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treasure chest

I don't know what u are on about :) but there's only one treasure "chest" and that's your income. U can adjust ur income with f1 and distribute it over research, luxury and units. Taxmen in ur cities can even give u more income.

Other possibilty is u mean Goodie huts. They are like treasure chests in RPGs. Maybe u played too much RPGs? :D :lol:
You mean in the Conquest Scenarios? I had trouble with them for a bit, but u just tell one of the military units in the city with it to grab it and then you can use that unit to move the treasure around. If thats not it, then I also have no clue what you are talking about
Yes they are in scenarios and in GOTMs

Thanks, but there is a problem. How do you order a unit to grab them? I tried all possible combinations with keys, dont see any relevant buttons to press on the screen tried right click, gave me terrain, double click, enter. What really surprises me is that I could not find a single entry in the Civilopedia on treasure chests. What surprised me even more, google didnt give me a sensible answer either. All I know people grabbed them, disbanded them to hurry production, and one person even used them to scout neighborhood.

I begin to wonder whether my installation was corrupted or something, or there is a bug somewhere.
Originally posted by LastMan
Yes they are in scenarios and in GOTMs

Thanks, but there is a problem. How do you order a unit to grab them? I tried all possible combinations with keys, dont see any relevant buttons to press on the screen tried right click, gave me terrain, double click, enter. What really surprises me is that I could not find a single entry in the Civilopedia on treasure chests. What surprised me even more, google didnt give me a sensible answer either. All I know people grabbed them, disbanded them to hurry production, and one person even used them to scout neighborhood.

I begin to wonder whether my installation was corrupted or something, or there is a bug somewhere.

Ahh! The all-seeing, all-knowing google failed you! :lol: They are a unit implimented by cracker in the civ 3 GOTM, to provide a a one-off production bonus, as a bonus for players ostensibly playing on levels higher than they normally play.

They work like any other unit - you can move them, activate them etc. However, they have zero defense (can be captured like workers by the AI) and can't walk in mountains. You basically move them to your city, and disband them for a 10-shield production boost. :)
Unless someone with xp in treasurechests signs here, i will go with some obvious remarks in the mean time:)

Did u land the unit onto the chest and then rightclick? If u rightclick and get terrain there isn't any unit on that square (else it would always give u a menu).

Did u check in the preferences the option of advanced buttons? Maybe it's under there.....

Just trying to help... Maybe u could tell which scenario? :crazyeye:

EDIT: Ah! it's a crosspost! ;-)
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