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TSG6 After Action Report

Hope it's attached this time
I tried to attached the rename one with my name on, but it doesn't attach :(

I keep getting this....I think I didn't change anything after .Civ5save

Edit: Fixed
When you changed the file name, did you change anything after the ".", the stuff that says Civ5Save? There are only certain files you can upload and the system tells by what is after the ".".

edit - sent you a PM, Private Message. There are instructions of things to try in it.
Like most everyone else, I went diplo, mainly because I just came down off a sid level 3otM and didn't want to stress myself with this game, and it seemed like the easiest VC to shoot for.

I started off just playing randomly, and kind of lucked into getting an early NC, as well as Stonehenge, Glib (Civil Service) and Oracle (something useless). I felt like I should capitalise on this sciencey start, but I was also thinking of doing some war, so went on to research all the way down to dynamite. But gradually I cooled on the conquest idea, as a firm circle of friendship developed between me, Liz, Abe, Harun and Ram. I was also on good terms with Monty, although he wasn't strictly in the gang. This all seemed so novel for a civ game, that I didn't want to break it up. Alex and Oda were on the outside, Alex warring with Liz from time to time, and Oda falling prey to a twin-pronged attack from Monty and me, late in the game. 4 frigates, 2 rifles and 1 artillery were more than enough to take his entire industrial-era empire: I reckon attacking from the sea is much easier than by land, for several reasons. I wish I'd done a bit more of it...

I was pretty poor throughout the game (spending a lot on RAs, which I don't normally do), always making sure to sell my spare ivories. Meanwhile, Alex was buying up all the city states, so I had a bit of a panic at the end of the game. And as usual I got confused over how the UN works. I built it in one turn :eek: with an engineer, and then went around borrowing cash off everyone so I could hire enough states (I only had 3-4 allies throughout the game). Only once I had hired 6-7 more did I remember that I would have to wait 10 turns for the vote. Doh. Alex spent the next 9 turns buying them all back again, while my economy went nowhere due to my huge loan repayments, despite being in GA. So, another round of borrowing, for ever-more extortionate rates, ensued in the real turn before the vote. But in the end it was comfortably enough, and I won the vote 14-4.


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Just tried a replay of the map to see how much I could improve my 208 turn diplo victory.

The result was a diplo victory in turn 194. The biggest difference was simply that I settled the two extra cities as early as possible. And focused more on culture city states and timing the 2 free tech policy better. I signed fewer RAs, but had a lot better research (due to the early cities). I also settled in place and build a worker first and then tireme as soon as possible. This made it possible to have contact with everybody quite early.
Greece won a Diplomatic Victory on the first vote in my game. I think they had almost all the City States as allies, except for Geneva, which was captured by Aztecs, and which was an ally of Greece, but Greece didn't come to their rescue or even DOW on Monte, just let him take.

I settled in place, never got involved in any wars, and kept a relatively small military. I had 8 cities at the end.

Is there a Wooden Spoons award for Civ V yet? :mischief:
Well, I ended up going for a Space Victory and was beat out by Ramses by 1 TURN on turn 380. I knew it was going to be a close race so I sold a few of the cities that I conquered from Greece to England for enough gold to buy 3 Nuclear Power Plants in order to speed production on the last 3 pieces of my Spaceship. When the game ended I had 1 turn left on the final piece :(

I usually play on King or Lower so this was a good challenge for me and now I know I can hang with the higher difficulty levels.

I am at work atm so I cannot post my final save. I will post it when I get home this evening.
tl,dr: Lost to Alexander's diplomatic victory in the end.

I think I should have focused on a specific victory condition earlier on in the game rather than bouncing between utopia and the UN ones. I fell wayyyy behind in research when I started to funnel my cash into city states rather than sign RA's (maybe earlier exploring would have opened up more civs and helped speed up my progress rather than turtling). I felt I had too many cities to effectively get social policies but not enough to make gold to bribe city states. When Alex completed the UN I *knew* I was in trouble, I lost all my cash in a tug of war re-bribing city states each turn and was near broke when he won with 14 votes to my 4 ;P

I had fun though - discovered that the difficulty is playable if I a) stay alert b) keep on top of unhappiness and c) and guard my civilian units from barbs :p

View attachment Stil_TSG6.Civ5Save
Very topsy-turvy game, think I was doing quite well until the middle part of the game, all the civs liked me and economy, military and science all going well. I'd also taken out Alexander to the west and puppeted his little continent.

Then within the space of a dozen turns they all decided they hated me, everyone starting denouncing each other, and I was at war with three powerful enemies for a long, long part of the game. I actually considered just giving up as I couldn't see any way I could win the game, but glad I persevered just to see what happened.

Continual war meant I fell behind, but managed to survive and even started building some spaceship parts before Lizzy won with a UN vote in 1990AD. HoF score 1407, the other score 1207 (never understood what the difference is to be honest).

Will attach more detailed notes later for those that like to read em.


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This sucks. Everyone hated greece... but he had enough cash to buy a victory. 11 votes to 7. Boooo...

And I was 4 policies away from victory. Moral of the story is to puppet mercilessly. I tried a no-puppet cultrue victory and failed. 4 cities. I got all the stuff I needed, just not fast enough to beat the UN cheese. Oh well... live and learn. (PRESSED BY TIME... COULD haVE DONE BETTER OTHERWISE, i think).
That was very different from my recent games: the most cities built (five) and almost no conflict (no wars and only conflict with two barb triremes). I hadn’t planned it that way. I was planning to attack after I had iron, but I hadn’t reveled the iron in the upper northwest and didn’t think that four would be enough. I thought that I would try with rifles, but by that time the AI civs were sufficiently large and developed that it felt like a risky undertaking. And I was never attacked, so peace reigned through the millennia.

With no puppets, happiness was never a problem, but gold was. Apart from exploring, most of the game was selling resources, entering RAs, and bribing city states. My last RA was entered on turn 270. By turn 290, I was researching plastics, with penicillin, ecology, and globalization to go, I was low on gold, and, while I had eight CS allies, the remaining ones were allied with other civs. Then Civ gods then smiled on me. I was able to block all other open techs and received penicillin from the RA, I entered a golden age, a Great Scientist was born, an automated caravel met Budapest, and an AI let its alliances with two CS lapse. I researched ecology, bulbed globalization, used a GE to build the UN in one turn, and had plenty of cash to bribe enough CS for the win.

I see Dave slogged in with a drawn out 570AD win. :) Seriously, that’s impressive stuff.


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Quite a tense end game with this one.

I started badly but not expanding accross the starting island quickly enough as i couldn't decide to go for a cultural win, conquest or diplo victory. Glad I went diplo but it would have helped if I had more cities. I also wasted time at the start using moscow's good production on useless wonders. I also didn't know about RA blocking (but do now :))

In the end game I was declared on my Alex and Oda and Alex had a lot of allied CS that immediately hated me. There were just enough left for me to ally with to get the diplo win but they were gradulally getting conquered during the war. I just managed to hold on the required number but it was an exciting last 50 or so turns. :crazyeye:

Roll on the next game!


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Comfortable if unspectacular victory, with my lowest CiV score to date. After wrestling control of Japan and Greece and exploring further, I realized that a Dom victory (my initial aim) would be a very long haul, so throttled back for a Diplo win. My dismal efforts at RA slingshots, compounded by a mistimed Oxford Uni, cost me about 30 turns overall. Elizabeth, the midgame powerhouse, DOW and we had some interesting naval action before I pushed her off the ex-Greek mainland. I stayed friendly with Aztec, USA and Arabia throughout and only had minor skirmishes with Egypt. I finally got a good series of GA running as the game reached a conclusion and bought off all City-States. I built UN in St Petersburg. This game was harder than it first appeared, with a very-densely populated map and a poorly-resourced homeland. The AI seems to have improved post-patch and spread in ICS fashion all over the map, but AI combat still lacks credibility:- I took an English city defended by Mech Inf with 2 riflemen and a Cossack after naval bombardment. Destroyers with Logistics (+1 attack per turn) AND +1 range are highly effective!


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