Timeline thread

I wasn't thinking of using their timeline, but I thought it was pretty cool anyway. I might steal a date or two, later, though.

By the way, you used the term 'theme park version'. Would I be correct in assuming that you have had some exposure to tvtropes.org?

I discovered it recently. It's taken over my life. I now semi-regularly use terms like Fetish Fuel, Author Avatar, Narm, and so on.
I discovered it recently. It's taken over my life. I now semi-regularly use terms like Fetish Fuel, Author Avatar, Narm, and so on.

I've been on there for two years now. My entire vocabulary has been taken over. Actually, TV Tropes is how I got interested in crossover fiction in the first place. I was reading one of their articles on the subject last year, and started to think more about it then I normally did until then. Shortly afterward, I noticed this mod on the boards over here, and since I had just become interested in crossover fiction, I started watching the mod updates semi-regularly. This, in turn, led to my reading Tarzan Alive and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and ultimately, my deciding to contribute to the mod.

EDIT: So, can I repost this on the other site, then?
I reread the first post and I may have a solution to the Merlin/Hogwarts thing.

In The Once and Future King, Merlin lives his life backwards. He ages the same but to him, first meetings are fond goodbyes and departures are first encounters. I guess an in-universe explanation for this could be a variant of Button's Syndrome (I'll let you figure that one on your own). Merlin is also said to be the son of a devil, which could make him very long-lived.

So take those two things together, and Merlin could have studied magic at Hogwarts in his extreme old age, which to his perspective would be his early youth.
I reread the first post and I may have a solution to the Merlin/Hogwarts thing.

In The Once and Future King, Merlin lives his life backwards. He ages the same but to him, first meetings are fond goodbyes and departures are first encounters. I guess an in-universe explanation for this could be a variant of Button's Syndrome (I'll let you figure that one on your own). Merlin is also said to be the son of a devil, which could make him very long-lived.

So take those two things together, and Merlin could have studied magic at Hogwarts in his extreme old age, which to his perspective would be his early youth.

There is no way that I can avoid including this idea into my next update. Thanks!
I reread the first post and I may have a solution to the Merlin/Hogwarts thing.

In The Once and Future King, Merlin lives his life backwards. He ages the same but to him, first meetings are fond goodbyes and departures are first encounters. I guess an in-universe explanation for this could be a variant of Button's Syndrome (I'll let you figure that one on your own). Merlin is also said to be the son of a devil, which could make him very long-lived.

So take those two things together, and Merlin could have studied magic at Hogwarts in his extreme old age, which to his perspective would be his early youth.

Howzabout Merlin's a highlander?
One thing I should stress, not just for the timeline but for all the pedia entries as well, we need to make sure that everything that shows up in the gameplay is represented. This includes Civs, Leaders, Wonders (Great and National), Units (Heroes, Barbarian units, Alliance-created units, LU's Superheroes, Religion-specific units), Religions (I don't think The Church of All Worlds has been mentioned once in any of the pedias), Corporations (ditto for most of these), and Events (most of the Events aren't in place yet, and I'm guessing the pedias themselves will influence more Events).
One thing I should stress, not just for the timeline but for all the pedia entries as well, we need to make sure that everything that shows up in the gameplay is represented. This includes Civs, Leaders, Wonders (Great and National), Units (Heroes, Barbarian units, Alliance-created units, LU's Superheroes, Religion-specific units), Religions (I don't think The Church of All Worlds has been mentioned once in any of the pedias), Corporations (ditto for most of these), and Events (most of the Events aren't in place yet, and I'm guessing the pedias themselves will influence more Events).

I can start working on these next update. If you could compile a list of everything and either put it up as a text file or PM it to me so I have one reference for my research, that would help a lot.

Thus far, I've been mainly focusing on the pedias, but I realize that there is a lot more to work with. If possible, I'll use the timeline to set up tentative dates for the other material, which can be either used or changed when the relevant pedias are finally written.

I'm going to be very busy for the next week, with appointments and two Thanksgiving parties, so I probably won't get to working on the next update until early December. Just a heads-up.
How about adding the Charles Blackworth storyline from the Empire Earth II American campaign into the timeline?
How about adding the Charles Blackworth storyline from the Empire Earth II American campaign into the timeline?

I have no idea what that story contains, but I may look into it.

I'd like to apologize to everyone for my absence for the last month. The holidays have been insanely busy for me. I'd like to update the timeline with the last month or so's worth of encyclopedia entries, but I'm not setting a concrete date on it. But it shall be done!

All right, I've got everything up to Jaffe Joffer. There's been a few more written since then, but I'll save those for another update.

Two things I created specifically for this update:

One is the 'Paleo-Nordic' civilization. The Viking culture didn't really exist 3000 years ago, but it was depicted as such in Age of Mythology, which is part of the mod. Thus, I came up with the solution: the Norse society shown in AoM was an older, lost civilization that fell into a decline before being revived in the Middle Ages as the Norse culture that we all know and love.

The other is the death of Kratos. In the Roman pedia, it states that Romulus became the god Quirinius. As Kratos killed Ares and took his place as the Olympian God of War, I imagine that Quirinius would have been pretty angry, since Ares was, after all, his father. So I propose that Quirinius swore revenge on Kratos, and the two killed each other in combat during the third Titanomachy. Kratos could, of course, later be released from the Underworld in the modern period, to become the Greek superhero. This is just an idea of mine, and may have to be retconned once God of War 3 comes out, but I'll keep it unless told otherwise.

EDIT: Also added a few Christianity-related things. First, I expanded the Brianite sect a little, making them into a minor, but still extent, Gnostic sect. Second, I added references to the excellent novel Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal. Notably, I suggested that the Merovingians are actually descendants of Biff and Mary Magdalene, rather than Jesus. In the novel, Jesus is completely chaste, despite loving Mary, while Biff had sexual relations with her at least once.
*round of applause*

Lots of work, but it certainly paid off. After reading through, though, two or three things I feel I should mention...

In 1325, there's still a mention of Duncan's murder, which, of course, has been moved back three hundred years.

DBZ stuff that should be fleshed out/added/redated/so forth...

1473 - First Namekian arrives on Earth; eventually names himself Kami, God of Earth.
1965 - Brief conquest of Japan by the Demon King Piccolo.
1973 - First Saiyan arrives on Earth. Son Goku's death.
1974 - Second Saiyan invasion; Son Goku returns. First Japanese space flight to Namek, resulting in the collapse of Freeza's empire and the planet's destruction.
1979 - Arrival and defeat of Cell. Son Goku's second death.
1986 - Son Goku returns again. Destruction of planet, restoration of planet, defeat of Majin Buu.
1996 - Last public appearance of Son Goku.

Just the major events, plus Kami's arrival, since, well, I think it's somewhat important.

...not to nitpick or anything, of course. :lol:
How does Utopia fit into all of this?
Well, that's one of the civs that's been underrepresented in the timeline. no one has stepped up to write a pedia for it.

At the moment I had the idea that is was a former Atlantean colony off the coast of South America that was "discovered" by the Western world when Raphael Hythloday published his reports of the nation in 1516 (as per the plot and publication date of Thomas More's Utopia)

But beyond that, I'm stumped.
You forgot that Hercules also became a God in addition to Kratos, Romulus and Arkantos.
You forgot that Hercules also became a God in addition to Kratos, Romulus and Arkantos.

That'll be in the next update, which I'll try to work on in the next few weeks. I'll try to get it done before May 27, which is when I leave for the summer. See, I've got a job as a summer camp counselor, and I'll have limited Internet access until August.

I'll try to write up the pedia entry on the Master that I said I was going to write two weeks ago before the next update.
They thought it couldn't be done, but it is! The last update until autumn is up! As I said before, I'll be away all summer, so I wanted to do this before I left.

So, I've added Dibukk's recent updates to the old pedias, T'Challa, Cervantes, Kratos, Dracula, and more! Here's hoping there'll be a ton of new pedias to add when I get back in August! (Although I also start community college then, so any new updates will have to wait a little while.)

One of my original stories that I'm working on takes place in a universe much like this mod (the main characters are almost all original, but the setting is mostly built up from crossovers). Actually, this mod was what inspired me to use the crossover idea in the first place. As such, if nobody minds, once all the pedias are done and the timeline complete, I'd like to re-appropriate and re-edit the timeline to serve as a continuity guide for that story. Once it gets published, I'm definitely mentioning cfkane, Dibukk, and the other Fic IV writers in the 'Acknowledgements' page.

As a side note, the Pages document that I keep my timeline on (yes, I am a Mac user) comes in at about 41 pages right now. That makes it the largest single thing I've ever written thus far on this computer (it won't be the largest thing I ever write, if I get my way and become a professional writer).
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