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The Civilization IV AI mod project

I hate to revive a thread that's a few weeks old, but I'm interested in this Civ4 AI mod project. Are we planning to do anything before the game is released? I know I'm mulling over the possibility of writing in psuedo code parts of the AI that I have in mind.
I think it's rather pointless till the game (or at least the tools for the AI) are out. Without knowing what you are dealing with you are more likely to go down the wrong path than the right one.
It would be great if Firaxis released the AI SDK before the final game, but I doubt it's going to happen. :(
They said the AI SDK would be available shortly after the game is released.
Brain I just read your other post that linked to this topic.

I like the idea and I was thinking something similiar.

Since I have and mantain (Though not lately) the PowerBar for Civ3 I was going to work on a PowerBar for CivIV but i think I would rather focus on this project. When the AI SDK comes out I will be glad to jump on board and help with this.
Good to see you're with us Nexushyper.

BTW, if anyone missed it they have announced the AI SDK to be released in January.
Much as I like the idea being able to tweak Civ 4, and that it will happen it is probably to soon right now to say anything.

One: we do not know how smart the AI is. First thing people should make an analysis on whats actually in place and what could use improvement

Two: We do not know the extend of support for AI development. Its all based on speculation right now and until 2 days ago people did not even know what the city screen looked like, let alone the architecture of AI plugins.

In short: good idea, but we need more info prior to us making any further plans. I believe Firaxis said they will first release the game and follow it with the SDK so it might still be 1 or 2 months before people can actually get started on AI mods.
invoke41 said:
Much as I like the idea being able to tweak Civ 4, and that it will happen it is probably to soon right now to say anything.

One: we do not know how smart the AI is. First thing people should make an analysis on whats actually in place and what could use improvement

Two: We do not know the extend of support for AI development. Its all based on speculation right now and until 2 days ago people did not even know what the city screen looked like, let alone the architecture of AI plugins.

In short: good idea, but we need more info prior to us making any further plans. I believe Firaxis said they will first release the game and follow it with the SDK so it might still be 1 or 2 months before people can actually get started on AI mods.
Yeah. Too bad we still have to wait that long. :( I'm actually just as eager to get my hands on the AI SDK as on the game itself.
Crayton said:
Are you guys going to build AIs top-down or bottom-up?
There's too little information available to answer this at the moment. We don't even know in what ways the AI will be moddable. We probably won't be able to change the entire AI architecture so we'll have to work with what we have.
Yes...Pinky. We're going to do what we do every night. Try...to...take...over...the WORLD!

(sorry, couldn't resist given the discussion)

Great Thread, Great Ideas, Great Posts.
I really like this idea a lot. Unfortunately I don't have much programming skills except the very very basics. I will however offer ideas and help to the best of my ability. This looks like an awesome idea that could go a long way if everyone puts in the effort. I just hope that some people don't lose interest by the time the game actually arrives.
knupp715 said:
Great Thread, Great Ideas, Great Posts.
I really like this idea a lot. Unfortunately I don't have much programming skills except the very very basics. I will however offer ideas and help to the best of my ability. This looks like an awesome idea that could go a long way if everyone puts in the effort. I just hope that some people don't lose interest by the time the game actually arrives.
Oh, I'm not going to lose interest. The only thing I might be lacking is time...
I am a 3rd year AI student and I would very much like to contribute to an AI mod.
I'm quite familiar with Java, C and Prolog, and I'm starting to learn Python. More importantly, I think, I'm well acquainted with quite a few useful AI techniques.

AI in Civ has so far been almost non-existent, I am inclined to say. It is a very crude, ad-hoc and reactionist mechanism. But I do think it will soon be possible to create a much higher level AI with an actual strategy. Feature recognition and concept abstraction can make a quite knowledgeable AI player, I'd say.
I'll sign on to this. I am just finishing my first year of IT in uni so I have some programing skills.
I am a coder in various languages and I am definitely interested in contributing. Like Brain, the modability of the AI and game are almost as exciting to me as getting the game itself. Count me IN!
The SDK is out, are there still people who want to start working on the AI?
Welcome to civ fanatics.

Well done on finding such an old post. Yes, we are starting to work on a new AI. It is, however, very hard and we are only at the earliest planing stages for this. Do not expect any results for at least a month, and probably a lot longer.
Sorry, private forums for CCP members only. If you know C++ and want to join contact TGA. Alternatively go here.
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