Troop Movement Hampered by Religious Units Everywhere

Salvaging anything positive from BE would make my cry with happiness.

Can't wait for mods nerfing religious units.
This is a huge problem with the game so far for me. Especially on deity, it makes in unplayable sometimes. They need to allow civilian units to occupy the same hex as units from non-enemy civs, as was possible in Civ 4. As long as it's not a religious unit, my civilians and troops should be able to stack on other neutral players' civilian units.
1UPT only makes sense for pure wargames where every unit follows the same rules. Obviously Civ has many types of units that have vastly different rules and roles. Creating all these layers and exceptions is like building a house on top of a poorly designed unstable foundation.
Games like chess? Oh, wait....
Exactly chess has pieces that follow the same rules.

Why is there even need for religious units? Just have same interface as spies. Could say the same for settlers and builders. Have a panel in city screen to designate the tile you want to improve and type of improvment. Have a simple dialog to choose tile you want to settle on.
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