En'Gha - 68 - 6 pts
6. Doomsville - 66 - 5 pts
7. Sto'vo'kor - 60 - 4 pts
7. Osgiliath - 60 - 4 pts
8. Windhurst - 58 - 3 pts
9. Roma - 54 - 2 pts

1. Fanatikku - 1.08m - 10 pts
2. Zojoji - 963k - 9 pts
3. Odawara - 954k - 8 pts
4. Shorin-Ryu - 944k - 7 pts
5. Immo - 939k - 6 pts
6. En'Gha - 938k - 5 pts
6. Corrino - 938k - 5 pts
6. Regent Town - 938k - 5 pts
7. Pete - 820k - 4 pts
7. Windhurst - 820k - 4 pts
7. Sto'vo'kor - 820k - 4 pts
7. Osgiliath - 820k - 4 pts
7. Doomsville - 820k - 4 pts
7. Roma - 820k - 4 pts

1. Zojoji - 2607 - 10 pts
2. Fanatikku - 2596 - 9 pts
3. Shorin-Ryu - 2290 - 8 pts
4. Odawara - 2285 - 7 pts
5. En'Gha - 1879 - 6 pts
6. Corrino - 1790 - 5 pts
7. Regent Town - 1737 - 4 pts
8. Immo - 1566 - 3 pts
9. Osgiliath - 1417 - 2 pts
10. Epolenep - 1391 - 1 pt
The Top Ten Cities of Japanatica
1. Zojoji - 47
2. Fanatikku - 45
3. Odawara - 39
4. Shorin-Ryu - 38
5. Corrino - 36
6. En'Gha - 29
7. Immo - 28
8. Doomsville - 17
9. Osgiliath - 16
10. Regent Town - 15

Honorable Mention:
Sto'vo'kor - 11
Windhurst - 9
Roma - 7
Pete - 4
Epolenep - 3
Salamanca - 2
Public Apology/Correction -

It was discovered that the numbers used in the standings above, and ultimately in the Top Ten List, were from the Turn 5 save. Apparently our statisticians (me) were not aware of and hadn't downloaded the Turn 10 save. This problem has been corrected.

We have gone through the current numbers and concluded that although the numbers show different cities gaining or losing a point or two, their placement in the Top Ten List didn't change. Therefore the final order of cities in The List above is correct and official.

Sorry for the inconvenience,

Mayor Cyc
Zojoji got Coal for Christmas!

:mischief: we was a baad baaad boy....

But we'll get a new Wonder also. Albeit a Small Wonder. We can now construct the Iron Works!
Rik Meleet said:
Coal for Zojoji. I suppose Santa thinks we can do even better.

Darn that Santa anyways... must have been that time I smacked him with a snowball...

But come to think of it, Zojoji is only the SECOND best city in the world. I guess we can try harder. ;)
Build iron works, once a resident of the Iron City, I know what it is all about, go for Iron works and make Zojoji City nr 1.
Thank you, Minister Ashburnham. I look forward to seeing the people approve of our construction of the Iron Works Wonder. Black_Hole, if Santa is looking for perfect children, he has come to the right forums, even if we do differ in opinion. :) And thank you for the encouragement, Provolution.

We also have other great news to present....
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