Originally posted by Thuloid
I am actually working on both, but they are extremely far from finished, or even interestingly playable.
I've got Fonstad's "Atlas of Middle Earth", and would be happy to cooperate on maps. I imagine we could do a "Pangea" type map with the part of Middle Earth that roughly corresponds to Eurasia and Africa. We could possibly add the other continents of Middle Earth, but those might start empty and serve as a goal (or a getaway) for those Civs that are able to develop Navigation.
With the current status of the Scenario Editor, where we can only start "in the beginning" with no cities already built and not more than two starting units, the best we could do with a Middle Earth scenario would be to have a pretty good map and modified Civs representing the major races and nations of Middle Earth, with decent starting positions.
Elves (perhaps Eastern and Western divisions) --
UU = Elvish Archer (replacing Archer
with power of a Longbowman, 2 movement points)
Dwarves (perhaps Eastern and Western divisions) --
UU = Dwarven Axemen (replacing Swordsman,
attack power of Legion, defense power of Hoplite)
Hobbits -- UU = Hobbit Questor (replacing Explorer,
moves as on road, but available in Ancient period)
Rohirrim -- UU = Rider (replacing Horseman,
with power of Knight)
Gondorians -- UU = Schiltron?
(replaces Spearman with power of Pikeman)
Dunlendings-- UU = Cheap Warrior
(same as Warrior but half-price)
Southrons -- UU = ? (Like the Zulu Impi, 25% cheaper)
Haradwaith/Eastmen -- UU = ?
(Like the Iroquois Mounted Warrior, 25% cheaper)
Unbar/Corsairs -- UU = Advanced Galley
Orcs -- UU = Orc Warrior (replaces Warrior, 60% cheaper)
Uruk-Hai = Uruk-Hai Warrior
(replaces Swordsman, half price)
As I see it, the basic theme for the unique units is that the forces of light have more powerful units (Medieval strength in an otherwise Ancient Era), while the forces of darkness have units that are the same as standard ones (or some existing Unique Units), but just cheaper so that they can produce mass quantities.
Although this might be fun, developing a really enjoyable Middle Earth scenario will have to wait for a more advanced Scenario Editor that allows for placement of cities with improvements, terrain improvements, placement of prebuilt units, civs to begin with multiple technological advances, setting the date (3019, etc.).