The Civ VII team is aware of Vox Populi to the point they are just calling it "Vox Pop" now

It's too bad they still don't realize just how good VP is and simply expand upon it with modern graphics and maybe a few changes such as Great Generals being able to stack units for ease of movement (the best idea Civ7 has), navigable rivers, and cities being able to expand into adjacent tiles in order to have enough room to draw every single building on the map. That would be cool.

Instead we get the terrible Civ6 UI again, workers removed completely from the game, and 3 eras instead of 8. Smh.
I playing CIV games since the first one made by Sid. They all were different from eachother in some ways, all were good. Untill CIV6, CIV6 is just bad (well, narrator is good) and i do not expect something good from CIV7. Game dev is on strong decline. Thanks for Vox Populi!
I fully agree with Acaerus. All Civ games up to 5 was challenging; Civ 6 is a dead brain. The game developers point to multiplayer so they avoid the need of good AI. Thus I do expect the same on Civ7, but this time I'll wait to see before to pay 60 €.
Ideas same-ish as civ6? completely new? realistic or cartoonish graphics? what the leader screens look like? how my great wall will look on the map? all these are low prio compared to an AI that CAN play, it doesnt need to be an amazing AI but I want the AI to be able to use the tools (note this is a very low bar for single player experience).
Sadly all posts I see talks about something else and I have little to no expectations on Civ7.
I even start wondering if a competitor will emerge, can it be THAT hard to make?
I understand Humankind had some issues, somehow one of the worse mechanics in HK was good to be include in civ7, how far was it from an excellent game?
AI is indeed very hard to make for a game this complex. VP AI is also nowhere near perfect.
AI is indeed very hard to make for a game this complex. VP AI is also nowhere near perfect.
I just want an AI that isnt completely broken.
One of my fav examples is from Master of Magic from 1994 where AI sent units in a direction and it would never look at what happened after that command when the unit was moving along that path, ie a blind conga path for one or more units.
The Civ 5 conga reminded my of that game 16 years earlier, well 19years with bnw.
Civ6 contains even worse broken AI stuff, but that is only what I've read, I never bothered to buy it, I can afford I just dont want to support substandard stuff like that.

As a comparison Civ4 had a lot of mechanics and while poisoned wells wasnt the most fun atleast the AIs could use all the stuff and could stumble its way to any type of victory.
(follow sulla's AI survivor games in civ4-general discussion to see civ4 AI performance)

Edit: and while VP isnt perfect it is a massive improvement.
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I would understand a horrible AI if PvP was the main target audience but I suspect PvP is a small minority of civ players.
I fully agree with Acaerus. All Civ games up to 5 was challenging; Civ 6 is a dead brain. The game developers point to multiplayer so they avoid the need of good AI. Thus I do expect the same on Civ7, but this time I'll wait to see before to pay 60 €.
This wouldn't be a problem if fans were able to mod the game properly like previous games in the series. Greedy developers put a stop to that by stopping the DLL being released, & as far as I am concerned CIV is finished regarding new releases. I wonder what could have been done with Civ6 if fans given the tools to mod it. Expect a good game would be available now.
(note this is a very low bar for single player experience).
It's a high bar to make a competent AI in a game like this.
I even start wondering if a competitor will emerge, can it be THAT hard to make?
Sure it can. It is. Do you think all those companies making 4x games could easily that, but for some reason collectively refuse to?

Also, it's possible that an average casual player won't care that much, thus making a big investment in AI might not be profitable.
It's a high bar to make a competent AI in a game like this.

Sure it can. It is. Do you think all those companies making 4x games could easily that, but for some reason collectively refuse to?

Also, it's possible that an average casual player won't care that much, thus making a big investment in AI might not be profitable.
Oh yes Im very well aware that bells and whistles sell way more games especially early in the games life cycle.
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