Tomatekh's Historical Religion Mods


Aug 6, 2012
As I now have more than one religious mod, this will serve as a base thread.


Great Prophet Historical Names (BNW or GK)
Adds historical names to the Great Prophet unit similar to the other Great People.


Historical Religions (BNW or GK)
Adds 49 historical religions to the base game.

** Historical Religions Edit (BNW or GK)
Only includes religions which civs have a preference for. Adds 13 historical religions.

** Historical Religions Complete (BNW or GK)
The Historical Religions mod and all the denomination packs in one download. 102 total religions as well as my Great Prophet Historical Names mod.


Christian Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It splits Christianity into seven denominations: Catholic, Nestorian, Oriental Orthodox, Eastern Orthodox, Protestant, Anglican, and Mormon Christianity.

** Medieval Heresies (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It adds four Medieval era religious heresies. For Christianity: Bogomilism, Catharism, and Hussitism. For Islam: Mu'tazila.

** Protestant Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It splits Protestantism into five denominations: Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican, Methodist, and Baptist Protestantism.

Islamic Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It splits Islam into three denominations: Sunni, Shia, Ibadi Islam.

Hindu Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It splits Hindu into five denominations: Vaishnavite, Shaivite, Shaktite, Smarta, Vedic Hinduism.

Buddhist Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It splits Buddhism into three denominations: Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana Buddhism.

Meospotamian Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It adds three historical religions related ancient Mesopotamia: Chaldaenism, Ashurism, Napir-tuniis.

High American Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It adds four historical religions related to Classical Indigenous America: Tlateomatiliztli, Tzolk'in, Pachaism, Intiism.

Greco-Roman Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It adds eight historical religions related to the Greco-Roman world: Atanodjuwaja Cult, Dodekatheism, Numenism, Imperial Cult, Mysteries, Mithraism, Neoplatonism, Heros Karabazmos.

Oceanic Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It adds five historical religions related to Oceania: Tala-e-Fonua, Puata Tupuna, Tangata Manu, Malagan, Itang.

Egyptian Denominations (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It adds three historical religions related to ancient Egypt: Pesedjet, Atenism, Amanaiism.


Christianity Merge (Historical Religions)
This mod works either stand-alone or as an add-on to my Historical Religions mods. It merges the various Christian denominations added in BNW back into the single "Christianity" religion found in G&K.


The main purpose of the full version of the mod is to add historical religious preferences for modded civs. This post explains how to include internal support for this mod within your modded civilization mod.

1) First, have your civ mod reference one or more of the following mod IDs depending on which version(s) has the custom religion you want to use:

(In ModBuddy, right click the mod name -> Properties -> Associations -> References)
8c101299-95c5-4b28-b7ed-4e0f774857ef  (Historical Religions)
6bc3cb6e-a697-491e-9347-5e3e02640f00  (Historical Religions Edit)
6010e6f6-918e-48b8-9332-d60783bd8fb5  (Historical Religions Complete)

6c52be67-b7da-4768-9873-1a9ce5011e8e  (Christian Denominations)
d60c32bd-6826-4ca3-8161-2e37ebab5883  (Protestant Denominations)
524fba76-d0be-447f-9c89-fc56462f9f63  (Islamic Denominations)
cda9bfce-2abf-4b10-b0be-514f850d95cb  (Hindu Denominations)
59a97415-76c7-47e8-8f69-d268dccd9535  (Buddhist Denominations)
5139dcb2-e318-4fe7-a58c-68a59b8339db  (Mesopotamian Denominations)
ba8478fa-c70e-47ca-82fc-aee3baea6407  (High American Denominations)
1b456011-7882-4f02-8184-5421e6a2b3fb  (Egyptian Denominations)
a8a3f188-f98e-4ba2-91bf-76af49cb0a6d  (Greco-Roman Denominations)
afeb5594-08a5-42f8-bdce-0e2c37400692  (Oceanic Denominations)
20dd5230-df95-4722-9043-385fe8b90de6  (Medieval Heresies)

2f0b6cd7-3bf5-4197-96f6-96c00787ef18  (Christianity Merge)
2) Next, set your civ to have one of the 13 default religions. You can do this normally in XML or include it as SQL in step 3.
INSERT INTO Civilization_Religions
        (CivilizationType,             ReligionType)
3) Create an SQL file. SQL files are created (Add -> New Item -> Game Rules SQL) and loaded into the database (Actions -> OnModActivated -> UpdateDatabase -> etc) the same way you would for an XML file. If this SQL is not also setting the default religion (step 2), make sure it is loaded after the file that sets the religion. (For example, I normally set my default religion in a Civilzations.xml file, so in Actions -> OnModActivated I would have this new SQL file under the Civilzations.xml file). If you are setting both in the SQL file, make sure this code goes under the code you use to set the initial religion.

This SQL file should include the following code:

UPDATE Civilization_Religions SET ReligionType =

Replace the two "RELIGION_FORN_SIDR" entries with the historical religion you want to use, the "RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY" entry with the default religion your civ is using, and the "CIVILIZATION_VISIGOTHS_MOD" entry with your mod civ.

4) Add a trigger under the SQL code to ensure the preference will be set in case load order is ignored or your game is ignoring programmed references.

CREATE TRIGGER ReligionTestTrigger
    UPDATE Civilization_Religions
    SET ReligionType = 'RELIGION_FORN_SIDR'

In addition to replacing the RELIGION_ and CIVILIZATION_ entries, take note of the bolded text. The name of the trigger needs to be unique for every trigger you add (in the same and different mods). So, for example, I might use ReligionTomatekhGothsMod. Somewhat wordy, but it ensures that no one else might accidentally also use that trigger.

Example) This is what a complete preference might look like only using SQL:

INSERT INTO Civilization_Religions
        (CivilizationType,             ReligionType)

UPDATE Civilization_Religions SET ReligionType =

CREATE TRIGGER ReligionTestTrigger
    UPDATE Civilization_Religions
    SET ReligionType = 'RELIGION_FORN_SIDR'

As a final note, it is possible to tier preferences to account for people using different versions of my mods. For example, the tiered England preference in my Complete mod:

UPDATE Civilization_Religions SET ReligionType =
    ) WHERE CivilizationType = 'CIVILIZATION_ENGLAND';


The following are the XML entries for the various custom religions:

Akattu (Harrapa):        RELIGION_AKATTU
Al-Asnam (Sabaeans):        RELIGION_AL_ASNAM
Amatongo (Zulu):        RELIGION_AMATONGO
Anito (Philippine):        RELIGION_ANITO
Angakkuqism (Inuit):        RELIGION_ANGAKKUQISM
Baha'i:                RELIGION_BAHAI
Bird Figure Cult (Vinca):    RELIGION_BIRD_FIGURE
Buddhism:            RELIGION_BUDDHISM
    w/ Buddhist Denominations mod:
        Theravada:        RELIGION_BUDDHISM
        Mahayana:        RELIGION_MAHAYANA
        Vajrayana:        RELIGION_VAJRAYANA
Bumuntu (Luba):            RELIGION_BUMUNTU
Canaanism (Carthage):        RELIGION_CANAANISM
Chaldaenism (Mesopotamia):    RELIGION_CHALDEANISM
    w/ Mesopotamian Denominations mod:
        Chaldaenism (Babylon):    RELIGION_CHALDEANISM
        Ashurism (Assyria):    RELIGION_ASHURISM
        Napir-tuniis (Elam):    RELIGION_NAPIRTUNIIS
Chiminagua (Muisca):        RELIGION_CHIMINAGUA
    Roman Catholic:        RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY
    Eastern Orthodoxy:    RELIGION_ORTHODOXY
    Protestantism:        RELIGION_PROTESTANTISM
    w/ Christian Denominations mod:
        Nestorianism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_CHURCH_OF_THE_EAST
        Anglicanism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_ANGLICANISM
        Mormonism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_MORMONISM
    w/ Protestant Denominations mod:
        Lutheranism:        RELIGION_PROTESTANTISM   
        Anglicanism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_ANGLICANISM
        Methodism:        RELIGION_PROTESTANT_METHODISM   
        Baptist Christianity    RELIGION_PROTESTANT_BAPTIST
    w/ Medieval Heresies mod:
        Bogomilism:        RELIGION_BOGOMILISM
        Catharism:        RELIGION_CATHARISM
        Hussitism:        RELIGION_HUSSITISM
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Arianism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_ARIANISM
        Restorationism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_MORMONISM
    w/ Chrstianity Merge mod:
        Christianity:        RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY
Confucianism:            RELIGION_CONFUCIANISM
Druidism (Celts):        RELIGION_DRUIDISM
Fat Roog (Serer):        RELIGION_FAT_ROOG
Forn Sidr (Norse):        RELIGION_FORN_SIDR
Hellenism (Greco-Roman):    RELIGION_HELLENISM
    w/ Greco-Roman Denominations mod:
        Dodekatheism (Greece):    RELIGION_HELLENISM
        Numenism (Rome):    RELIGION_NUMENISM
        Imperial Cult        RELIGION_IMPERIAL_CULT
        Mithraism:        RELIGION_MITHRAISM
        Neoplatonism:        RELIGION_NEOPLATONISM
        Heros Karabazmos:    RELIGION_HEROS_KARABAZMOS
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Atanodjuwaja (Minoan):    RELIGION_ATANODJUWAJA
        Mysteries:        RELIGION_MYSTERIES
Heros Karabazmos (Thrace):    RELIGION_HEROS_KARABAZMOS
Hinduism:            RELIGION_HINDUISM
    w/ Hindu Denominations mod:
        Vaishnavism (Vishnu):    RELIGION_VISHNU
        Shaivism (Shiva):    RELIGION_SHIVA
        Shaktism (Shakti):     RELIGION_SHAKTI
        Smartism:         RELIGION_HINDUISM
        Vedism:            RELIGION_VEDIC
Itan (Yoruba):            RELIGION_ITAN
Islam:                RELIGION_ISLAM
    w/ Islamic Denominations mod:
        Sunni:            RELIGION_ISLAM
        Shia:            RELIGION_ISLAM_SHIA
        Ibadi:            RELIGION_ISLAM_IBADI
    w/ Medieval Heresies mod:
        Mu'tazila:        RELIGION_MUTAZILA
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Druze:            RELIGION_DRUZE
        Ahmadiyya:        RELIGION_AHMADI
Jainism:            RELIGION_JAIN
Judaism:            RELIGION_JUDAISM
Kachina (Pueblo):        RELIGION_KACHINA
Laiboni (Maasai):        RELIGION_LAIBONI
Li'im Dinger-mes (Hittite):    RELIGION_LIIM_DINGERMES
Mahoma (Calusa):        RELIGION_MAHOMA
Manaism (Polynesia):        RELIGION_MANAISM
    w/ Oceanic Denominations mod:
        Tala-e-Fonua (West):    RELIGION_MANAISM
        Puata Tupuna (East):    RELIGION_PUTA_TUPUNA
        Tangata Manu (Rapanui):    RELIGION_TANGATA_MANU
        Malagan (Melanesia)    RELIGION_MALAGAN
        Itang (Micronesia)    RELIGION_ITANG
Mandaenism:            RELIGION_MANDEANISM
Manichaeism:            RELIGION_MANICHAEISM
Midewiwin (Ojibwe):        RELIGION_MIDEWIWIN
Muism (Siberian):        RELIGION_MUISM
Mwari Cult (Zimbabwe):        RELIGION_MWARI
Noaidevuohta (Sami):        RELIGION_NOAIDEVUOHTA
N'um (San Bushmen):        RELIGION_NUM
Nzambiism (Kongo):        RELIGION_NZAMBIISM
Odinani (Nri):            RELIGION_ODINANI
Onyamesom (Akan):        RELIGION_ONYAMESOM
Orenda (Iroquois):        RELIGION_ORENDA
Pachaism (Andes):        RELIGION_PACHISM
    w/ High American Denominations mod:
        Pachaism:        RELIGION_PACHISM
        Intiism (Inca):        RELIGION_INTIISM
Pajelanca (Amazonian):        RELIGION_PAJELANCA
Pesedjet (Egypt):        RELIGION_PESEDJET
    w/ Egyptian Denominations mod:
        Pesedjet:        RELIGION_PESEDJET
        Atenism (Akhenaten):    RELIGION_ATENISM
        Amanaiism (Berber):    RELIGION_AMANAIISM   
Pohakantenna (Shoshone):    RELIGION_POHAKANTENNA
Razana (Malagasy):        RELIGION_RAZANA
Romuva (Lithuania):        RELIGION_ROMUVA
Sairimaism (Scythia):        RELIGION_SAIRIMAISM
Saman (Siberian Shamanism):     RELIGION_SAMAN
Sgaanaang (Haida):        RELIGION_SGAANAANG
Shinto:                RELIGION_SHINTO
Sikhism:            RELIGION_SIKHISM
Slavianism (Slavic):        RELIGION_SLAVIANISM
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Slavianism:        RELIGION_SLAVIANISM
        Romuva (Baltic):    RELIGION_ROMUVA
Southern Cult (Mississippi):    RELIGION_SOUTHERN_CULT
Taoism:                RELIGION_TAOISM
Temaukelism (Patagonia):    RELIGION_TEMAUKELISM
Tengriism:            RELIGION_TENGRIISM
Tjukurpa (Aborigine):        RELIGION_TJUKURPA
Tlateomatiliztli (Mesoamerica):    RELIGION_TLATEOMATILIZTLI
    w/ High American Denominations mod:
        Tlateomatili (Aztec):    RELIGION_TLATEOMATILIZTLI
        Tzolk'in (Maya):    RELIGION_TZOLKIN
Vedism (Vedic):            RELIGION_VEDIC
Voodoo:                RELIGION_VODUN
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Voodoo:            RELIGION_VODUN
        Santeria:        RELIGION_SANTERIA
Wakan Tanka (Sioux):        RELIGION_WAKAN_TANKA
Witran Mapu (Mapuche):        RELIGION_WILTRAN_MAPU
Yazdanism (Kurds):        RELIGION_YAZDANISM
Zemiism (Taino):        RELIGION_ZEMIISM
Zoroastrianism:            RELIGION_ZOROASTRIANISM
Last edited:
Didn't you use the actual names of the religions? The DL page only mentions the description. Hopefully they're not named like that?:confused:
The main purpose of the full version of the mod is to add historical religious preferences for modded civs. This post explains how to include internal support for this mod within your modded civilization mod.

1) First, have your civ mod reference one or more of the following mod IDs depending on which version(s) has the custom religion you want to use:

(In ModBuddy, right click the mod name -> Properties -> Associations -> References)
8c101299-95c5-4b28-b7ed-4e0f774857ef  (Historical Religions)
6bc3cb6e-a697-491e-9347-5e3e02640f00  (Historical Religions Edit)
6010e6f6-918e-48b8-9332-d60783bd8fb5  (Historical Religions Complete)

6c52be67-b7da-4768-9873-1a9ce5011e8e  (Christian Denominations)
d60c32bd-6826-4ca3-8161-2e37ebab5883  (Protestant Denominations)
524fba76-d0be-447f-9c89-fc56462f9f63  (Islamic Denominations)
cda9bfce-2abf-4b10-b0be-514f850d95cb  (Hindu Denominations)
59a97415-76c7-47e8-8f69-d268dccd9535  (Buddhist Denominations)
5139dcb2-e318-4fe7-a58c-68a59b8339db  (Mesopotamian Denominations)
ba8478fa-c70e-47ca-82fc-aee3baea6407  (High American Denominations)
1b456011-7882-4f02-8184-5421e6a2b3fb  (Egyptian Denominations)
a8a3f188-f98e-4ba2-91bf-76af49cb0a6d  (Greco-Roman Denominations)
afeb5594-08a5-42f8-bdce-0e2c37400692  (Oceanic Denominations)
20dd5230-df95-4722-9043-385fe8b90de6  (Medieval Heresies)

2f0b6cd7-3bf5-4197-96f6-96c00787ef18  (Christianity Merge)
2) Next, set your civ to have one of the 13 default religions. You can do this normally in XML or include it as SQL in step 3.
INSERT INTO Civilization_Religions
        (CivilizationType,             ReligionType)
3) Create an SQL file. SQL files are created (Add -> New Item -> Game Rules SQL) and loaded into the database (Actions -> OnModActivated -> UpdateDatabase -> etc) the same way you would for an XML file. If this SQL is not also setting the default religion (step 2), make sure it is loaded after the file that sets the religion. (For example, I normally set my default religion in a Civilzations.xml file, so in Actions -> OnModActivated I would have this new SQL file under the Civilzations.xml file). If you are setting both in the SQL file, make sure this code goes under the code you use to set the initial religion.

This SQL file should include the following code:

UPDATE Civilization_Religions SET ReligionType =

Replace the two "RELIGION_FORN_SIDR" entries with the historical religion you want to use, the "RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY" entry with the default religion your civ is using, and the "CIVILIZATION_VISIGOTHS_MOD" entry with your mod civ.

4) Add a trigger under the SQL code to ensure the preference will be set in case load order is ignored or your game is ignoring programmed references.

CREATE TRIGGER ReligionTestTrigger
    UPDATE Civilization_Religions
    SET ReligionType = 'RELIGION_FORN_SIDR'

In addition to replacing the RELIGION_ and CIVILIZATION_ entries, take note of the bolded text. The name of the trigger needs to be unique for every trigger you add (in the same and different mods). So, for example, I might use ReligionTomatekhGothsMod. Somewhat wordy, but it ensures that no one else might accidentally also use that trigger.

Example) This is what a complete preference might look like only using SQL:

INSERT INTO Civilization_Religions
        (CivilizationType,             ReligionType)

UPDATE Civilization_Religions SET ReligionType =

CREATE TRIGGER ReligionTestTrigger
    UPDATE Civilization_Religions
    SET ReligionType = 'RELIGION_FORN_SIDR'

As a final note, it is possible to tier preferences to account for people using different versions of my mods. For example, the tiered England preference in my Complete mod:

UPDATE Civilization_Religions SET ReligionType =
    ) WHERE CivilizationType = 'CIVILIZATION_ENGLAND';


The following are the XML entries for the various custom religions:

Akattu (Harrapa):        RELIGION_AKATTU
Al-Asnam (Sabaeans):        RELIGION_AL_ASNAM
Amatongo (Zulu):        RELIGION_AMATONGO
Anito (Philippine):        RELIGION_ANITO
Angakkuqism (Inuit):        RELIGION_ANGAKKUQISM
Baha'i:                RELIGION_BAHAI
Bird Figure Cult (Vinca):    RELIGION_BIRD_FIGURE
Buddhism:            RELIGION_BUDDHISM
    w/ Buddhist Denominations mod:
        Theravada:        RELIGION_BUDDHISM
        Mahayana:        RELIGION_MAHAYANA
        Vajrayana:        RELIGION_VAJRAYANA
Bumuntu (Luba):            RELIGION_BUMUNTU
Canaanism (Carthage):        RELIGION_CANAANISM
Chaldaenism (Mesopotamia):    RELIGION_CHALDEANISM
    w/ Mesopotamian Denominations mod:
        Chaldaenism (Babylon):    RELIGION_CHALDEANISM
        Ashurism (Assyria):    RELIGION_ASHURISM
        Napir-tuniis (Elam):    RELIGION_NAPIRTUNIIS
Chiminagua (Muisca):        RELIGION_CHIMINAGUA
    Roman Catholic:        RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY
    Eastern Orthodoxy:    RELIGION_ORTHODOXY
    Protestantism:        RELIGION_PROTESTANTISM
    w/ Christian Denominations mod:
        Nestorianism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_CHURCH_OF_THE_EAST
        Anglicanism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_ANGLICANISM
        Mormonism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_MORMONISM
    w/ Protestant Denominations mod:
        Lutheranism:        RELIGION_PROTESTANTISM  
        Anglicanism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_ANGLICANISM
        Methodism:        RELIGION_PROTESTANT_METHODISM  
        Baptist Christianity    RELIGION_PROTESTANT_BAPTIST
    w/ Medieval Heresies mod:
        Bogomilism:        RELIGION_BOGOMILISM
        Catharism:        RELIGION_CATHARISM
        Hussitism:        RELIGION_HUSSITISM
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Arianism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_ARIANISM
        Restorationism:        RELIGION_CHRISTIAN_MORMONISM
    w/ Chrstianity Merge mod:
        Christianity:        RELIGION_CHRISTIANITY
Confucianism:            RELIGION_CONFUCIANISM
Druidism (Celts):        RELIGION_DRUIDISM
Fat Roog (Serer):        RELIGION_FAT_ROOG
Forn Sidr (Norse):        RELIGION_FORN_SIDR
Hellenism (Greco-Roman):    RELIGION_HELLENISM
    w/ Greco-Roman Denominations mod:
        Dodekatheism (Greece):    RELIGION_HELLENISM
        Numenism (Rome):    RELIGION_NUMENISM
        Imperial Cult        RELIGION_IMPERIAL_CULT
        Mithraism:        RELIGION_MITHRAISM
        Neoplatonism:        RELIGION_NEOPLATONISM
        Heros Karabazmos:    RELIGION_HEROS_KARABAZMOS
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Atanodjuwaja (Minoan):    RELIGION_ATANODJUWAJA
        Mysteries:        RELIGION_MYSTERIES
Heros Karabazmos (Thrace):    RELIGION_HEROS_KARABAZMOS
Hinduism:            RELIGION_HINDUISM
    w/ Hindu Denominations mod:
        Vaishnavism (Vishnu):    RELIGION_VISHNU
        Shaivism (Shiva):    RELIGION_SHIVA
        Shaktism (Shakti):     RELIGION_SHAKTI
        Smartism:         RELIGION_HINDUISM
        Vedism:            RELIGION_VEDIC
Itan (Yoruba):            RELIGION_ITAN
Islam:                RELIGION_ISLAM
    w/ Islamic Denominations mod:
        Sunni:            RELIGION_ISLAM
        Shia:            RELIGION_ISLAM_SHIA
        Ibadi:            RELIGION_ISLAM_IBADI
    w/ Medieval Heresies mod:
        Mu'tazila:        RELIGION_MUTAZILA
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Druze:            RELIGION_DRUZE
        Ahmadiyya:        RELIGION_AHMADI
Jainism:            RELIGION_JAIN
Judaism:            RELIGION_JUDAISM
Kachina (Pueblo):        RELIGION_KACHINA
Laiboni (Maasai):        RELIGION_LAIBONI
Li'im Dinger-mes (Hittite):    RELIGION_LIIM_DINGERMES
Mahoma (Calusa):        RELIGION_MAHOMA
Manaism (Polynesia):        RELIGION_MANAISM
    w/ Oceanic Denominations mod:
        Tala-e-Fonua (West):    RELIGION_MANAISM
        Puata Tupuna (East):    RELIGION_PUTA_TUPUNA
        Tangata Manu (Rapanui):    RELIGION_TANGATA_MANU
        Malagan (Melanesia)    RELIGION_MALAGAN
        Itang (Micronesia)    RELIGION_ITANG
Mandaenism:            RELIGION_MANDEANISM
Manichaeism:            RELIGION_MANICHAEISM
Midewiwin (Ojibwe):        RELIGION_MIDEWIWIN
Muism (Siberian):        RELIGION_MUISM
Mwari Cult (Zimbabwe):        RELIGION_MWARI
Noaidevuohta (Sami):        RELIGION_NOAIDEVUOHTA
N'um (San Bushmen):        RELIGION_NUM
Nzambiism (Kongo):        RELIGION_NZAMBIISM
Odinani (Nri):            RELIGION_ODINANI
Onyamesom (Akan):        RELIGION_ONYAMESOM
Orenda (Iroquois):        RELIGION_ORENDA
Pachaism (Andes):        RELIGION_PACHISM
    w/ High American Denominations mod:
        Pachaism:        RELIGION_PACHISM
        Intiism (Inca):        RELIGION_INTIISM
Pajelanca (Amazonian):        RELIGION_PAJELANCA
Pesedjet (Egypt):        RELIGION_PESEDJET
    w/ Egyptian Denominations mod:
        Pesedjet:        RELIGION_PESEDJET
        Atenism (Akhenaten):    RELIGION_ATENISM
        Amanaiism (Berber):    RELIGION_AMANAIISM  
Pohakantenna (Shoshone):    RELIGION_POHAKANTENNA
Razana (Malagasy):        RELIGION_RAZANA
Romuva (Lithuania):        RELIGION_ROMUVA
Sairimaism (Scythia):        RELIGION_SAIRIMAISM
Saman (Tungusic Shamanism):     RELIGION_SAMAN
Sgaanaang (Haida):        RELIGION_SGAANAANG
Shinto:                RELIGION_SHINTO
Sikhism:            RELIGION_SIKHISM
Slavianism (Slavic):        RELIGION_SLAVIANISM
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Slavianism:        RELIGION_SLAVIANISM
        Romuva (Baltic):    RELIGION_ROMUVA
Southern Cult (Mississippi):    RELIGION_SOUTHERN_CULT
Taoism:                RELIGION_TAOISM
Temaukelism (Patagonia):    RELIGION_TEMAUKELISM
Tengriism:            RELIGION_TENGRIISM
Tjukurpa (Aborigine):        RELIGION_TJUKURPA
Tlateomatiliztli (Mesoamerica):    RELIGION_TLATEOMATILIZTLI
    w/ High American Denominations mod:
        Tlateomatili (Aztec):    RELIGION_TLATEOMATILIZTLI
        Tzolk'in (Maya):    RELIGION_TZOLKIN
Vedism (Vedic):            RELIGION_VEDIC
Voodoo:                RELIGION_VODUN
    w/ Historical Religions Complete:
        Voodoo:            RELIGION_VODUN
        Santeria:        RELIGION_SANTERIA
Wakan Tanka (Sioux):        RELIGION_WAKAN_TANKA
Witran Mapu (Mapuche):        RELIGION_WILTRAN_MAPU
Yazdanism (Kurds):        RELIGION_YAZDANISM
Zemiism (Taino):        RELIGION_ZEMIISM
Zoroastrianism:            RELIGION_ZOROASTRIANISM
Last edited:
No, the list is descriptive not nominative. However, most of these religious groups do not have actual/standard names. I specifically wanted to avoid using the Neo-Pagan terminology (as you'll never really find anyone using a term like Kemetism in an academic setting to refer to anything outside of modern Neo-Pagan Egyptian religion). If there was a native term I felt was appropriate, I used that (about half the list). Otherwise the names are a combination of ethnonyms and toponyms. Although, in some cases this is also appropriate. For example, ancient Hellenistic religion has been referred to academically as Hellenism when speaking in a religious context.

I haven't been at my computer to "update" the list (I posted it late last night). Although, as I say in the description, if you have a more appropriate name or icon in mind, post it.

For Chaldeanism, I'd use the cuneiform determinative for 'god' (see the attached file); it's simple. distinctive, and historically associated with the religion. I was working on icons for a similar mod when you beat me to finishing; not a bad job overall! Now, if only it were compatible with Ryoga's "Christian Schisms"; being able to distinguish between the Western and the Eastern Churches is useful even in a medieval setting.
Now, if only it were compatible with Ryoga's "Christian Schisms"; being able to distinguish between the Western and the Eastern Churches is useful even in a medieval setting.

I'll make a combined version of the two mods and post it here for you. Good suggestion for the Mesopotamian Icon. I'll add it the next time I add new religions to the mod (as it's easier to make a new atlas than messing with the old one). Speaking of new religions, if there are other ones people want to see. I tried not to overlap SamBC and ryoga's mods (and I don't believe any do except Mesoamerican, but ryoga's uses a Mayan symbol and I go with an Aztec motif/name so it still works).
This post will maintain the previous version of the main mod temporarily in case you accidentally update (or Steam forced an update), breaking your save.

View attachment historical_religions__bnw_or_gk___v_25.civ5mod

- Unsubscribe to the mod on Steam
- Go into your mods folder and erase the newer version.
- Download the file above and place it in your mods folder. It will install automatically once you enter the mods menu in game.

- Once you are ready to start a new game, delete the previous version from your mods folder and re-subscribe to the mod. The new version should automatically update.

Your mods folder directory is usually something like:

Documents/My Games/Sid Meier's Civilization 5/Mods
Here you go:

View attachment 334167

I hope I didn't cost you a lot of time and work. I've been beaten to the punch posting some mods before.

Thanks for the combined mod; it belongs on Steam too in my opinion. The more that similar themes can be combined into one mod, the less strain there is on the game as a whole. :thanx: :goodjob: (I did take the liberty of fixing the BABLYON typos in the XML files, if that's OK...)
(I did take the liberty of fixing the BABLYON typos in the XML files, if that's OK...)

Haha, the files of all my mods are loaded with typos like that. I make an entry once then copy and paste it all over.

I would very much appreciate your input in regard to naming the Norse/Germanic religion. There were three options that I knew of: Germanism, Asetro/Asatru, or Forn Sidr. I was unsure if Asetro was used for anything besides the modern reconstructed Neo-Pagan religion, while Forn Sidr seemed to have a more generalized context.

I would very much appreciate your input in regard to naming the Norse/Germanic religion. There were three options that I knew of: Germanism, Asetro/Asatru, or Forn Sidr. I was unsure if Asetro was used for anything besides the modern reconstructed Neo-Pagan religion, while Forn Sidr seemed to have a more generalized context.

The term "Asatru" was coined in the 19th century; today it usually means a modern offshoot of Norse beliefs and practices. Calling a pagan Dane's religion "Asetro" would feel acceptable in the year 2012, but wrong in the year 1012. :viking: :lol:

"Germanism" suggests a political belief system, not a religious one IMO. It also suggests a faith limited to Germany--odd for a religion that Viking Age Danes would found in-game, but Bismarck's Germans would not.

As for Forn Siðr, that term has three good points: it's historically accurate, it's a native Scandinavian name, and it doesn't imply restriction to only one place or ethnic group. The phrase means "old tradition" in Old Norse, as contrasted with the Christians' "new tradition". Even though unfamiliar foreign names may confuse a casual gamer, Civ 5 already uses historically accurate foreign names for ancient units and buildings--and explains their background in-game. Why not treat a historical religion similarly, especially if it's one that few players encounter in the real world?
The term "Asatru" was coined in the 19th century; today it usually means a modern offshoot of Norse beliefs and practices. Calling a pagan Dane's religion "Asetro" would feel acceptable in the year 2012, but wrong in the year 1012. :viking: :lol:

"Germanism" suggests a political belief system, not a religious one IMO. It also suggests a faith limited to Germany--odd for a religion that Viking Age Danes would found in-game, but Bismarck's Germans would not.

As for Forn Siðr, that term has three good points: it's historically accurate, it's a native Scandinavian name, and it doesn't imply restriction to only one place or ethnic group. The phrase means "old tradition" in Old Norse, as contrasted with the Christians' "new tradition". Even though unfamiliar foreign names may confuse a casual gamer, Civ 5 already uses historically accurate foreign names for ancient units and buildings--and explains their background in-game. Why not treat a historical religion similarly, especially if it's one that few players encounter in the real world?

Thanks, it's good to know I made the right call initially. One or two people on the Steam Workshop were suggesting I change the name to Asetro/Asatru.
Oups, I made a booboo ... any way to get v.3 to finish my game ... :(

View attachment 335522

This may work. I'm not entirely sure if it is exactly the same as the v3 that was posted (so it could also allow you to continue but all the icons for the religions may be out of order/changed). I do also have a v 2 I can sort of edit if that doesn't work.

Delete whatever version you have in your Mods folder and replace it wit that. Also, the steam workshop seems ot have a bug where it is automatically downloading every mod every time you go to the mods screen, forcing updates to mods before you want them. So, if you go through the workshop, unsubscribe from the mod first.
A few notes regarding the next update:

- @isnorden, The dinger symbol is already added to the new atlas, so you can use it with the next update.

- For the schisms version of the mod, the next version will also include Oriental Orthodoxy, so that Ethiopia (Coptic) has a logical religious preference when using that version. Also, Islam will be split into Shia and Sunni (and Sufi and Ibadi if I can find good symbols to use for those two).

- So far Jainism, "Manaism" (Polynesia), "Nzambiism" (Kongo), and Pajelança (Tupi/Amazonian) are all programmed and complete.

- I'd like to also add Inuit, Iroquois, and Zulu belief systems however I'm having trouble coming up with symbols. For the Inuit, I'd like to use something more specific than the inukshuk, as it's not really a specifically religious symbol. I have no idea for the Iroquois and Zulu. I have the civlopedia entries for all three done already, though. If anyone has any suggestions for symbols please post them here or on the workshop.

- If I can find symbols for and add all of those, this will probably be the last update (not counting compatibility and bug issues). Not that there aren't any more religions to add, simply I feel that the list would then not only have a nice geographic distribution but give a viable religious choice to almost any civ that may be added as DLC and most mods. If one does get added later that's not covered, I'll, of course, make an update. However, barring that, if there are any other pre-modern religions you really want to see in the game try to suggest them before I finish the next update.

- Once the Historical Mod is finished, I'll do a more official release of the schisms version and post it on the workshop. I will also most likely post an edited down version of the mod which only includes religions that civs have a preference for (I know some of you don't like playing with so many extra religions). That version will only add 10 religions, bringing the total to 20 (Judaism will remain in this version despite not having a civ with an in-game preference for it).
I really like the idea of this mod. However, I'm conflicted because I also like the Colored Religions mod and the Religion Spread UI mod, which bases its colors on the former one. I'd ask you if you'd feel like doing a colored version but your mod adds so many new religions that I doubt you could get discrete enough colors for each one.

Anyway, I felt like pointing this out and also say thanks for this! :goodjob:
I really like the idea of this mod. However, I'm conflicted because I also like the Colored Religions mod and the Religion Spread UI mod, which bases its colors on the former one. I'd ask you if you'd feel like doing a colored version but your mod adds so many new religions that I doubt you could get discrete enough colors for each one.

Anyway, I felt like pointing this out and also say thanks for this! :goodjob:

I'm not against making a colored version, the main problem would be, as you said, making the colors distinct enough. I'm planning an update which I'm aiming to be the final update to add any new religions (see the above post) and by the end I'm aiming for 34 religions total (including the 11 original). 34 distinct colors might be an undertaking.

As for the Religion Spread UI. I've never actually used the mod myself, but from whoward69's description it should be compatible, as he says it would use the civ's main color if a religious color is absent. I don't know if it actually functions as he says, though.
Hm, I'd have to test that then. I remember having a blank map while using another mod adding religions, so I thought it would be the same for yours, maybe it was just some kind of incompatibility somewhere.

Yeah, I agree that 34 is quite a lot of colors. It would certainly mess up the aesthetics of the interface, in addition to being somewhat pointless.
Hm, I'd have to test that then. I remember having a blank map while using another mod adding religions, so I thought it would be the same for yours, maybe it was just some kind of incompatibility somewhere.

Yeah, I agree that 34 is quite a lot of colors. It would certainly mess up the aesthetics of the interface, in addition to being somewhat pointless.

However, when I was finished updating the main mod, I was thinking of possibly releasing an edited down version which only included religions civs have a preference for (as I feel some people may not want to play with so many extra religions). That would cut the number down to 19 (well 20, as I would want to include Judaism). 20 colors is still a lot, but it might be doable.
However, when I was finished updating the main mod, I was thinking of possibly releasing an edited down version which only included religions civs have a preference for (as I feel some people may not want to play with so many extra religions). That would cut the number down to 19 (well 20, as I would want to include Judaism). 20 colors is still a lot, but it might be doable.

There are at least two mods on Steam that include write-ups for Biblical Israel; I'm hoping to see them merged and/or rewritten as an official civ, so that someone does have Judaism as a logical preference. (With my plans to add Masada as a world wonder, I might put that Israel modmerge on my to-do list...after the Nordic modpack I'm working on now is complete.)
P.S. For what it's worth, the Gothic civ should have Forn Siðr as a preference; despite their early conversion to Christianity, their unique religious building (Hov) implies animal sacrifice, a common early Germanic practice.
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