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This is the strangest thing ever. Explanation and save upload inside.


History junkie
Dec 9, 2005
Fairfax county VA, USA
When you upload my save and play it and end the turn watch what happens.

Somehow someway, the zulu unload a settler and spearmen near my city (im the iriquios) but thats not the wierd part.

The immidiatly declare war and ATTACK MY CITY WITH A GALLEY. :confused: They dont bombard, they attack.

I know i cant do that so how can the AI do it???


  • galley attacks city.SAV
    425.4 KB · Views: 75
Btw dont talk to them. Just end the turn immidiatly and it should happen. Is this a bug?
I think it is, as I have seen a few post where a galley attacked a town.
yes it's one of the bugs in C3C unfortunately , a way around this is given the sea units less move rate and make them not ignore coast or sea or ocean tiles .... since i did this the move rate thing this bug stopped from happening also givin them less attack / defense points then ground units does help this too
I had this happen to me, but without the settler and spearman. I had the Russians and this Greek galley attacks one of my coastal cities. At first I had a civ 2 flashback because that happened all the time then, but I came to and realized it didn't happen in 3. Bartleby had it happen to him too. It's just a weird bug, I don't know why it happens. Just kill the spearman and thank him for the 2 slaves.
I've never seen this happen either. Can a galley do any damage to a city? What was the result of the "battle"?
it simply either kills the land unit inside the city or just loose the battle as far as for the city itself it didn't do anything .am referin of course to the way it happened to me it was somethin very similar but without the spearmen and settler 1 time it happenned with a curagh , and another time with a galley and another time with a dormon and another time with a carrack.
It was awesome to do this in Civ2... I remember in the WWII scenario I'd play as the Axis and take all of the Mediterranean by killing all the defenders with battleships and then paratrooping in. :goodjob:
Nukes and para were an even better combination. I once took out all of Russia as the Allies by allying with the Axis and then nuking each city, then sending in paras, armor, and helis to take out every single city. That war lasted some three turns. :D :D :D :D
Galley-attacks-city has happened to me on a number of occasions. Once it happened twice in the same interturn, with galleys from two separate AI. This made me think that possibly it's related in some way to the settler's intended spot being taken by someone else; in the same interturn I saw a couple of other galleys turn around and head home.
^Told you Bartleby had this, ^
I liberally use the enslavement option in my private scenario. I once bombarded a town with a sailing frigate and killed a ground unit with it (lethal land and sea, also blitz as I believe that all ships that are sailing frigate and above should have it). After I took it out, the land unit turned into a caravel!

Strange, no? I really never thought that a sea to ground bombardment would get such results, so I was quite surprised when it happened. I have not had the AI galley attacks town problem before, but I always thought that the designers placement of ignor sea squares in the editor might have something to do with it. Did you change that to ocean or coastal, by mistake or design? It might be worth double checking.

I can't get into the file you posted, so I can't see what you describe. I know, however, that even if you find an error in the editor and fix it, the old game will keep the same results. You would have to play a new game after the fix in order to see if it happened again.

Oh well, I do find the problem interesting though, as I now wonder if such would (or could) happen in the SOE scenario, whose team I am currently working with. I guess time will tell. Cya!
In my present game I had some frigates bombard a city displaying a spear but it was a caravel within the city that took the first hits.

Perhaps the 'bug' is related?
I believe that the naval combat for town bombardment targets ships b4 anything except coastal fortresses, which must be destroyed first. Air attacks work the same way - bombers takes out town/city based aircraft in first, though the occasional improvement or population point may come up as well. I do not know why the game was set up this way.

I think the editor may hold some answers to the galley thing, but having not encountered the problem personally, anything I might say is just a guess. Cya!
Order of bombardment:
Land: walls (if <size 7) (with a bug if the walls are from the Great Wall), units, population/improvements.
Sea: coastal fortress, ship, air, land, population/improvements
Air: units(in order air, ship, land)/population/improvements
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