The Next Empire

Leiden has been conquered. WEGD troops conduct a tactical retreat.
HQ is pleased with progress and names next target: Chartres.

If Chartress falls, Calanthe will have secured a wedge in WEGD territories.
All in all it was a joyful year: a glorious new statue of our lord was built in Florivo Copco,
and while the festivities for this occasion were being held the excellent news from the front arrived..

Chartress has fallen without a fight.

Calanthian forces keep making good progress, with very limited losses so far..

Cristo Redentor overlooking Florivo Copco
4 or 5.. , but perhaps other means were used as well ;)

We Calanthians know how essential the Cristo Redentor is.
It gives us great moral strength to cope with the scheming spy masters from the WEGD.

The Calanthian way of life must be protected by all means possible.
The siege of Paris is underway.

Massive forces are assembling. The Calanthian war effort is still making good progress.
Paris has been liberated.

The victory parade

In a dramatic speech General De Gaulle said the following:

Well! Since the enemy which held Paris has capitulated into our hands, France returns to Paris, to her home. She returns bloody, but quite resolute. She returns there enlightened by the immense lesson, but more certain than ever of her duties and of her rights.

I speak of her duties first, and I will sum them all up by saying that for now, it is a matter of the duties of war. The enemy is staggering, but he is not beaten yet. He remains a grave danger.

It will not even be enough that we have, with the help of our dear and admirable Calanthians, chased him from our home for us to consider ourselves satisfied after what has happened. We want to enter his territory as is fitting, as victors.

This is why the French vanguard has entered Paris with guns blazing. This is why the great Calanthian army has swept through the south and is advancing rapidly. This is why our brave and dear Forces of the interior will arm themselves with modern weapons. It is for this revenge, this vengeance and justice, that we will keep fighting until the final day, until the day of total and complete victory.

This duty of war, all the men who are here and all those who hear us in France know that it demands national unity. We, who have lived the greatest hours of our History, we have nothing else to wish than to show ourselves, up to the end, worthy of France. Long live France!

The proud men of the 25th Calanthian Inf. Div. 'Pro Patria'
I haven't seen Paris fall yet.
I got it yesterday. Should be able to move it on tomorrow.
I saw a few empty emails to me from Fox but that is all.
I'll send another follow up email.
I have the turn. Trying to figure out an appropriate response.
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