Trouble compiling .DLL for mod I'm making


Aug 28, 2015
United States
I followed the instructions written here: and looked at this and tried to create my own DLL but it gave me warnings like
Spoiler This is what the error list said :

NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvArea.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvCity.cpp /FoDebug/CvCity.obj
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvArea.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvArtFileMgr.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvArtFileMgr.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvCity.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvCityAI.cpp /FoDebug/CvCityAI.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvCityAI.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvDLLButtonPopup.cpp /FoDebug/CvDLLButtonPopup.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvDLLButtonPopup.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvDLLEntity.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvDLLEntity.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvDLLPython.cpp /FoDebug/CvDLLPython.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvDLLPython.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvDLLWidgetData.cpp /FoDebug/CvDLLWidgetData.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvDLLWidgetData.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvDeal.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvDeal.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvDiploParameters.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvDiploParameters.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvFractal.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvFractal.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvGame.cpp /FoDebug/CvGame.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvGame.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvGameAI.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvGameAI.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvGameCoreDLL.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvGameCoreDLL.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvGameCoreUtils.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvGameCoreUtils.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvGameTextMgr.cpp /FoDebug/CvGameTextMgr.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvGameTextMgr.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvGlobals.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvGlobals.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvHallOfFameInfo.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvHallOfFameInfo.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvInfoWater.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvInfoWater.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvInfos.cpp /FoDebug/CvInfos.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvInfos.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvInitCore.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvInitCore.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvMap.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvMap.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvMapGenerator.cpp /FoDebug/CvMapGenerator.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvMapGenerator.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvPlayer.cpp /FoDebug/CvPlayer.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvPlayer.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvPlayerAI.cpp /FoDebug/CvPlayerAI.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvPlayerAI.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvPlot.cpp /FoDebug/CvPlot.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvPlot.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvPopupInfo.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvPopupInfo.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvPopupReturn.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvPopupReturn.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvRandom.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvRandom.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvReplayInfo.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvReplayInfo.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvReplayMessage.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvReplayMessage.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvSelectionGroup.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvSelectionGroup.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvSelectionGroupAI.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvSelectionGroupAI.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvStructs.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvStructs.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvTalkingHeadMessage.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvTalkingHeadMessage.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvTeam.cpp /FoDebug/CvTeam.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvTeam.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvTeamAI.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvTeamAI.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvTradeRoute.cpp /FoDebug/CvTradeRoute.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvTradeRoute.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvUnit.cpp /FoDebug/CvUnit.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvUnit.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CvUnitAI.cpp /FoDebug/CvUnitAI.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CvUnitAI.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvXMLLoadUtility.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvXMLLoadUtility.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvXMLLoadUtilityGet.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvXMLLoadUtilityGet.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvXMLLoadUtilityInit.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvXMLLoadUtilityInit.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CvXMLLoadUtilitySet.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CvXMLLoadUtilitySet.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyArea.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyArea.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyAreaInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyAreaInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyArgsList.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyArgsList.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyArtFileMgr.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyArtFileMgr.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyArtFileMgrInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyArtFileMgrInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyCity.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyCity.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyCityInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyCityInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyCityInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyCityInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyCityInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyCityInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyCityInterface3.cpp /FoDebug/CyCityInterface3.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyCityInterface3.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyCityInterface4.cpp /FoDebug/CyCityInterface4.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyCityInterface4.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyCityInterface5.cpp /FoDebug/CyCityInterface5.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyCityInterface5.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyDeal.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyDeal.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyDealInterface.cpp /FoDebug/CyDealInterface.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyDealInterface.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyEnumsInterface.cpp /FoDebug/CyEnumsInterface.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyEnumsInterface.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGame.cpp /FoDebug/CyGame.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGame.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyGameCoreUtils.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyGameCoreUtils.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyGameCoreUtilsInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyGameCoreUtilsInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGameInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyGameInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGameInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGameInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyGameInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGameInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGameInterface3.cpp /FoDebug/CyGameInterface3.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGameInterface3.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyGameTextMgr.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyGameTextMgr.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyGameTextMgrInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyGameTextMgrInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyGlobalContext.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyGlobalContext.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface3.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface3.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface3.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface4.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface4.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface4.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface5.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface5.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface5.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface6.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface6.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface6.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyGlobalContextInterface7.cpp /FoDebug/CyGlobalContextInterface7.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyGlobalContextInterface7.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyHallOfFameInfo.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyHallOfFameInfo.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyHallOfFameInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyHallOfFameInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyInfoInterface1.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyInfoInterface1.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyInfoInterface2.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyInfoInterface2.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyInfoInterface3.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyInfoInterface3.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyMap.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyMap.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyMapGenerator.cpp /FoDebug/CyMapGenerator.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyMapGenerator.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyMapGeneratorInterface.cpp /FoDebug/CyMapGeneratorInterface.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyMapGeneratorInterface.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyMapInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyMapInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyMapInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyMapInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyMapInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyMapInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlayer.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlayer.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlayer.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlayerInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlayerInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlayerInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlayerInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlayerInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlayerInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlayerInterface3.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlayerInterface3.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlayerInterface3.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlayerInterface4.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlayerInterface4.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlayerInterface4.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyPlot.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyPlot.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlotInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlotInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlotInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyPlotInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyPlotInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyPlotInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyRandomInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyRandomInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyReplayInfo.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyReplayInfo.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CySelectionGroup.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CySelectionGroup.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CySelectionGroupInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CySelectionGroupInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyStructsInterface1.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyStructsInterface1.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyTeam.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyTeam.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyTeamInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyTeamInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyTradeRoute.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyTradeRoute.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'CyTradeRouteInterface.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/CyTradeRouteInterface.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyUnit.cpp /FoDebug/CyUnit.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyUnit.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyUnitInterface1.cpp /FoDebug/CyUnitInterface1.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyUnitInterface1.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/bin/cl.exe" /nologo /MD /GR /Od /W3 /EHsc /DWIN32 /D_DEBUG /D_WINDOWS /D_USRDLL /DCVGAMECOREDLL_EXPORTS /nologo /Zi /Gd /TP /IBoost-1.32.0/include /IPython24/include /I"C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003/include" /I"C:/Program Files/Microsoft SDKs/Include" /c CyUnitInterface2.cpp /FoDebug/CyUnitInterface2.obj
'C:/Program' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'Debug/CyUnitInterface2.obj' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'FAssert.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/FAssert.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: 'FDialogTemplate.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/FDialogTemplate.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4010: '_precompile.cpp' : build failed; /K specified, continuing ...
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug/_precompile.obj' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug\CvGameCoreDLL.dll' : not all dependents available; target not built
NMAKE : warning U4011: 'Debug' : not all dependents available; target not built
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VC\VCTargets\Microsoft.MakeFile.Targets(44,5): error MSB3073: The command "nmake /NOLOGO /K Debug" exited with code 1.

Is it possible to compile a .DLL for this game with VisualStudio 2017 on Windows 10? I noticed most of the guides are pretty old and would probably work on XP no problem, but on Windows 10 my Program Files has (x86) and isn't where the mod files are located. I tried installing Visual Studio 2008 Express but for some reason I can't use it.

Am I missing something, or do I have to use the disk version on a computer with Windows XP to make this? I uploaded a zipfile of what I tried to do.


Windows 10 is not a problem.

But there are some dependencies to MS Visual Studio Libraries.
That is why most of us still use MS Visual Stuido 2010 (Express).

Some of us tried newer versions of MS Visual Studio but it is not that simple.

You also need Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and Windows Platform SDK. (For Compiler and Linker)
(That should then be referenced in the Makefile.)

Nightinggale however came up with a "Bat Compiler" for non-programmers in WTP but I never used it.
From the feeback I got from our non-programmers until now it is not that self-explanatory either as originally thought.
Last edited:
Do any video tutorials exist for Windows 10? I don't know how easy or difficult this is, or what I'm messing up. I installed Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003 and it's in Program Files (x86). does it need to be somewhere else instead? Do I need to just have it installed for the Makefile, or do I need to do something specific with it? When I type the path do I do it with or without spaces?

Also I will admit I was hesitant to use the makefile from regular Civ 4 or BTS because I get this feeling that it's not compatible with Civ 4 Colonization. A lot of tutorials point me to BTS, but I know BTS uses different scripting and code and don't want to mess it up.
I tried following the instructions here running it in both Visual Studio C++ 2010 (when I went to install one of the options the MSI gave me, Visual Studio 2010 wasn't an available option) and CodeBlocks, yet I keep getting this error:
Spoiler CodeBlocks failed build :

1>------ Build started: Project: CvGameCoreDLL, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1> _precompile.cpp
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgamecoredll.h(150): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'FtoDW'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgamecoredll.h(150): error C2433: 'DWORD' : '__forceinline' not permitted on data declarations
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgamecoredll.h(150): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgamecoredll.h(150): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgamecoredll.h(150): error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgamecoredll.h(150): warning C4508: 'FtoDW' : function should return a value; 'void' return type assumed
1> Unknown compiler version - please run the configure tests and report the results
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(72): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPCWSTR'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(245): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPCSTR'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(426): error C2065: 'LPCWSTR' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(426): error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'lpszFormat'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(426): error C2761: 'void CvWString::Format(void)' : member function redeclaration not allowed
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(426): error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(427): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(427): error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
1>c:\usersreal name\\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(474): error C2065: 'LPCSTR' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(474): error C2146: syntax error : missing ')' before identifier 'lpszFormat'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(474): error C2761: 'void CvString::Format(void)' : member function redeclaration not allowed
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(474): error C2059: syntax error : ')'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(475): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '{'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstring.h(475): error C2447: '{' : missing function header (old-style formal list?)
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(141): error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(141): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(141): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(144): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'getOffsets'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(144): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(144): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(144): warning C4183: 'getOffsets': missing return type; assumed to be a member function returning 'int'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvstructs.h(144): error C2065: 'pOffsets' : undeclared identifier
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvtalkingheadmessage.h(9): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPCWSTR'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvtalkingheadmessage.h(19): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPCTSTR'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvtalkingheadmessage.h(21): error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'LPCTSTR'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgame.h(308): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'getReplayMessageText'
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgame.h(308): error C2071: 'CvGame::LPCWSTR' : illegal storage class
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgame.h(308): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgame.h(308): error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>c:\users\real name\downloads\cvgamecoredll\cvgame.h(308): warning C4183: 'getReplayMessageText': missing return type; assumed to be a member function returning 'int'
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

If anyone asks, I put "real name" in place of what it actually says there because I don't want to dox myself. It says some fields are missing, but if this is the source that came with the game, then can I remove lines such as windows.h? I tried running it in CodeBlocks but it kept creating files it claimed were preventing it from being built.The Makefile I'm using has the paths as:
TOOLKIT=C:/Program Files (86)/Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003
PSDK=C:/Program Files/WindowsSDK
RM=C:Users/real name/Downloads/CvGameCoreDLL/rmf.bat

I will attach the Makefile so you can take a look yourself.
I don't have access to the build environment at the moment, but I think you either have the wrong WindowsSDK or the "wrong" compiler (i.e. not VS 7.1 / 2003). As for the IDE / editor, you can just use Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (Note that you cannot use the compiler that comes with these edition of VS!)
Did you use the instructions and stuff that Leoreth provided from the link I pasted earlier ?

Do go ahead and attach the Makefile so we can have a look.

Btw, why don't you just clone the WTP repo and try to make it build instead. Everything is already setup there, you only have to specify the paths in the Makefile.
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I don't have access to the build environment at the moment, but I think you either have the wrong WindowsSDK or the "wrong" compiler (i.e. not VS 7.1 / 2003). As for the IDE / editor, you can just use Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (Note that you cannot use the compiler that comes with these edition of VS!)
Did you use the instructions and stuff that Leoreth provided from the link I pasted earlier ?
I tried following his instructions and I will admit I think I skipped the part where he said I need to download DAEMON Tools Lite the first time. I tried installing it just now but it won't even run on my laptop. I mounted the ISO without installing it so I didn't take that part seriously at the time. Also Visual Studio C++ 2010 wanted me to install Silverlight for my web browser, but I unchecked that box. That's not important is it?
Do go ahead and attach the Makefile so we can have a look.
Whoops. Forgot to attach it in my last post. I think it was in the zipfile in my first post, but I will attach the new one in this post.
Btw, why don't you just clone the WTP repo and try to make it build instead. Everything is already setup there, you only have to specify the paths in the Makefile.
I will try this next. Do I need to add a path for my mod? When I compile the DLL do the source files need to be in my mod when I'm compiling them?

I wonder if there are any video tutorials for doing this so I can visably see how I'm somehow not getting this right.


I had a look and it seems like you're mixing an older project file with a "modern" makefile. You are simply making things difficult for yourself. The Makefile seems to have the correct paths set so I don't see any issues with you compiling WTP and that is what I will suggest that you do first. Just go ahead and clone the repo, set the paths and hit that build button.
Why bother with the ancient vanilla version, it's bug ridden disaster IMHO.
The suggestion of devolution really sounds reasonable. :thumbsup:

Simply try it with WTP project setup, WTP makefile and WTP sources first.
(I now that we have changes that you might not like but at least you will know if your development environment itself works.)
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