• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

This is Exactly What This Game Needs


Aug 30, 2010
954, Florida
The DLC, while fun in it's own right, has been mere peanuts.

I remember when CiV first came out, after playing it awhile, it just didn't feel very deep. Others agreed with me, and the conclusion was that CiV can't be compared to the Civ4 we've all been playing, it has to be compared to the vanilla Civ4, both content and balance wise. Patches have fixed the balance (more or less), but the content still has seemed lackluster. Hopefully this new expansion will add enough complexity for the not so casual to enjoy themselves. I know I haven't really played CiV much lately, but I have a good feeling that this expansion will be everything I'm hoping for (or at least half of it).

Just my 2 cents
Haven't played CiV in months (over 500 hours player though), but I cannot wait for this expansion! I never played Civ4 with its religion so not sure how that is going to work, but we'll see. Like I said, can't wait!
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