Trading significance Q/A


Oct 21, 2007
some questions

1. I've noticed that silk for example demanded mostly by cities up to 10 size, out of 60 cities that demand silk only 9 cities are over 10 size. There are like 50 cities with 20+ size that has no interest in silk. (for the record, listed demands and supplies are important for my scenario). I also know after factory has been built city immediately demands coal. Uranium appearance after manhattan project, particular number of the same type terrain in the city can bring supply commodity. These are just a few examples from the top of my head. Yet most of civ players are familiar with these I know there are more hidden things and I want to bring it all to the table clear as day and are there any more city improvements that affect demand supply commodities of the city in any way?
If you know of any unusual trade oddities, please share the story, I'm eager to read.

2. When city is in heavy trading action it will constantly change it's supply and demand stands. when freight is out commodity shown in brackets is not available and it's fine you have to bring something in to make it available again. However sometimes it disappears completely changing it to different supply commodity.
How to keep a steady supply of one particular commodity, it can be whichever out of 16 available, just need constant supply without jumping to whatever it feels like.

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