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Nov 24, 2001
in a Cave next to OBL
Any Tolkien Fan here thats making a scenario? i would really love an scenario about The Silmarils or The Lord of the Rings....
I am actually working on both, but they are extremely far from finished, or even interestingly playable.
Tell me when your finished. Please
I'll test it to! I've read Hobbit, Lord of The Rings, Simirallion and unfinished tales so i should know the possible errors

Originally posted by redtom
I'll test it to! I've read Hobbit, Lord of The Rings, Simirallion and unfinished tales so i should know the possible errors


Simirallion? :confused: cool never heard of that :rotfl:
Simarillion is one of the added tales edited by Tolkiens son
Originally posted by Thuloid
I am actually working on both, but they are extremely far from finished, or even interestingly playable.

I've got Fonstad's "Atlas of Middle Earth", and would be happy to cooperate on maps. I imagine we could do a "Pangea" type map with the part of Middle Earth that roughly corresponds to Eurasia and Africa. We could possibly add the other continents of Middle Earth, but those might start empty and serve as a goal (or a getaway) for those Civs that are able to develop Navigation.

With the current status of the Scenario Editor, where we can only start "in the beginning" with no cities already built and not more than two starting units, the best we could do with a Middle Earth scenario would be to have a pretty good map and modified Civs representing the major races and nations of Middle Earth, with decent starting positions.

Elves (perhaps Eastern and Western divisions) --
UU = Elvish Archer (replacing Archer
with power of a Longbowman, 2 movement points)
Dwarves (perhaps Eastern and Western divisions) --
UU = Dwarven Axemen (replacing Swordsman,
attack power of Legion, defense power of Hoplite)
Hobbits -- UU = Hobbit Questor (replacing Explorer,
moves as on road, but available in Ancient period)
Rohirrim -- UU = Rider (replacing Horseman,
with power of Knight)
Gondorians -- UU = Schiltron?
(replaces Spearman with power of Pikeman)
Dunlendings-- UU = Cheap Warrior
(same as Warrior but half-price)
Southrons -- UU = ? (Like the Zulu Impi, 25% cheaper)
Haradwaith/Eastmen -- UU = ?
(Like the Iroquois Mounted Warrior, 25% cheaper)
Unbar/Corsairs -- UU = Advanced Galley
Orcs -- UU = Orc Warrior (replaces Warrior, 60% cheaper)
Uruk-Hai = Uruk-Hai Warrior
(replaces Swordsman, half price)

As I see it, the basic theme for the unique units is that the forces of light have more powerful units (Medieval strength in an otherwise Ancient Era), while the forces of darkness have units that are the same as standard ones (or some existing Unique Units), but just cheaper so that they can produce mass quantities.

Although this might be fun, developing a really enjoyable Middle Earth scenario will have to wait for a more advanced Scenario Editor that allows for placement of cities with improvements, terrain improvements, placement of prebuilt units, civs to begin with multiple technological advances, setting the date (3019, etc.).

If you want to really make a good Tolkien mod, you will have to have nearly all unique units. The concept of the Elves building the same unit as Uruk-Hai is pretty silly. Perhaps the good races and the evil races could have some similar units, but I still think you will need more than one unique unit per side to make it 'Tolkienesque.'

It's too bad there is no way to force an alliance or forbid an alliance. I would hate to see an alliance of elves and orcs attacking the hobbits.
this is a great idea!
im a huge fan of The Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit and The silmarilion.
A proper scenario is still impossible at present but i would still love to see a middle earth map.

my ideas for races:
ok so the dont build cities but could perhaps create forests.
UU Ents (high attack, defense and movement, but vulnerable to some types of weapons- negative attack bonus against axemen/fire)

UU has to be Oliphants!!!
like indaian elephants except much bigger with war turrets on top.
perhaps could have stats of elephant but act like an army so that a unit can be "loaded" into it for attack purposes.

UU ranger
like longbowmen but with higher move+defense
(possible included with Gondor because they are historically linked?)

split into factions-
your ideas for cheaper units are spot on.
also how about trolls? or goblins?

Special "ultra rare" units
-i dont know quite how these would be aquired,
not possible to be built, occasionally food in goodie huts.
rather than new tech/cash/settler a civ specific unit could be given.
e.g. Orcs gets Balrog
Mordor get Nazgul
either that or you get one instead of a leader emerging

im not too good with the editor yet so maybe these suggestions are not viable.
Everytime I edit the game it crashes. Everytime I attempt to play a CD at the same time it crashes, once my computer didn't turn on for a day because of the terrible programming. So how am I meant to change uneditable game? Civ 2 Rules.

P.s I placing this here because I need to vent my anger somewhere now that the "Civ 3's a bore" has been closed

P.S.S If your wondering my computer is very powerful 1.5 Ghtz/512MB/60GB, so why does the game run slowly and is prone to crashing? Any ideas?

Moderator Action: There is a whole forum for civ3 Technical Support. For blatent threadjacking and off topic post, redtom is recomened for 3 day restriction.
Please also note that tesponding to moderator action is off topic anywhere but the site feedback forum, and that PM or email to Thunderfall or the moderator is prefer to a post even there.
Lefty Scaevola, civ3 moderator

Please read the forum rules: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=422889
Our bountiful host Thunderfall, buoyant with the joy of completed exams, has declared that this miscreant shall receive mercy.
I'd really like a scenario of it. If you need help send me but the problem is the bad scenareo editor which is delivered by Civiliazation3.
This actually wouldn't be that hard, only extremely time consuming... Except for the map.... eek.... You don't need leader faces because the ones given are close enough (Germany: Dwarves, Russia: Hobbits, Persia: Elves, Orcs: Zulu or India).

As far as dwarves being able to make archers and such, simply dissallow them to. The human civs would be the only ones to eventually use musketmen and riflemen, but when other civs learn gunpowder they would get an upgrade or different kind of their style of units. And when the human civs would be able to make planes, the others would be able to make giant birds. The birds and the dwarves are really the only unit flics that would have to be made if you think about it.

That reminds me... I have ToT that actually works on my laptop unlike Civ III... hmmm...:goodjob:
redtom, Silmarillion is not an edit added by Christopher tolkien. It is the ground work tolkien himself did before he wrote either the Hobbit (a night time story fo his children) or Lord of the Rings. He began working on it during WWI, although he had been working on the language for far longer. A requirement for Houghton Mifflin publishing the Lord of the Rings was that they agreed to also publish the Silmarillion, but they put it off a while because they just didn't understand it. it's not a narrative (or at least only in parts) like the Hobbit and LOTR.

At any rate, I would be interedted in an LOTR mod, but I would want it to have unique unit graphics which means either agonies over FLICster or having unanimated graphics.
Yeah, Ents definatly have to be in there, but I don't know if they should be a whole civ. Maybe just a powerfull unit that only some good races can get. (Elves and Hobbits I was thinking...) They could be their equivilent of Modern Armour. Cave Trolls could be a good substitute for evil races.

I like the unique super-unit idea a lot. Having them spawn out of battle might be a good thing to limit them. Gandalf should be the hobbits super-unit, Aragorn for Humans, Elrond for Elves, Sauron for Mordor orcs, Balrog for Moria orcs, etc.

Are you considering doing a full reworking of all the techs/resources? Replace gunpowder with steel and uranium with mitheral or something like that? I'm not sure how interesting a mod with Orcs running around with gunpowder and nukes would be.
Please forgive me if this is a repost (It seems if you attach the wrong file type; such as .bic; then your post doesn't go through AND all the text is GONE!):mad:

Off Tolkien,
Maugan mentions "Orcs with guns" This brings up a good MOD based on "Grunts" by Mary Gentle. (I'm currently creating; is anyone else? If you haven't read the book, think Orcs with 1970's tech fighting magic wielding elves, with a Monty Python sense of humor. :D

Back to Tolkien,
I've started a map (only, no rules) based on my copy of "Atlas of Middle-Earth".
Two problems:
1) Maps always wrap around? Tolkien only alluded to the rest of the planet, I'd hate to do that much guess work.
2) Swamps/Marshes. I'm using Tundra for the Dead Marshes, any ideas?

attched is my map so you know what I'm talking about.
(ITS PRE PRE-ALPHA; really only 10% done)


The map is ok. Not too good. You could have put hills and forests in some areas. Maybe make a bigger map.

But its an early map. I'm sure it'll be better later.

You should use a standard sized map, i would guess.
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