TSG_212 After Action


Hall of Fame Staff
GOTM Staff
Oct 13, 2015
The Boonies of Central Michigan
Welcome to the TSG212 After Action Report thread. In this thread you can post the results of your game. Please state victory date and score (preferably in the post title), as recorded in the Hall of Fame, and the most important: your path to glory!
STOP - Please do not continue reading this thread until you have completed and submitted your game.
Please attach your final, first play through, .Civ5Save file, saved AFTER the victory ceremony if you were not conquered (using the "Lemme play one more turn" feature.)

You might answer some of these questions in your post:
- How useful was your UA (or your UUs)?
- Did the difficulty level affect your game decisions?
- What was your tech priority?
- If you founded a religion, what beliefs did you select?
- What Social Policies and/or Ideology Tenets did you choose?
- What did you think of the map and settings?
- Did you enjoy your game?
long time no see! I haven't played gotm for a while.

Not sure it's still popular, but I chose Sacred site strategy I used to play at lower level difficulty.


Settle right away and build a scout. Need to find NW asap.

Got pop ruin at T2 (right side of the capital), met CS - realized that someone already met it as I only got 15 gold.

So changed direction to the left (toward the sea) and went for a ruin there. And BOOM! great barrier reef???

with 1000 gold bought a settler and built 2nd city on top of gem. Bought NW tiles right away.

and first scout went northeast and west, and BOOM! king solomon mine...

Bought settler and sent it over there immediately. Settled on top of dye and bought NW tile.

Saw unguarded mongol worker and took it with my scout. Later got his settler and made peace.

on the opposite side of the map (west side) I found the last NW - that was the first found (don't know why) too and got 500 gold. Bought settler from the king solomon mine city and sent there. It also had two lux (wine and citrus), and iron too.

Rest of the game was pretty straightforward. When I bought pagoda and mosque for 5 cities, it was over. I got multiplier bonus too - 25% each for religion, open borders, and trade routes.

In retrospect, it might have been sub 100 turn victory if I didn't open liberty and went straight reformation. didn't expect to get all the NWs. With One with Nature, faith production was just overwhelming.
I did Sacred Sites too. Turn 123, conquest-aided culture victory.
-I sent the warrior south and found the GBR.
-Buy settler, switch to Pottery
-Buy 2 shrines
-Also settled King Solomon's mine
-Built two army groups and conquered Mongols and Morocco. I was influential with Venice about 5-10 turns before finishing Morocco, so I probably should have skipped the Great Library and built units earlier.
-Sub 100 sounds possible at least.


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I'm an idiot. T204 Loss due to obtaining a Dom Victory. I'm never in a position to kill everyone before winning some other kind of victory I was going for so I didn't even think about taking all the capitals would end the game lol. It was fun though.

Tiny is not as tiny as I thought, there was room for some cities. Discovered GBR x2 for 1000g. Bought a settler and founded Barcelona on the Gems to get both reefs in range; turned out to be an awesome city.

Found KSM for 500g. But figured it was too far away for a city so founded Seville on the truffles up north.

Went Tradition, should have gone Piety. Meet Venice, steal his worker.
  • T38 OWN pantheon.
  • T56. First religion, Catholicism, Tithe, Pagodas of course.
  • T100. Venice had a MoV heading for my ally Malaca (Merc, Friendly) so I DoW him again and took it.
  • T119. Capture Venice, I hate that guy. Always taking my CS.
Decided I'd do a Dom assisted CV. Captured Karakorum then liberated Sofia. Morocco had built a city in range of the other NW so I took that. Then got overzealous and took Marrakech and game over.


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I'm an idiot. T204 Loss due to obtaining a Dom Victory. I'm never in a position to kill everyone before winning some other kind of victory I was going for so I didn't even think about taking all the capitals would end the game lol. It was fun though.

LOL, literally. I have done that very thing. And it was before I knew about SS, so I was playing a conventional culture game, was waaaaaay out there in turns, and I got... well, I guess egotistical is the only word for it. "You're gonna offer me only 3 gold for those Furs, I'll show you!" Yeah, a very unnecessary dom vic.

I actually was going to play this map as a HOF SS-culture game, got 3 policies into Liberty before I thought "Hey, I have to have a reformation belief". By then it was too late for a good SS game, so I ditched the map. But I couldn't forget finding GBR/GBR, so when they asked me to post saves for GotM, I thought "I have just the map for the first one!". Dug it outta my Recycle Bin, and there ya go.
Won Culture Victory turn 191. Had to backstab Morocco as he was a culture runaway, but by then I had crossbows against his Comp Bows and Warriors so it was an easy conquest.

It's been ages since I attempted Sacred Sites, and I was a bit rusty. I found the GBR after circling around a bit with my warrior, founded Barcelona next to it but then instead of buying the NW tiles right away I think I bought a shrine. It's interesting how these early decisions compund exponentially and affect your victory date hugely.

I also didn't find the other NWs until much later in the game.

I might be tempted to replay this to test if I can get a sub-100 victory with knowledge of the map!

I gotta say I enjoyed this shorter game a lot. Long Civ games tend to draw out near the end with nothing much happening. This one was action till the end! (especially because of the culture/conquest mix)
It was a fun game. Culture victory in 456 turns. :lol: I did not settle in place; when I moved my warrior I saw coast, so I moved my settler to the coastal gold tile with a mountain. Since Madrid now did not have fresh water, I prioritized Hanging Gardens. My warrior found GBR a turn or two later (before Venice found it) so 1000 gold. I bought a settler as soon as I had 2-pop and settled on the gems and immediately bought one of the GBR tiles (when Barcelona grew, I bought the other tile) I think I also bought a shrine to make sure I got an early pantheon. Took OWN, and when I got my great prophet I marched him to Barcelona and made that my holy city. I also found King Solomon Mines first, but it was too close to a CS to try to settle it. I used that gold to buy a worker. Later I did get KSM when Mongolia captured Ragusa and Brussels. I declared war, liberated Ragusa and started hammering on Brussels, and Genghis offered me Brussels for peace. I took the deal, and annexed Brussels for my fourth city.

Things were going just fine until right after I picked my ideology (Freedom) when I realized this was supposed to be a culture victory. :blush: (I would have taken Autocracy if I had been paying attention.) Meanwhile, Morocco had eliminated Mongolia. Venice kept stealing techs from me (which annoyed the hell out of me.) Ahmad asked me to goto war with Enrico and I said gimme 10 turns to get ready. All Morocco did was capture one CS that was allied to Venice. And I eliminated Venice. There's just the two of us left. I decided to eliminate Morocco, being careful to liberate Karakorum before I captured Marrakesh. It would just take a few turns to overtake Mongolia's culture. Meanwhile I abandoned Rationalism and started taking policies in Aesthetics. It worked, but at the end, after getting the National Visitor Center, Internet, and winning the International Games, it might have been faster to just use a diplomat and trade route to overtake Morocco.

I did have to throw one World Leader vote. I had just enough votes (with Mongolia voting for me) to win, so I didn't vote 2 of my delegates. I should have liberated Karakorum on the turn after the first world leader vote.

I think I have a save from about turn 100 or so. Think I'm going to go back and play it again from that and see if I can shave off a bunch of turns using Autocracy and Aesthetics.
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It was a fun game. Culture victory in 456 turns. :lol: I did not settle in place; when I moved my warrior I saw coast, so I moved my settler to the coastal gold tile with a mountain. Since Madrid now did not have fresh water, I prioritized Hanging Gardens. My warrior found GBR a turn or two later (before Venice found it) so 1000 gold. I bought a settler as soon as I had 2-pop and settled on the gems and immediately bought one of the GBR tiles (when Barcelona grew, I bought the other tile) I think I also bought a shrine to make sure I got an early pantheon. Took OWN, and when I got my great prophet I marched him to Barcelona and made that my holy city. I also found King Solomon Mines first, but it was too close to a CS to try to settle it. I used that gold to buy a worker. Later I did get KSM when Mongolia captured Ragusa and Brussels. I declared war, liberated Ragusa and started hammering on Brussels, and Genghis offered me Brussels for peace. I took the deal, and annexed Brussels for my fourth city.

Things were going just fine until right after I picked my ideology (Freedom) when I realized this was supposed to be a culture victory. :blush: (I would have taken Autocracy if I had been paying attention.) Meanwhile, Morocco had eliminated Mongolia. Venice kept stealing techs from me (which annoyed the hell out of me.) Ahmad asked me to goto war with Enrico and I said gimme 10 turns to get ready. All Morocco did was capture one CS that was allied to Venice. And I eliminated Venice. There's just the two of us left. I decided to eliminate Morocco, being careful to liberate Karakorum before I captured Marrakesh. It would just take a few turns to overtake Mongolia's culture. Meanwhile I abandoned Rationalism and started taking policies in Aesthetics. It worked, but at the end, after getting the National Visitor Center, Internet, and winning the International Games, it might have been faster to just use a diplomat and trade route to overtake Morocco.

I did have to throw one World Leader vote. I had just enough votes (with Mongolia voting for me) to win, so I didn't vote 2 of my delegates. I should have liberated Karakorum on the turn after the first world leader vote.
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I think I have a save from about turn 100 or so. Think I'm going to go back and play it again from that and see if I can shave off a bunch of turns using Autocracy and Aesthetics.
My save was from turn 200. I've gone back and played it several different ways; the turns end up about the same no matter what ideology I pick. Order (I almost never play Order) was the fastest, but just barely. I think the winning move, if you don't do something like Sacred Sites (I didn't think SS was viable on a tiny map) is to capture Venice's capital and any other Venetian cities to the west, liberating any that you can. He will then be landlocked and cannot even get any great merchants out to cause trouble. Ignore Mongolia for the most part and eliminate Morocco.
I played it one more time. Think I'm done now ;) Tradition opener then straight Liberty, right side first because I could buy my settlers. I found all of the natural wonders first; don't know how I got to Gibraltar before Morocco or Mongolia because I was really slow getting there, so 2000 gold. (I found GBR and KSM first the first time I played, so prior knowledge of the map was not a huge factor on the replay, I pretty much explored the same as I did the first try)

I took out Venice early with composite bows, spears, and a catapult, before he had a chance to found a religion (he built Stonehenge) or start buying CS's. Used the Liberty settler to grab the dyes up north near KSM, then used a great general from the Venetian War to steal KSM and some horses. Morocco beat me to settling Gibraltar and I let him keep it; after he got over my early warmongering we were friends for most of the game which helped with open borders. I also built the musicians' guild early so I could start filling the slots in the opera houses. Autocracy ideology because I got there early by buying factories, so Futurism was a lot more effective than the first time I played it. I was planning to conquer Morocco, but that wasn't necessary, I overtook his culture easily long before the National Visitor Center or Internet. Shaved about 60 turns off my game.
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I settled in place and it didn't take me too long to discover the reefs. Somehow I managed to be first to discover all three wonders, and settled them all. This led to a bit of tension with morocco, but I fought them off pretty easily with a comp bow and a scout (who didn't do much but, he was there). A scout also let me kill Venice's first merchant, and I don't think they managed to claim a single city state. Once I'd filled out the tradition tree I remembered I was playing GotM and what the victory condition was, and so went for a late sacred sites strategy. I started planting cities, filling them with pagodas and mosques, and paying people to open their borders. I finally won a culture victory around turn 260.
This is my first time playing a Gotm and it was a fun, slow, mostly peaceful game. Culture victory in 486 turns. Settled my corner of the map, fought off a ridiculous invasion from Venise, and slowly overwhelmed everyone with more and more tourism. Morocco was the last to be overtaken.


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I was intrigued by the Sacred Sites strategy (I didn't think it would work on such a small map; not enough places to settle and too much unhappiness from cities.) It works just fine, of course, and it's really fast to play. My best time is 132 turns with 6 cities including the one by Gibraltar. (sometimes Morocco settles there before I can get to it) And I came pretty close once without Gibraltar; 140-ish turns with 5 cities. But if I'm not fast enough, I almost get influential over Morocco and he manages to pull away and it takes a really long time to overtake him. What seems to work is settle either in place or on the coastal gold. Grab GBR and KSM almost immediately with purchased settlers. Don't need shrines right away, build monuments first; wait for the Piety opener to save some hammers, then build shrines in all three cities. I take Initiation Rites and Pagodas for my religion, then Itinerant Preachers and either Monasteries or Cathedrals (Monasteries lets you buy buildings faster even though it's not as good a building, but faster is really important. Cathedrals is a way to hedge your bet because of the great work slot.) I don't take mosques because I intend to build the Great Mosque. Every time I get 680+ gold, I buy another settler.

The KSM and Gibraltar cities need walls, and you need a decent military. I always end up building lots of wonders, mainly because they have no upkeep. KSM builds the Great Library, as much as anything for the two great writing slots. (I wonder if it would be faster to build a couple of the settlers rather than wait for the gold to buy them?) Barcelona gets the National College if I ever get around to building it. At some point after Reformation, I open Liberty just to unlock the Pyramids, then go back to Piety.
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long time no see! I haven't played gotm for a while.

Not sure it's still popular, but I chose Sacred site strategy I used to play at lower level difficulty.


Settle right away and build a scout. Need to find NW asap.

Got pop ruin at T2 (right side of the capital), met CS - realized that someone already met it as I only got 15 gold.

So changed direction to the left (toward the sea) and went for a ruin there. And BOOM! great barrier reef???

with 1000 gold bought a settler and built 2nd city on top of gem. Bought NW tiles right away.

and first scout went northeast and west, and BOOM! king solomon mine...

Bought settler and sent it over there immediately. Settled on top of dye and bought NW tile.

Saw unguarded mongol worker and took it with my scout. Later got his settler and made peace.

on the opposite side of the map (west side) I found the last NW - that was the first found (don't know why) too and got 500 gold. Bought settler from the king solomon mine city and sent there. It also had two lux (wine and citrus), and iron too.

Rest of the game was pretty straightforward. When I bought pagoda and mosque for 5 cities, it was over. I got multiplier bonus too - 25% each for religion, open borders, and trade routes.

In retrospect, it might have been sub 100 turn victory if I didn't open liberty and went straight reformation. didn't expect to get all the NWs. With One with Nature, faith production was just overwhelming.
Well done. Seems so easy in your words :D
I'm an idiot. T204 Loss due to obtaining a Dom Victory. I'm never in a position to kill everyone before winning some other kind of victory I was going for so I didn't even think about taking all the capitals would end the game lol. It was fun though.

Tiny is not as tiny as I thought, there was room for some cities. Discovered GBR x2 for 1000g. Bought a settler and founded Barcelona on the Gems to get both reefs in range; turned out to be an awesome city.

Found KSM for 500g. But figured it was too far away for a city so founded Seville on the truffles up north.

Went Tradition, should have gone Piety. Meet Venice, steal his worker.
  • T38 OWN pantheon.
  • T56. First religion, Catholicism, Tithe, Pagodas of course.
  • T100. Venice had a MoV heading for my ally Malaca (Merc, Friendly) so I DoW him again and took it.
  • T119. Capture Venice, I hate that guy. Always taking my CS.
Decided I'd do a Dom assisted CV. Captured Karakorum then liberated Sofia. Morocco had built a city in range of the other NW so I took that. Then got overzealous and took Marrakech and game over.
Based on your prt screens, you have interesting layout of your screen--showing theese active trade routes etc. Where do you preset this?
I am happy for smaller map and slower pace. Such scenarios are my favorite, as you are not owerhelmed with too many cities.
I have to admit I failed to win (I even tried to replay it again as training). I build 4 cities in my corner, build only decent army and focus on culture and faith.

However, for me, cultural victory is the most difficult one. It takes me too much time. It was no big deal to get influental over MON and VEN, however, I allways struggled with Morocco.

Although my empire was strong, full of wonders, resistant to any invasions.. I will try it for the third time and maybe try it in a way to defeat Morocco with army and then get influential over rest of the world.
I am happy for smaller map and slower pace. Such scenarios are my favorite, as you are not owerhelmed with too many cities.
I have to admit I failed to win (I even tried to replay it again as training). I build 4 cities in my corner, build only decent army and focus on culture and

When are you building Musician’s Guild? How many Musician’s you get with faith? What was Morocco’s culture at the end?
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