Gandhi of the Mongols
I've not seen more than 4, but perhaps I've not let any AIs get Arsenals built.
Thank you for this great article !
What about land ranged attacking naval and naval attacking land ranged ?
Does the "landed ranged vs ranged" rule applies in any case ?
You also can never bombard civilian units or embarked military units except with a city or air strike, that's the thing I still sometimes forget - usually leading to the death of the unit that was supposed to be shooting, not attempting to capture.
When you declare war by right mouse button clicking civilian unit the attack is ranged. I accidentally shoot CS workers all the time.false.
rather than using the shortcut right mouse button attack (which defaults to move for ranged vs civilian), click the bombard button then click the civilian unit.
I'm asking regarding G&K, though I don't think BNW changed anything in that regard.
The thread says that attacking a 1 HP city with a Unit will always result in the Unit capturing the City, even if there was a massive difference in the Unit/City strenght. Is that still true or was this changed at some point?
Well I'm not sure about cities with 1 HP, but a city with 0 hp will fall to any attacker, and the attacker will survive (often with 1 HP himself).
Is there an updates version of this for the newer combat model?
Is there an updates version of this for the newer combat model?
Aside from unit health being 100 points instead of 10, what has changed?
In my (German) post I wrote down the values for BNW:
GC.getMAX_HIT_POINTS() = 100