What I find is there are often still way too many workable tiles I want to expand to utilize, if I want to be a farm town, I want some farms built before I switch and the growth screeches to a halt.
I find by the time I chose a specialization the age is ending, I don't get enough of the benefits. Also id love a summery of exactly how much gold, how much hammers (which are converted to gold so what do they do?) before I choose.
Should mining towns send their production to nearby cities? I'm at the point now where I think the town to city ratio should be 1:1, I too often need mroe universities, or find that there is a perfect spot for a wonder in a town I have, I'm finding myself converting to cities more often than specializing.
I wish there was faster growth in towns somehow smaller populations specializing to work larger land area as a justification.
My other suggestion would be that the specialized towns, allow certain buildings to have a reduced cost, or to allow specific city buildings when specialized for example the science or culture in urban/hubs, economic buildings in trade, production buildings in mining towns etc.