I was playing a game as the Babylonian Cultural Masters (standard size map, Pangaea, 5 billion years old, Warlord difficulty), eventually winning a Cultural Victory, and during the game I noticed an interesting phenomenon.
I had a large empire early on, and made an effort to keep my armies strong and upgraded, but some idiot did try to attack me from time to time.
The interesting thing I noticed is that these attacks almost always occurred as soon as the AI had managed to produce large numbers of that civ's Unique Unit. Case 1 was the surprise attack in the Middle Ages by hordes of Japanese samurai. Case 2 was the even nastier World War between myself, the Persians, the Russians, -and- the Americans, which appeared to start at just about the same time the Russians developed Cossacks.
Is the AI smart enough to say, "I can produce my unique unit now -- time to start flexing my muscles?" Has anyone else seen this apparent correlation? If it's the case, it would provide an additional hint that Civ X may be about to attack you.
:tank: :tank: :tank:
I had a large empire early on, and made an effort to keep my armies strong and upgraded, but some idiot did try to attack me from time to time.

Is the AI smart enough to say, "I can produce my unique unit now -- time to start flexing my muscles?" Has anyone else seen this apparent correlation? If it's the case, it would provide an additional hint that Civ X may be about to attack you.
:tank: :tank: :tank: