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Tori Gate Mod with Shinto


Nov 16, 2003
Hello all,

I have created a new Wonder "The Sacred Tori Gate at Miyajima Island" (uses existing graphics). Included with my mod is the "Shinto" mod, by Dual which can be downloaded seperately at http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=152421

The new Wonder generates acombat unit every 5 turns for the first three eras of the game. The list of units it can build are determined by the technologies you have discovered. Since the units are recruited to your cause and not created by your civ, you CAN get units that you don't have the resources (horses, iron, etc.) to build.

Instructions are included in the readMe.txt for using the Wonder with, and without the Shinto Mod (which is included with this one).

I'd like to thank all of the people on the forums who have helped me with all of my questions about Python including, but not limited to: Bhruic, Kael, TheLopez, The Great Apple, and twiggins.

Download it from here http://files.filefront.com/Tori_Gate_Mod_with_Shintozip/;4647340;;/fileinfo.html

Roger Bacon
Dual said:
I had kinda missed these wonders that produce units, like in Civ 3.

Yeah, me too. This started off as the Statue of Zeus but I decided to go with a more Oriental flavor.

Roger Bacon
This would be perfect for my Sengoku Scenario. Mind if I use it?
Robo Magic Man said:
This would be perfect for my Sengoku Scenario. Mind if I use it?

Please go right ahead. I'm really looking forward to the Sengoku mod of yours.

Roger Bacon
Most excellent. :)

Just a little linguistic note: the proper romanization should really be torii, with the double 'i' to indicate it's a long vowel sound. Tori, on the other hand, means bird. :D Hope that's not too nitpicky.
What a wonderfully complex wonder name.. Makes me think the rest should include locations or descriptions to sound more monumental.
Would it be ok to update your mod, to play with Civilization IV v.1.61 Patch
I have updated it and would like to post it here if ok with you. I made some changes to it.
Has two Movies made by me, the Wonders The Yaoyorozu no Kami [Shrine_Shinto] The Sacred Tori Gate at Miyajima Island [Tori_Gate],

and also the Shinto sound, and the SHAMANISM_QUOTE sound read by me.

I didn't change his settings just added more detail to his mod so it plays the way Roger Bacon made it.

His version Tori Gate Mod by Roger Bacon 1/21/06 Version 1.0
My version Tori Gate Mod by Roamty 1/05/07 version 1.1

you can get my version here
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