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TSG 238 After Actions Thread


GOTM Staff
Sep 15, 2014
In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state your victory/loss date (preferably in the post title) and describe your path to glory in this post! Players are encouraged to provide feedback on the game.

Quick links: Upload submission | Announcement thread | Opening Actions

- In what order did you conquer the capitals? Who was the toughest foe?
- How many armies did you have, and what was their composition?
- How many cities did you have in the end and where did you settle them?
I just finished this one on turn 247. I captured Venice and Rome on the same turn for the win. (Rome has one city left and it's a nice one; I might JOMT and take it too) Rome was probably the toughest because he was keeping up with me in tech, had a large army, and he had the Great Wall. Rio de Janeiro was the toughest capital to take because it was the first really well-fortified city I encountered and I wasn't prepared for it.

First victim was Mongolia. I denounced Genghis when he captured Hong Kong, thinking that would earn me some favor with the other AIs because I hadn't declared war on anyone yet. Instead they all started denouncing me; I guess they were friends with Genghis. So that's how it's going to be. :lol: I declared war and captured Karakorum with several horse archers, a warrior, a general, and a battering ram. The battering ram took a couple of hits from the city bombardment and had to retreat even after insta-healing, but that allowed the HAs and the warrior to capture the city. Immediately Rome and Japan declared war on me; Rome sent a huge army to Attila's Court and Japan didn't do anything. So all my army rushed back home to defend except for one HA and the ram who stayed behind long enough to liberate Hong Kong. After killing the Roman army, I went on the attack against Japan. I wiped out Oda and razed most of his cities. I stayed at war with Rome for a long time, just plundering his caravans, killing his scouts, and using his city-state allies as target practice to level up my horse archers. (He had the Great Wall, so I I didn't attack his capital right away; I didn't want to take the casualties) Eventually he offered me Antium for peace, with salt, silver, and Notre Dame. I probably should have annexed it sooner than I did. Anyway, next was Carthage, then Brazil.

Edit: I forgot to mention, Oda had captured Lisbon, so I got that one basically for free; it was the last Japanese city I took.

Things ground almost to a halt at Rio de Janeiro; I had 4 HAs with range and logistics bombarding the city -- 8 shots per turn and they were just barely knocking the dust off the battlements. (his other cities fell easily) I had a knight ready to capture the city. Another HA was nearby but didn't have the range promotion yet to safely attack the city, so he went around taking potshots at workers, missionaries, whatever he could find to shoot until he got Range, then he joined the battery. (meanwhile I was sending muskets and lancers to help but they were a long ways away) With 5 HAs I was able to wear the city down enough to capture it with the knight -- just as the lancer showed up. I decided to use artillery to take down Rome and Venice. I didn't *need* artillery for Venice, but Rome was going to be difficult without it, and my science was pretty good so I beelined Dynamite and bulbed a great scientist to rush it. I captured Enrico's one expand (Zurich) using riflemen; they captured it before the cannons got there. Then I upgraded the cannons to artillery and marched and swam to Venice. One embarked rifleman almost got killed by a great galleass.

For most of the game I had just one army made up of a bunch of horse archers and a horseman. The horseman got upgraded to a knight and then cavalry, most of the HAs did not get upgraded they just kept piling up the promotions; I think a couple were up to level 10. I also had to keep way too many units at home to deal with barbarians. At the very end I split up into 2 armies with rifles, crossbows, and cannons/arty besides all the horse units. I don't think I lost a single unit the entire game. (that means I was playing too carefully)

At the end I had 12 cities. I probably should have annexed and razed Utique after I took Carthage, then after it burned down annex Antium. I settled Attila's Court in place on the river hill, and I settled just one expand on the north sea by the gold because even after taking Karakorum I was over my unit cap.

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Domination victory at turn 112. I think this is my first really fast dom victory. I really let go of buildings this game. Capital went scout, monument, worker, horse archers spam. All sattelite cities built a scout for garrison culture, monument, and then also horse archers or circus/markets.

- In what order did you conquer the capitals? Who was the toughest foe?
First gengis, he was close, a threat later, so he was first target. Then 1 sattelite city of portugal and lisbon + made peace. Rio de janeiro -> carthage.
I sent a new army of 4 horse archers to japan, plus one horseman and a general. They captured kyoto with 1 horse archer loss.
My primary army split a few units off to grab venice, the rest went after rome from all sides. He had great wall so i captured all his in between cities and spammed citadels a lot to get to his capital. His capital only took 2 turns with all the logistics range promoted horsies. He did pick of 2 or 3 of my highly promoted horse archers though with his legions, they are so dangerious.

- How many armies did you have, and what was their composition?
Two armies, one went west around the world, the other south and then east.

- How many cities did you have in the end and where did you settle them?
I only settles 1 city on top of gold after i captured 3 capitals already, i just needed some more supply because i was -50% production or something.

I'm pretty happy with this game!
Oh and I had 1 computer crash at the start of turn 38 or so, but played it the same.

Oh and social policies, I went honor till culture from garrison, then toward the extra xp, then finished off honor. I opened patronage and the last policy didn't matter so I just opened aesthetics.

Spoiler :
Domination victory at turn 112. I think this is my first really fast dom victory. I really let go of buildings this game. Capital went scout, monument, worker, horse archers spam. All sattelite cities built a scout for garrison culture, monument, and then also horse archers or circus/markets.

- In what order did you conquer the capitals? Who was the toughest foe?
First gengis, he was close, a threat later, so he was first target. Then 1 sattelite city of portugal and lisbon + made peace. Rio de janeiro -> carthage.
I sent a new army of 4 horse archers to japan, plus one horseman and a general. They captured kyoto with 1 horse archer loss.
My primary army split a few units off to grab venice, the rest went after rome from all sides. He had great wall so i captured all his in between cities and spammed citadels a lot to get to his capital. His capital only took 2 turns with all the logistics range promoted horsies. He did pick of 2 or 3 of my highly promoted horse archers though with his legions, they are so dangerious.

- How many armies did you have, and what was their composition?
Two armies, one went west around the world, the other south and then east.

- How many cities did you have in the end and where did you settle them?
I only settles 1 city on top of gold after i captured 3 capitals already, i just needed some more supply because i was -50% production or something.

I'm pretty happy with this game!
Oh and I had 1 computer crash at the start of turn 38 or so, but played it the same.

Oh and social policies, I went honor till culture from garrison, then toward the extra xp, then finished off honor. I opened patronage and the last policy didn't matter so I just opened aesthetics.
Nice! I assumed it would be a long game and horse archers would only get me halfway there, so I built the Great Library before my spamming my first wave of horse archers, then the National College once I hit the unit cap. (then the unit cap got annoying and I settled another city)
Domination victory at turn 113

I played one session and the final part was played very sloppily. After the game, I replayed from save 87 turn and won on turn 106. In addition, I started the game with the Great Library and NC and only then moved on to rams and horse archers. So I'm sure the game can be won in less than 100 turns. I wonder if anyone will succeed?

My first army took Rome, then Carthage, then Rio de Janeiro. The second army fought with Mongolia for a very long time, the 3rd captured Lisbon and Kyoto. Around turn 105, I captured all the capitals except Venice, after which my 1st and 2nd armies simultaneously came to Venice and captured it.

During the replay, I reinforced the 2nd army with 1 ram and two horse archers, and created the 3rd army a little later. As a result, the 2nd army took Karakorum and then Venice on the 105 turn, the 1st took Rio on 106, and the 3rd took Kyoto and Lisbon (too on 106)
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Turn 99 Domination victory.

Our settler started on a beautiful hill surrounded by horses and cows, so I settled in place. Initial build order was Scout, Monument, Worker, 4xHA, Warrior (bought), Granary.

Early ruins were helpful: t3 20 culture, t6 map, t11 Pottery, t14 Ram upgrade, t14 camp, t26 Writing, t31 60 gold

Policy-wise, I went left side of honor first. Got Military Tradition turn 31, then went right honor. In between, I took the Tradition opener to grow the borders of Attila's Court quicker. It's impressive how much difference Tradition makes! I think it cuts the culture needed for each extra tile by 50%. At least that was what it looked like.

I won the game before getting the final Honor policy. It didn't matter though. I had lots of gold anyway, from conquest and city state tributes.

Early conquest:

t51 Karakorum (4 HA and 1 Ram, wiped Mongolia out)
t64 Lisbon
t77 Kyoto (attacking both form north and south, with an additional ram that came straight from my capital)

After Kyoto, I split my army in two. The slower units (by now 2 Rams, 1 Warrior, and 2 GG) went east towards Venice and Rio, accompanied by 2 range + logistics promoted Horse Archers, and 2 pre-logistics HAs. The rest of my horses went northeast, to take Rome and then march on Venice. I teched towards Optics so they would be able to traverse the lake east of Rome. I also built two Horsemen in my capital because the army heading to Rome didn't have any melee units, only HAs and 1 GG. Afterwards, I just kept building HAs that went to Rome and/or were sent off to do "barb duty".

Attila's court on turn 99:
tsg238 capital.png

When it didn't make sense to build more units because they wouldn't reach the front lines in time, I built Statue of Zeus just for fun. I completed it in t98, but I don't think it made any difference for my win time.

Path to glory:

t88 Rome
t91 Carthage
t98 Rio de Janeiro (2 range+logistics promoted HAs reduced the city's defenses to zero, shooting over the lake,. Then my Warrior marched in because he got there 1 turn faster than the first Battering Ram)
t99 Venice

tsg238 t99.png
tsg238 Rio.png
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@sebtanic you could even have used the Opening Actions thread for this report :) I wondered whether anyone would manage sub T100 and you did, well done! I should still finish my own game. Already at T100, but still three capitals to go (and I did build all the stuff I threatened to in the Announcement, even if I did not rush the infrastructure this time).
Domination victory turn 111. As hinted at in my earlier post, I did build a number things that were perhaps not strictly necessary for domination, as seen by this screenshot of my capital turn 100 (and yes, I was getting lazy with my tile assignments):
In addition to some of the unnecessary buildings, I also built a settler and a caravan. I'm not sure the latter two were a waste, though. Even late in the end game, I was running over the unit cap, so having the extra city is certainly useful in case you don't want your production to tank.

I started the game in a pretty standard fashion: scout - scout and then worker to get those pastures online. Btw, I had moved one turn to settle on the spices because I noticed two more pastures north-east, although perhaps in a real speed run, the loss of the hill, the extra turn, and the loss of the chop are not worth the extra pastures much later.

My ruins were T2 pop, T8 culture, T14 65g, T16 archery, T19 barb camps, T24 culture. Sadly, no battering ram upgrade. I did get one unit upgrade, which I forgot to denote the turn of, but it was on a scout. I went tradition instead of honor, since I still wanted the happiness, the border growth, and the capital growth. Although the honor bonuses are not terrible, I don't find them that handy for the Huns. The early General can be very strong to general into a neighbor's capital, but with battering rams that's not necessary. Also, the production boost for melee units is less useful since I mostly want horse archers. Similarly, the 10% combat bonus for melee units that have an adjacent unit can be strong, but is not applicable to horse archers, and not really needed for the rams. If instead we would play this map as Rome and would want to go legions, then I might be tempted to go honor first (or at least more). The faster XP is good though, and I had also forgotten about Statue of Zeus, which I quite like for early war.

The conquests in this game went quite smoothly, and I did not meet much resistance, even for the >T100 capitals. First was Kyoto T43, then Lisbon T59 (a bit delayed since I had to wait for a peace treaty to end), followed by Karakoroum T77. This original army then went further west for Venice, Rio, and finally Carthage. A new army then went east to take Rome. Rome had built the great wall, but fortunately he had only one legion. It was at this point that my building of useless building really showed: if I had not built a library, a shrine, a watermill and Hanging Gardens, the 'Roman army' would have been built earlier, and could have marched on Carthage (instead of the original army walking the map). That might have put me much closer to a T100 victory.

Some other notable things about this game: I was quite happy with the tributes I managed to get from city states, as well as gold from peace deals with the AI (early on, before they lose their capital, when they still have gold to give). One challenge were the barbarians. Since I had not opened honor until around T100 (ok, maybe I should have gone straight honor after all :) ), I did not see any of the camps that were spawning all around my disjointed collection of cities, so I had plenty of horsemen raiding my lands, pillaging my luxuries and stealing my workers. I did get them under control eventually, but it took away some army capacity from going on conquests.
@sebtanic you could even have used the Opening Actions thread for this report :)
Hahhaa, I totally should have! Maybe I'll copy-paste it ;)

Just realized, from my own screenshot, that I forgot to improve the cows tile. 2 Hammers lost... oh well, it's in the 3rd ring so probably didn't make that much of a difference.

I'm kind of curious how fast one can win by just building a monument and no other builings at all... let's see what the pro players here are able to pull off!
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Hahhaa, I totally should have! Maybe I'll copy-paste it ;)

Just realized, from my own screenshot, that I forgot to improve the cows tile. 2 Hammers lost... oh well, it's in the 3rd ring so probably didn't make that much of a difference.

I'm kind of curious how fast one can win by just building a monument and no other builings at all... let's see what the pro players here are able to pull off!

If you pop a culture ruin while you're building your scouts, you don't need a monument in your capital; open Tradition (just the opener) before you start on Honor. It'll save you a few early hammers and 1 GPT at a time those are precious, and it really won't delay your first few policies in Honor all that much. It will delay your last policy or two. Any expands or annexed cities will need a monument. I'm wondering how important a shrine is; either God-King or Open Sky could quickly repay the investment. And a market is probably important although you can delay that one for a while.

I just played this again and got my time down to 155 turns. That's probably the best I can do. It was an exciting game. I did not get my warrior upgraded to a ram this time so it was a slower start; I couldn't tribute for a while and couldn't immediately snipe Kyoto or Lisbon. But once I got a couple of horse archers (which I beelined) I started the ball rolling and the first 2 fell quickly. Then as soon as I conquered Japan and Portugal, *all* the other AIs declared war. Rome immediately attacked me with a swarm of units so they were probably the instigator. Mongolia did too but not immediately. I killed all the Romans, chasing down the ones who retreated and killed them too. then conquered Mongolia, liberating the CSs he'd captured. Then Brazil (I left Pedro alive with one city) and Venice, meanwhile I built another army to take care of Rome, and they both converged on Carthage. The barbarians were more of a problem than the AIs. The biggest problem was gold, but I got enough from capturing cities to stay afloat.
Seems I had a similar game to many. Took the Mongols out first, then South and East before taking on Rome after they'd built the Great Wall, winning on T154. I didn't found any cities after the capital.

Brazil was in a tricky position with lots of hills, but i had a couple of ranged+logistics units that could attack over the water.

Built one ram, that almost always arrived too late to get in on the action.

Was a fun game, with an amazing start for the Hun. I may replay it more peacefully.

Domination victory turn 81

My plan was to build early warriors and hope for 2 warrior to ram upgrades, and that plan worked out. I went liberty for the early worker and production from the pastures nearby, and used the two rams to get several tributes to buy horse archers.

I was slowed down when an early attempt at Carthage without optics failed and I lost a ram and some other units which slowed things down.

The capitals went Lisbon (20), Rome (35), Kyoto (47), Karakorum (61), Venice and Carthage (75) and Rio (81).

Domination victory turn 81

My plan was to build early warriors and hope for 2 warrior to ram upgrades, and that plan worked out. I went liberty for the early worker and production from the pastures nearby, and used the two rams to get several tributes to buy horse archers.

I was slowed down when an early attempt at Carthage without optics failed and I lost a ram and some other units which slowed things down.

The capitals went Lisbon (20), Rome (35), Kyoto (47), Karakorum (61), Venice and Carthage (75) and Rio (81).

[snipped the screenshots]
That's awesome. I never even considered Liberty since I didn't intend to settle any additional cities nor build roads connected everything.
Domination Victory T 96

Like the kid in the candy store… I knew I shouldn’t have had that third city.. but I hoped to remedy the situation faster than I did, and I was kinda curious how it would play out.

Having 2 rams and a scout so early was quite something, city captures were ludicrously easy, but they are essentially non combat troops outside of city take downs. I took 3 cities, crashed my economy, and built an army out of my capital with -75% food and minus production . And I couldn’t take on barbs for my usual culture gains. I built zero infrastructure, not even monuments in the end, only 1 worker, then troops and 1 work boat (bought another work boat).

However, at this difficulty level with the Huns, domination is still remarkably easy, even with no economy and no tech. Its a decent way to learn the game as it is so forgiving, those rams are broken. No military strategy needed, no unit upgrades needed, but a few AI game plays are worth knowing. I believe all players, of any experience could manage this domination victory with the start I had, playing well or badly.

I was unhappy for more than half the game, had terrible production penalties and still won easily. I didnt lose a unit!

I had no scouts to sacrifice during city take downs in this game, but it didn’t matter if I was careful to keep spears away from the HAs. AI units prefer to capture workers than attack my troops. I played the game blind too, attacking into FOW, first time I have done that, my usual 2 scout opener reveals most of the map, even if they should really be looking to steal workers.

My opening turns are in the opening play thread. After turn 50 I went for Rome, whilst building the second army. I decided to take the Romans out completely (one more city to raze, partly for the xp) and take on the CS quest for the ally, that cost me 7 turns, and probably wasn't worth the effort for a pantheon. It was too late to matter, so I looked at the culture for pastures pantheon but went for the lazy option of God King. It was irrelevant.

After Rome rather than Carthage I went East and took Venice. Venice was a joke, I just walked in. It was just on a whim I went to Venice, Carthage would have been much harder to take from the north, as I discovered later.

The second army, built in the capital, took out Genghis and then army marched to Rio.

From Venice the troops went south to join forces with the other army against Rio.

I decided to throw everything at Rio, expecting some losses, and had none. Never underestimate the stupidity of the AI in city defence. :lol: I lost a worker I had out for bait, but it took 2 turns with one ram and HAs, the other 2 rams waiting behind in case they were needed. I managed a couple of decent HA promotions, one with range and another with logistics. They will be handy for Carthage. Not taking the first 2 cities with HAs is starting to show now, I would have expected all to be at logistics and most at range for an easy final city take down. As it was I think I had 1 ranged unit? And a couple with logistics.

The Brazilians wouldn't surrender so I took Sao Paulo and then, finally Dido. One of her satellite cities and then the win on T96.

So a win under 100 turns with no economy, no happiness. no tech, no infrastructure, no grand military strategy. Anyone with a basic game understanding can manage this. It's a different story at higher difficulty levels of course.

I might replay this, I think a really early win is possible from my start position, certainly before turn 80. Instead of capturing 2 cities early, take one, or none, until the luxuries have been built by the AI.

During this time build HA. With 2 HA and a ram, there is an easy early city capture, so the 2 initial rams will explore, settle close to a city to await 2 HAs. Then take it, if I can handle the happiness easily.

With the economy in good shape that starting location is epic. I would make use of that to build more troops, faster, and have the army on 2 or 3 or more fronts.

I will only take cities when I have HAs, purely for the xp. the rams will make the capture. It’s just as easy to take early cities with 2HA and a ram as it is with 2 rams and a scout.

I should have built up at the start. Then while my army was away I would have had the infrastructure and the economy to construct other large armies. I would have won the game much faster, maybe 20 turns sooner or more. Maybe. It took me a week and more to play this, not through difficulty, but for real life time to manage it.


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I am playing this game again, properly. I am almost 50 turns in, no unhappiness. Took Kyoto, captured a worker. Around T20? Took Genghis T45. Still in positive happiness.

I opened warrior x2 and scout again, but didnt copy the first game exactly. This time the ruins gave me pop x 2, culture x 2, 2 rams. rest were maps, barb camps, no tech. Still, it gave my capital a huge boost.

I managed 3 worker steals, Rome and CS x 2. Attila's court is rocking and spitting out horse archers. I have another +8 happiness in 2 turns (chocolate to go with my cinnamon) and marble. There is a potential +8 happiness in Karakorum.

I will build another 2 HA in Kyoto to take Lisbon, with the ram. I hope she has her sea luxuries connected (a cheat, I know, knowledge from previous game).

Rome wants to give me a city for peace, I will consider.

A potential CS quest from Zurich will give me an ally and +10 happiness. And its on the way to Venice across the ice, so I will likely do this while my ram trundles to catch up. But its also in worker stealing range, I am tempted.. maybe i will look to Hong Kong for a worker steal.

I am building a large second army in my capital for Rome and to back up the Lisbon - Rio - Carthage front.

so far so good. Still no infrastructure builds. Karakorum might get a granary, after a worker.

I just noticed, maybe should be in the funny screen shots. In the map, above, Inside Atilla's Court sits a general. His image also makes up the city boundary. He is is showing his gods in the skies the path to victory, The Gold mine is a crest on his helmet, the citadel the badge of his unit, and the chocolate for his mouth (what else?). To our right, his left he is showing how to conquer the world.. holding the HA between his hands and outstretched arms.

Or maybe I should get out more.... :lol:
I just noticed, maybe should be in the funny screen shots. In the map, above, Inside Atilla's Court sits a general. His image also makes up the city boundary. He is is showing his gods in the skies the path to victory, The Gold mine is a crest on his helmet, the citadel the badge of his unit, and the chocolate for his mouth (what else?). To our right, his left he is showing how to conquer the world.. holding the HA between his hands and outstretched arms.

Or maybe I should get out more.... :lol:
Not all fun things come with an extra price tag.
Second game, domination victory turn 83.

I played with zero infrastructure, the first building I produced was a circus on T83, just finished it before I took Carthage to win the game, and only built this as it was too far to the war front to build any more troops that could get there in time.

This game I kept a positive happiness almost the entire game.

After the intro (described above) I did the CS quest for Zurich, but only just scraped ally status, and Venice bought them 2 turns later, so they attacked my troops whilst passing, the ram was almost destroyed. It was at this point I realised maybe horse riding would be good to learn, using horses for city captures.

So I attacked Venice with just HAs, he just took his warriors out of the city to attack me, and they all died. Just a series of suicide dashes, then the ram was healed enough to take the city.

In Rome, a similar thing, so I took a screen shot. below


Where the Roman warrior is now, stood a spearman. I killed it and put a worker there. Next turn the warrior rushed out to capture the worker. So I killed it. The city fell 2 turns later.

I show this just to emphasize my strategy. It is weak strategy taking advantage of weak AI defending, A human player would just laugh at my attempts and defend much more easily.

After Venice I took Antium in a peace settlement and arranged a rag tag army, shown above. Rome had a ballista in place, but it was an easy capture.

Portugal was easy.

Rio was tough this game. A comp bow and the city defences could kill a HA. I lost 2 or 3 HA and a ram taking Rio, but that was the only tricky city, and I had almost my entire army there at that point. In non Atilla games I would have a scout and or a warrior for cannon fodder, but had no such luxury in this game, exchanging my early scout strategy for warriors to ram upgrades.

Carthage was easy enough to end the game on 83 turns. If i had ignored barb camps I could have finished sooner, but it was an easy, enjoyable game. I never felt in any doubt I would win this. The barbs were a constant threat in this game, most of my cities were defending themselves full time.

I had almost no trades in this game, relying on barb camps and city captures for income. Not having to pay to upgrade units is a huge benefit to Attila (assuming he can win with HAs).

I made several mistakes, eg I moved the general to build a citadel for the sugar south of Attila's Court, then forgot to send the worker.
I got lucky one time. there was CS with a barb camp but no quest. The barbs were a threat to my workers so I went after it. Just as I got there the barb captured a CS worker, so the CS set a quest. The same CS had quests to connect ivory and for the biggest number of techs.. I killed the barbs (12 x 2 ), and the camp (40) and returned the worker (45), next turn connected ivory (40) and then won the most techs (40). From 0 to 189 influence in 2 turns, and a +6 happiness hit for the rest of the game.

Once again, no great strategy on my part, no infrastructure and no unhappiness. The extra happiness allowed city growth which gave me more science and more techs. I also had a bigger army, built faster.

That's Attila. I dont think there is another early game unit as powerful as the ram. Game changing, and broken really.


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