The jackal.txt


Nov 1, 2001
If it's not bogus (posted along some modfile) shouldn’t it then be possible to play multiplayer somehow... now that is.

If this already has been around for discussion - point me there and his thread can be deleted.

(jackal.txt contains a few messages concerning creating multiplayer games, and the jackal.pcx some icons.)
Originally posted by vonork
If it's not bogus (posted along some modfile) shouldn’t it then be possible to play multiplayer somehow... now that is.

If this already has been around for discussion - point me there and his thread can be deleted.

(jackal.txt contains a few messages concerning creating multiplayer games, and the jackal.pcx some icons.)

no. there's no code to support the file.
It does come with the original install, so apparently firaxis was working on multiplayer, but it has no functional value.
jaclal is a multifunction code library that is used in many of our games, and that file is a required file which the code needs in order to compile. There is no deeper hidden meaning or conspiracy.

If you scroll down to the end of script.txt, you can see other traces of multiplayer-ness. It looks like that multiplayer was initially in the works and then got curtailed at the last second.
Originally posted by D.Shaffer
If you scroll down to the end of script.txt, you can see other traces of multiplayer-ness. It looks like that multiplayer was initially in the works and then got curtailed at the last second.

And why would it be last second? There is no basis to come to that conclusion, only that when those files were being created multiplayer was on the table. There is no reason to remove those sections if multiplayer is later dropped. And as Dan has posted that this was part of existing code library fully explains it. Take a good look at any program and you will find plenty of handles for features that were dropped, later included, or other random stuff.
That's what I noticed, too when I was looking through the directories. I found about 3 or 4 files so far that had multi-player related stuff (or atleast for networking). Atleast Firaxis can add a Multiplayer library or extension to the .exe file itself for multiplayer.

Wasn't CTP (or one of those) multiplayer? Its' multiplayer libraries could've been reused. (Not to mention that the civs don't even have starting locations for the civs you want - i.e. Romans 23,40, Zulus 100,19 - note, I just made those numbers up. It's just a char and 2 ints, and function call to deal with them, or even in the game initialization...).

- and yet another viscous cycle through the SDLC (Software Develpoment Life Cycle) *This somehow reminds me of my semi-"strict" Sys. Analysis teacher*... :crazyeyes :crazyeyes
I think it may have been put in by mistake - look at "basename.txt", for example.
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