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The Status of Abstain

Should 'abstain' votes be counted

  • Abstain votes should be counted

    Votes: 10 29.4%
  • Abstain votes should not be counted

    Votes: 21 61.8%
  • Abstain

    Votes: 3 8.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Hello all, IMO, abstain should be left in but not counted towards either for or against a course of action or act, abstain votes should only come into play when there is a higher percentage of them than any of the other options. If this were to be the case, it would most likely mean that the poll has been badly worded or it has other options not included for selection, meaning the poll creator would have to redo the poll.
Hello all, IMO, abstain should be left in but not counted towards either for or against a course of action or act, abstain votes should only come into play when there is a higher percentage of them than any of the other options. If this were to be the case, it would most likely mean that the poll has been badly worded or it has other options not included for selection, meaning the poll creator would have to redo the poll.
Amen. Now to escape a warning for spamming the forum I have this too.
The problem with the abstain option is that it's essentially vestigial in nature - it was originally implemented when we decided to impose a strict quorum requirement (if I recall correctly - it have been an awfully long time..). That is, after all, the purpose of the abstain vote in real-world legislatures (the equivalent of voting 'present' in most American legislatures, including the U.S. Congress) - you don't have a strong opinion on the matter, but want your voted counted for the sake achieving a quorum so the body can move on to other business.

We can reimplement a quorum, and define abstain as counting toward the quorum but not in favor of any particular option (an option that might, incidentally, solve our problem of judging if a poll is valid - if you think a poll is invalid, just don't vote in it).

We can define abstain as a vote against the poll (as AljayBoy states above), as well.

However we go, I think a new initiative on polling should probably be decided in the near future, before our civilization starts expanding extensively.

As for this poll, I'll do the unthinkable and abstain. We either need to define an abstention carefully, or we need to abandon it altogether.
If I understand your explanation correctly the abstain poll option only makes sense in a vote with a quorum requirement. None of the polls currently out there specify that a quorum is required though. My conclusion then is that the use of the abstain poll option is "void" in those polls unless we consider abstain to express having no opinion in those polls.

The problem with abstain thus seems to be the definition of it. If we go with the definition as if a quorum is required, abstain means indicating you care about the poll subject but just not enough to vote yes or no [/overexaggeration]. Question is though: does it matter for counting votes? No, it still doesn't matter for counting the votes. Regardless of the definition of abstain votes you cannot add them to either of the remaining categories of a poll.
Well I'm sorry donsig that I lost your vote, but I didn't think opinions on this subject had to do anything with the elections. Oh well, I guess anything said by people running for office can be taken to heart.

For abstain to function correctly, the poll would have to have a reason to have a indecisive choice. I STILL dont see the point of counting abstain in the actual vote tally, whether for plurality or majority decision. In a plurality decision it wouldn't make much of a difference, but in a majority decision, it could make or break the vote. That does nothing but add more bureaucracy and red tape to a functioning system, causing inefficiency and wasting of time. From what I've noticed, most of the citizens at least feel that abstain slows down progress and isn't worth the hassle to continue counting it toward the total vote tally.
The poll is indicating the very same, Shattered. I really hope the final result of the poll will be honoured.
Abstain should not be counted. Period. Its like the "GIANT RADIOACTIVE MONKEY" option that I see (annoyingly) in OT :ack:.
Deleted to allow for DaveShack's action.

-- Ravensfire
Abstain - the use of Abstain should depend on the poll and the creator of the poll.

-- Ravensfire

Dangerous words from someone running for Chief Justice my friend. What's to stop me from posting a poll saying:

Should be attack Ceasar?

Yes (for the purposes of this poll yes will be counted as no)
Other - please post what other means to you (for the purposes of this poll other will be counted as no)
Abstain (for the purposes of this poll abstain will not be counted)

Ludicrous and extreme but shows up the danger in allowing pollsters to define thier own interpretation of poll results. Not really that difficult to manipulate polls if you can tell how they are to be interpreted. Nor is it difficult to arrange a plurality through options given in a poll. We should all use abstain the same way.

The poll is indicating the very same, Shattered. I really hope the final result of the poll will be honoured.

I'll live by any result as long as it is a majority result. By majority I mean a final vote percentage as given by the forum poll results that is over 50%.

Well I'm sorry donsig that I lost your vote, but I didn't think opinions on this subject had to do anything with the elections. Oh well, I guess anything said by people running for office can be taken to heart.

For abstain to function correctly, the poll would have to have a reason to have a indecisive choice. I STILL dont see the point of counting abstain in the actual vote tally, whether for plurality or majority decision. In a plurality decision it wouldn't make much of a difference, but in a majority decision, it could make or break the vote. That does nothing but add more bureaucracy and red tape to a functioning system, causing inefficiency and wasting of time. From what I've noticed, most of the citizens at least feel that abstain slows down progress and isn't worth the hassle to continue counting it toward the total vote tally.

Well, I did vote for you for DP. :) The reason for the current debate about counting or not counting abstain is my feeling that we should only consider a poll to be binding if an option rec'd a majority not a plurality. If no majority decision is reached I say we let our officials make the decision. This gives citizens the chance to make decisions but also lets officials have some real power in cases where no majority decision is made. Having a built in way for citizens to declare a poll invalid via their votes (either through counting abstain or some other mandatory option) does not add more bureaucracy and red tape it actually streamlines the system by allowing officials to make decisions where bad polls exist - and bad polls are deemed bad by actual citizen votes and not by some all powerful Censor type official or moderator.

I'm still in favor of having someone look at the poll and deciding if it is bogus or real. If it's bogus, it can just be closed and a real poll opened in its place.

That's one option but after the censorial shenanigans of last game you'll have a very difficult time convincing me to support this idea.

Assuming the poll is real, then the highest number of votes for a real option should prevail unless stated otherwise by the originator.

We'll have one of these soon. Where to settle city number two is always a multi-option poll - exactly the kind that result in pluralities. Don't you see yet that plurality decisions cause alot of dissention in the democracy game? Just what is it that you have against majority decisions?

It is valid for "none of the above" to be a real option in a real poll. If it wins the poll, then we don't do anything.

We agree here. Too bad we can't agree on how to decide whether a poll is real or not.

It should not be mandatory to include either abstain or "none of the above".

I can live with or without abstain but I prefer none of the above to a Censor going around willy-nilly invalidating perfectly good polls for political reasons.

The problem with the abstain option is that it's essentially vestigial in nature - it was originally implemented when we decided to impose a strict quorum requirement (if I recall correctly - it have been an awfully long time..). That is, after all, the purpose of the abstain vote in real-world legislatures (the equivalent of voting 'present' in most American legislatures, including the U.S. Congress) - you don't have a strong opinion on the matter, but want your voted counted for the sake achieving a quorum so the body can move on to other business.

We can reimplement a quorum, and define abstain as counting toward the quorum but not in favor of any particular option (an option that might, incidentally, solve our problem of judging if a poll is valid - if you think a poll is invalid, just don't vote in it).

We can define abstain as a vote against the poll (as AljayBoy states above), as well.

However we go, I think a new initiative on polling should probably be decided in the near future, before our civilization starts expanding extensively.

As for this poll, I'll do the unthinkable and abstain. We either need to define an abstention carefully, or we need to abandon it altogether.

Wise words Octavian X. Didn't realize abstain originated to deal with quorums. I never did like those. Your post makes a heck of a lot of sense.
Donsig: Furius didn't mention how this poll should be interpreted. According to the Citizen's Initiative - The Polling Act of 4000 BC that means:
  • Polls must explain how the results will be interpreted in the initial post. If the initial post does not, the single option with the most votes is deemed the winner. The interpretation may not change after 2 hours from the posting of the poll.
Until the discussion(s) stranded in the status of abstain votes noone opposed to that if I recall correctly.

Perhaps it's a good think to not poll at all until the status of abstain votes and the interpretation of a poll result are settled. I can feel mass-revoking hanging in the air already.
The Polling Act of 4000 BC is only a porposal at this stage, right? If so, it has no bearing on this poll other than as a suggestion for interpretation. The no option currently has over 64% of the voting (counting abstain) so (right now) the decision is clear.
No, but the Polling Act says exactly what you wish for: if unspecified the poll option with the most votes wins (which equals a majority).
No, but the Polling Act says exactly what you wish for: if unspecified the poll option with the most votes wins (which equals a majority).

No, it does not say what I want because the most votes in a poll can be a plurality decision.
I do not speak enough English, just translating word by word; but,
"with most votes" looks to me just more votes than any other;
while "with the most votes" means more than a half of votes.
Am I right?
Obvious, "abstain" way of being counted/not counted is another thing.
Best regards,
No, "with most votes" and "with the most votes" both mean more votes than any other. If "the" is not written, often it is still implied.

We use the term "majority" for more than half of the votes.
"Plurality" means some option has the most votes, but less than half.

We're also missing another discussion / poll, on what to do if there is a tie for most votes.
We're also missing another discussion / poll, on what to do if there is a tie for most votes.

In the past we've left it to the elected official or DP to break ties. Are you suggesting we need to change that or merely confirm it?

Note that under my proposed system, a tie results in no majority which is considered no decision thus allowing the appropriate elected official or DP to make the decision.
Well it all depends how much power you want to give to the people. Abstain can lead to quite a few un-decided polls, leaving the official to have the call. But this all ties in with a different thread, so I'll voice my concerns elsewhere.
I think we might want to consider an initiative that goes something like this:

No poll shall be binding if it does not include the following two options:

- None of the above (votecounted towards determination of poll winner)
- Abstain (vote not be counted towards determination of poll winner)

So, how many characters can there be in a poll option?

I like this method, as the NotA allows it to be validated by the citizens. I second this.

I like Octavian X's explanation on quorum's and abstaining, as that makes sense. I can't see the DG ever containing a quorum as the participation fluctuates too much to even consider it.
People should have the right to abstain, if they do not approve of any of the options.

Thus, IMHO, abstain votes should not be counted.
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