Tips for Emperor difficulty

You should start a war to weaken an enemy as soon as you run out of space, pay off other civs(they'll only be able to extort small amounts of gold early. Keep a few settlers ready to cover autorazed cities. If your enemy is despotic, he'll poprush military, so you eventually make peace, build improvements(esp barracks). In 20 turns, you should be anihilate him in the next war.

Luxury slider should be high enough so that you don't need temples until culture becomes an issue. WLTKD? Probably in the early game if corruption is a problem. Shields, not tech, are important now.
I decited there is no point in making another thread for it:
I mastered regant like dagreat and jumped right to emperor. This is my 1st game on emperor. I choosed Iraques on continents, medium size and with the most land map. I started in a very good place, or at least i think so. At 1st i went all for settlers. I managed to make communications with only 2 civs beacause i couldnt get trough mongols territory. Should i have made boats. Anyway i fell behind in tech beacause lack of communications. I managed to get 2nd place on the most productive thingie on f11 like the very last thing in there. I expanded east at 1st to claim land that others can grab too beacause soth was kinda safe.Lands on east were somewhat worser than on south. Few turns before i got horseback riding and hooked up horses, mongols wanted gold from me. I didnt give and they started war. So when i got my horses i started to build many UUs with capital still making settlers. I got golden age and that helped me to get out a lot of UUs. With them i managed to destroy mongols and get their land. After that i had 1 or so UUs left. I decited to start war with incas who were the 2nd civ i knew from the start. About at that time i also met Japan. So curently i ahve taken 1 city from incas already, destroyed mongols and managed to get strong m ilitary compared to everyone i know (Incas, Japan).I also got a leader from 1st incan city i conquered. I have a lot of space needed to fill with settlers so at now i am doing it and fighting incas. So what have i done wrong?Any major mistakes? Also should i build forbidean palace to the old mongols capital or save it for some incan city?
Sorry if dagreat didnt want other persons in his thread.

save: View attachment 106791 Also i would like to mention that i dont micromanage... but i control my workers... If any city produces spears then it is beacause i change the build order the game gives 1-2 turns before spears would get complited...
Also, does rop-rape only affect other civs' willingness to sign rops in future, or does it also affect gpt deals?

Also, does breaking a gpt deal make non gpt deals more expensive in future?

And lastly, what effects does making demands from weaker AIs do besides their attitude towards you?
Dagreat said:
Also, does rop-rape only affect other civs' willingness to sign rops in future, or does it also affect gpt deals?

Any kind of deal-breaking affects your rep, and the biggest pain that a ruined rep brings you is the loss of gpt deals.

Also, does breaking a gpt deal make non gpt deals more expensive in future?

Expensive or impossible. :cry:

And lastly, what effects does making demands from weaker AIs do besides their attitude towards you?

Just makes them cranky, as far as I know. Oh, and if they give in, you can then declare war on them and they won't have as much (or any) cash to upgrade their military. Or if you make them cranky enough, they'll declare war on you and then they get the War Weariness hit and you'll get the War Happiness. This is a good thing. :goodjob:

Seek always to have war break out on your timetable, not theirs.
Dagreat said:
Also, does breaking a gpt deal make non gpt deals more expensive in future?

Not sure about that, but you still make them as long as you do not try to add even 1 gpt to the deal.
TheLynx, not getting out some boats to find all civs, is going to slow you down.

The FP can be put any place in C3C, it is mainly used to up the OCN.

Sounds like you are in good shape to me.
Ok this is my first emperor level victory. Hoping u guys could assess the situation (save is from turn before victory)

Playing archi as Byzantines on standard map. At the start I got a few curraghs exploring, and got a 5 tech lead over everyone else cos (would u believe it) at the beginning of Med era every AI civ had only met me, and some had met 1 other civ. Anyway, They soon met after start of MA, and by the end of MA I was struggling to keep up (because Spain had so much more room to expand than me). Anyway, I managed to lead the way into industrial with Spain, and being the first scientific civ to get there, sold them Nationalism for heaps of gold. From that point on I got ToE and kept at least 1 tech lead all the way until the end, (keeping research slider at 100% the whole time: I was receiving about 500-800 gpt all the time, and was still only making 200-300 income overall)

The whole game I didn't have horses, rubber, or aluminium, so I had to trade for them, reducing my ability to war them. I was going to go for Space Race victory (cultural/domination were ffaaaarrrr off) but about 2 turns before I built UN Spain declared war on me so I lost aluminium, 2 luxuries and about 400 gpt, and took a city or two, but then the turn before I finished UN I sold all the other civs techs for MA against Spain, and I won the election 6-1. (France abstained....can u guys explain to me the condition of abstaining?)

Anyway, some analysis of what I could've done better would be good.
I am not sure what there is to assess when you win. I can tell that archi leads often to late contacts for the AI. This is becasue they will not send out boats into unsafe waters and humans will.

The slwos their research way down. Once they made contacts all around, they will start to research faster. Holding a small tech lead is common on this type of map. If you do nothing to grab their lands, that is about all you can do.
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