The "super" bonus

Hey! Thats looking great if i have some time i'll come over later but I can tell you now i'm not a programer. Keep us posted on the progress im looking forward to the finised game
I'm neither a programer,not a graphical artist (though occasionally I'll show off my lack of talent with a crude graphic), still I try to contribute with feedback and ideas. Right now with several of our members off on vacation, we need new voices to keep the project going. We have an excellent programer (he could use some additional help of course), and we've just added a fine artist to do some of the graphics. Still we could use anyone that wanted to try their hand at some graphics. (I don't expect any of my poor attempts to make it into the final game, however I can do some crude stuff that can fill in until a better talent has the time to get to it.)

What we really need are people willing to stick with the project and supply feedback and morale support to those able to contribute in different ways.

At least stop by and have a look.
I stopped over for a visit yesterday and saw all what was going on! I kindof got lost in the message borad and ended up at your new site it looks like your making excelent progress and w/ that new artist you should have a first rate game
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